Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 172 – Lady Liu in Love with Fluffy Fur

Chapter 172 – Lady Liu in Love with Fluffy Fur

Lady Liu was melting slowly, she was enjoying Aiko's fluffy fur.

The Beasts were on edge against the Human Cultivators, but Lady Liu could not care less.

She loved the Lion's mane, but knew it would be impossible to pet it, and most other Beasts had... fur of questionable fluffiness.

But now that she had obtained fluffy and perfect fur to pet, she couldn't care less about the outcome.

She, as a Mortal, was powerless when it came to Cultivation stuff. She could only watch from the sidelines, so there was no need to stress over what they were talking about.

All the old fogeys talked about the Stampede and tried to push more of the responsibilities on Beasts, but after the incident, every push risked loosing what little ground they held.

It also didn't help that the Lion with the snake tail called his Master with a talisman.

"What is it, disciple?" An old voice drifted from the talisman.

"Master, we have a problem." The Lion with the snake tail said and explained the situation.

His master was silent after listening, but the Lion with a snake tail shivered. He knew his Master's temper. His master was a Blazing Bull, which meant that his already bad temper got even worse...

"Fucking bastards think that it's so easy to enslave us?!" He immediately flew into a rage. "Fuck them! Return back, we will deal with this Stampede by ourselves. Those Human fucks can die for all I care!" He raged on and on how insatiably greedy the Humans were and even when the talisman burned completely and they couldn't hear his Master's voice, deep down they knew that he was still ranting on.

The Human Cultivators sweated badly, since the talisman leaked some of his Master's pressure. The Inscription Saint's group was safe since the Saint shielded them with powerful Runes, but other Human Cultivators and Beasts had to fend for themselves. They had to bear the whole brunt of the pressure. Some coughed up blood, while others even fainted.

The Human Cultivators didn't have any silly ideas about enslaving the fainted Beasts, since doing so would enrage the Heavenly Beast Sect, which they couldn't afford, since the Heavenly Beast Sect was already angered by that Berserker Powder…

Aiko was sleeping undisturbed by this entire thing. She was still dealing with the poison and since she got double dosed, she felt really sleepy.

Fortunately, this poison wouldn't end up like the previous one and would disperse over time, otherwise Aiko would absolutely get an earful from Mei again...

Inscription Saint had been frowning this whole time, not because he was concerned about the Stampede or because that Lion's Master leaked his might, but because Lady Liu completely ignored him, like he was invisible.

He was even considering turning himself into a fluffy pet so that Lady Liu would notice him...

Unfortunately, there were no known ways to turn yourself into a fluffy Beast, you could turn yourself into an Abomination, but not into a cute and fluffy Beast...

This was incredibly disheartening for him, but he had to bear with it. Aiko would return to her Human form eventually, so he just had to bear with it...

In his mind, he grabbed Aiko and threw her out of the window. She flew far away into the distance until she completely disappeared. Lady Liu's attention was now completely on him and he could happily progress with his romance plan...

How unfortunate that in reality he would get badly scolded by Lady Liu if he did something like that. He had to chant his Mental scripture to calm himself down, but he had to agree that it was a wonderful feeling when he imagined Aiko flying out of the window...


The council progressed... a lot more smoothly.

After the Demonstration of the Lion's Master's might, they feared the retaliation of the Heavenly Beast Sect after experiencing that unfathomable pressure.

At the end of the council, the Human Cultivators agreed to take the brunt of the Stampede and the Beasts would guide the Stampede towards the Human Cultivators. Later they would help with the fight, but they would do nothing that would put them in direct danger, unlike the Human Cultivators who were facing the brunt of the force.

The Lion yawned. This talk took all night, but fortunately no longer than that, thanks to his Master's fury.

Unfortunately for him, now when he returns, he will have to face his Master's rant about Human Cultivators and what kind of scum they are.

He experienced this almost every month. His Master would go on a rant about how spiteful and scummy those fucks were. He understood that his Master was betrayed by his Dao Companion, but he had to suffer each month for 3 days, listening to his Master! That was just unfair!

The Lion sighed and the Human Cultivators flinched.

"Since everything is solved now, let's return to our Palaces and do one final meeting during the day..." He glanced at the Emperor, and the Emperor could only swallow and nod obediently.

The Emperor took his time getting the best and prettiest dancers he could get, so he could sway this council, but he didn't expect that that little Fox would cause such a mess that would later devolve into this unfortunate situation.

He would still use the dancers later, since he didn't want to waste them, but since it would be during the day, they wouldn't be able to dress... as provocatively as he intended.

The Emperor sighed, his plans were ruined by a Fox that should've supported his 'motion'. He couldn't understand it...

Weren't all Foxes lustful whores that 'hunted' Humans for 'that' kind of thing?

He shook his head, he would have to reconsider his decision and note down that the Foxes had changed...

Not only were they a lot more powerful, but they also cared less about their lust towards Humans.

He was completely unaware that this was just his misunderstanding, which benefited the Foxes a lot later on...


Lady Liu was a bit sleepy, but she didn't want to separate from that fluffy, adorable and silky-smooth little Aiko.

She carried Aiko back, to the dismay of Chen Shi. He really wanted to separate them, but seeing Lady Liu smile so happily even when she was so tired... he didn't have the heart to make her sad.

He would just take a cold shower later to cool his burning desire to throw Aiko out of the window.

Lady Liu could see him briefly glaring at Aiko, so she slapped his shoulder.

"Don't be like that, we both know that she is lovely." She pouted, she didn't believe that he didn't like Aiko at all... but when she thought about it again, yeah, Aiko was a bit too destructive and mischievous.

Fortunately, Aiko was not like that to her, so she got to enjoy normal and blissful petting with nice company.

She arrived in front of her room. It smelled kind of like freshly cut grass with flowers.

She opened the paper doors that were commonly used. They were somewhat cheap, but their main selling point was that they were light, which was perfect for someone like Lady Liu, who was of an older age.

Her room was mostly made out of wood, with a few Light crystals embedded into the walls for light. The floor was made out of wood, but the floor of her bed chambers was mostly covered by fluffy fur.

Her bed was a standard bed, with a lot of decoration and bug screens. She had two large pillows, but a very thin blanket.

She placed Aiko on the bed and went to her small table to remove all the fancy accessories she had on her body. Those weighed quite a bit, but since this was part of the etiquette, it couldn't be taken off sooner...

In front of her was not a bronze mirror which was usually used, but a normal glass one. It was likewise lavishly decorated with gold and gems.

She didn't care about them, she even disliked them. Those gems would reflect the light which would make it difficult to see or apply makeup, this would make things more troublesome for the owner.

That is also one of the reasons Lady Liu disliked overly lavish things, since they would become impractical to use and burden her even more.

She removed the outer layer of clothing, leaving her with only the inner garments.

It still sort of acted like a pseudo-dress, but they were still treated as undergarments, which meant that wearing this outside was a big no-no.

This pseudo-dress could also be used as sleepwear and since Lady Liu was old, she used it like that, instead of changing into something more comfortable wear for bed.

She moved to the bed and noticed the little Aiko.

She was pretty much plastered, stretched out on the soft bed. She was moving a bit, like she couldn't sleep.

Lady Liu lay down on the bed. This bed was less comfortable than what she was used to and she even felt old sleeping on this bed.

This was a strange and unfamiliar feeling.

She was unaware of the fact that Chen Shi concealed that the frame of her bed was always made out of the priceless warm Jade, with a mattress made out of special tree sap and blankets out of rare spider silk..

All in all, she always slept in a priceless bed from the rarest and most beneficial materials!

She hugged Aiko gently and Aiko yawned, stretching more. She didn't like to be hugged while sleeping, but Lady Liu's merciless embrace didn't allow her to move and she had to be sandwiched like that for the rest of the night...


The next morning Aiko woke up, she felt exhausted as she didn't get much sleep since both Lady Liu and that strange poison kept her awake.

She was plastered on the bed as Lady Liu was using her brush to straighten her own hair.

Lady Liu glanced towards Aiko here and there, checking if she hadn't sneaked away.

She was happy that Aiko didn't try to run away, she had plenty of time to enjoy that fur some more~.

*Knock Knock*

Lady Liu gazed at her front door.

"Who is it?" She brushed her hair and asked the person.

"It's me." The Inscription Saint said slowly, he was slightly upset that he couldn't see Lady Liu during the morning and he now really wished that he hadn't dragged Aiko to Liu Zhi back when they were at that Capital!

This was his greatest mistake that he will regret till the rest of his life!

What is even worse, he is unable to do anything to Aiko, since if Lady Liu found out, she would never forgive him!

'What a sad life.' He sobbed inside his head, he now really wished he was a fluffy animal so that he could gaze at Lady Liu all day and protect her from any danger...

"Please wait." Lady Liu said softly, she went to put on a dress so that he could enter. She was a bit lax with etiquette when it came to Chen Shi. She was supposed to finish her hair, put on accessories and ornaments, and only then allow Chen Shi inside, but that would take hours! It was better to let him in now, otherwise he might sulk!

"Come in." She invited him inside and could see that the first thing he did was to look around.

Once he spotted Aiko he briefly glared at her and one vein almost popped on his forehead when Aiko snorted at him and ignored him.

This brat had Lady Liu just for herself and he was oh so jealous of that fact!

He looked towards the window and for a moment one intrusive thought overtook his reason, but unfortunately, he was quick to suppress it and nothing happened.

No Fox was defenestrated that day...

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