Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Chapter 104: Anything to Report?

Chapter 104: Anything to Report?

"I'd like to exchange these into food products, please." a survivor, likely from the group of non-specialist clone shelters, said as he dropped a pouch of jewelry on the table.

"Sure. The other survivor positioned on the other side of the table replied and placed the pouch in a material detector. A quick and detailed report on the number of precious metals soon came into the electronic tablet's screen.

"Based on the number written here, what you've brought to us worth five packets of instant noodles. Are you satisfy with the offer?" the survivor working as a receptionist followed what she was taught and read them out to the survivor standing before her.

"Deal. Give me that five packets of instant noodles. Do you people still sell the battery?" the survivor asked. It seems that the prototype of the battery Zhang Qin Feng asked Valerian to design was in production already.

But right now, the application can be said to be severely limited.

The newly designed battery had fewer charges than expected. At the most, it can only be used for two to three hours before a replacement is needed.

Honestly, there is more room for improvement for Valerian's battery. If it was to compare with what Zhang Qin Feng had back in the modern world, what she created would be labeled as a heavy-duty product at most.

"Yes. We still have some of the batteries in stock. How many would you like to have?" the receptionist asked.

"Two batteries, please." the survivor said.

"That will be four shards in total. These are the five packets of instant noodles you've exchanged with us. Please come back if you need anything else."

"Next, please!" the receptionist raised her hand as her table is now available for the next survivor to exchange their goods.

The improvement on the base shocked Zhang Qin Feng. It seems that giving the Reprinter Unit to Marvin was a good choice as he managed to turn the residential area here into a proper base.

Although the protective measure was still shabby from the outside, it was defended quite tightly. There are at least ten new people in the base, including the survivor receptionist working in the shop. That was where Satella used to hide before this.

"Stop there. Do you have a business with the Wind Base?" a survivor, likely from the cloning facility similar to where Satella came from, blocked Zhang Qin Feng from going inside.

"Yes, I have something to do with Satella. Is she inside?" Zhang Qin Feng smiled and replied to the guard.

"I'm sorry, but you have no right to know my leader's whereabouts. If you're here to trade, bring them out for inspection. Or else, please forgive me for not allowing you to come in." said the guard.

"No problem. Here, what do you think about these?" Zhang Qin Feng opened his bag to reveal the collection of bread and packet foods inside.

"This…" the guard was puzzled. He has seen many people bringing over jewelry, bullets, seeds, and electronics, but not food.

"Hey, what are you doing over there?" suddenly, a familiar voice came to where Zhang Qin Feng and the guard were talking. When Zhang Qin Feng turned his head to see who that was, it turned out to be Victor.

"Section Head Victor." the guard gives Victor a salute with his back straightened.

"How dare you stop the boss from coming into his own base. Do you want to get kicked out from the base?" Victor said. He was speaking in a joking tone, of course. But what he had no idea is it seems the guard was taking his words seriously.

"You-You're the boss?" the guard takes a better look at Zhang Qin Feng's appearance and notice that he does look different from the other survivors. Even his dress code was different from the survivors.

"I'm - I'm sorry, boss!" the guard stands straight beside Zhang Qin Feng as he awaits his punishment. All he could hope right now was Zhang Qin Feng is being lenient and decided not to kick him out of the Wind Base.

"It's alright. Keep the bread and share it with your colleagues. Keep up that good work." Zhang Qin Feng slapped his arm and left the backpack in the guard's hand.

He walked past the entrance and headed straight to the building where the penthouse was located. It seems that from the five apartment buildings around them, only this one has its penthouse still well protected.

All the others were either went aflame when the outbreak happened.

"Vice Boss should be on her way back soon. If she caught the guard not allowing you to get inside the base, I'm sure she's going to get crazy and give that poor guard a beating." Victor chuckled as they walked upstairs.

"What happened after so many days I'm not around? There seems to be quite a big change here." Zhang Qin Feng chatted casually with Victor as they continued.

"Well, for starters, it's the incident with Turbine City. Does the boss remember the Business Zone where the scavengers gathered? It was taken over by the zombies a day after the boss left the base."

It ended up as big trouble. Right now, we can be said to be isolated in the middle of the zombie infestation. This made many survivors from here and there coming over here to request shelter."

"Since we require more people, the Vice-Boss accepted them and provided them with job, food, and shelter. Right now, there are fourteen additional people in our base. Along with the seven of us, it's twenty-one people in total."

"We've collected quite some materials that you might need. Do you want to have a look? I'm sure Miria and Miriam are busy preparing the food right now. By the time we're done, it should be time for dinner.

"Alright. Let's go and have a look at the storage room. I'm looking forward to the surprise you got there for me." Zhang Qin Feng smiled.


"Vice-Boss!" the guard straightened his back again after seeing Satella returned with another female member by her side. From the size of their backpack, it seems they found quite some valuable things from their trip.

"Anything to report?"

"Huh? Why are they distributing the bread today?" Satella noticed the two packets of Sausage Rolls on the table. It was a surprise because she remembered that today was the day for instant noodles.

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