Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: Are Your Candidates So Undisciplined?!

Yet, as they turned and scanned each other for injuries, the human was dejected.

“You’re the most talented human I’ve fought,” the dragon girl commented. “Be proud of that. But unless you can injury me, we’ll just be chasing each other until you inevitably get hurt.”

“That may be true... but only if I can’t injure you,” retorted the human girl, not hesitating in the slightest.

With the quick conversation over, they clashed yet again. And the human still failed to leave a scratch on the dragon’s defenses. This happened once more. But then the dragon girl sighed and shook her head.

“If you’ve got some special trick, use it already. Otherwise, I’ll end this now.”

The human said nothing in response. Instead, she charged, but with far greater speed than ever before. Even the dragon was startled to see the human zip past and slash at her scales again.

“Hmmm... I almost had it,” chuckled the human girl.


Now the dragon girl nodded. “True, you were closer. But I don’t want to waste any more time...”

With a sudden flap of her wings, the dragon also charged with greater speed than before. She spat out a fireball and flew straight through it with impunity. But instead of passing by or getting blown out, the flames clung to the dragon’s scales. Then, the dragon girl slightly tucked in her wings, entering a death roll. The flaming dragon drilled through the air, aimed directly at her opponent.

The human evaded and readied to charge again. However, the dragon quickly adjusted and followed after the human girl.

It became a game of tag. One would evade and throw a slash to counter, the other would charge in without a worry for defense. Each of them was gradually gaining speed and momentum until an imminent clash occurred.


“It’s over!” Slazza appeared between the two contestants, shouting, “Razor Prefecture wins!”

The crowd was screaming wildly but suddenly got irritated at what they felt was an early call by the ref.

The human girl sighed, staring at her broken sword and the cuts across her body, “... It’s over.”

“Hey, you did amazingly for a human,” commented the dragon girl, dispersing the earth and fire essence surrounding her. “Here. Take a look.”

Blinking, the human woman looked around the dragon’s neck and upper torso. She then smiled and felt a little better.

“You were able to cut through my essence armor and damage my scales. With a little more strength or a more forceful battle art, you could’ve drawn blood,” stated the dragon girl. “It’s rare that I have to actually chase down my opponent, and that they last so long. I’m sure you’ll do well in the tournament.”

“... Thank you. I’m sure you’ll do amazingly!”

The two girls bowed their heads to each other and accepted healing salves.

Lifting an eyebrow in disbelief, Peimar asked, “Warak, is that really your granddaughter?”

“Of course she is!”

“Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. To think that the most arrogant dragon I know has such a soft-hearted granddaughter... It feels like a bad joke waiting to correct itself,” chuckled Peimar.

“Coming from the cockiest of all birds, I’m not sure how to take that,” Warak replied, laughing only for the sake of manners.

“Contestants numbered two, please come forward!” Slazza didn’t slow the exhibition in the slightest.

From Razor’s seating area, a large, black dog got up. The beast didn’t even glance at their opponent, not bothering to face them until they were in the arena.

Near Netra, the large grey fox stood up. “I’ll be right back. Mind keeping my seat warm?”

“... Don’t lose too badly.”

“Huh? I won’t lose!” boasted the grey fox, smiling back at Netra but also irritated. “If you’re so sure, then bet on it. After I come back, victorious, you’re spending a night with me.”

“Then, when you come back a loser, you’ll never utter a word to me or stare in my direction again, or I’ll be permitted to kill you on the spot,” replied Netra, offering him a single glare filled with bloodlust.

“Fine, but then you’re not just spending the night with me, you’ll have to spend the night in my bed,” the grey fox retorted with a sly grin.

“Or I can kill you now and save that dog the time... Now go. The more I speak to you, the more I want you dead.”

Irked and unmoving, the grey fox shouted, “Hey, I-”

“Nova Prefecture! Are you candidates so undisciplined?!” Slazza’s shout echoed through the colosseum shutting up the grey fox.

The fox turned and rushed down the stairs, but it was impossible to avoid Isaac’s yell, “If you dare act out or show disrespect to God Toseko and this event, you’ll not only forfeit your spot as a candidate, you’ll forfeit your life!”

“Y-yes, Lord Draco!” the fox howled while rushing into the arena.

Finally, the combatants were face to face and ready to begin. They were about the same size and both canines of some sort. Already, the crowd felt that the fight would be interesting. After all, the most enjoyable fights to watch were when an underdog catches a powerful foe off guard and when the outcome is difficult to predict because of equally capable combatants.

Slazza announced, “A Demon Dingo versus a Storm Fox! Are you two ready? ... FIGHT!”

Lightning crackled as the fox made the first move. He dashed straight into the dingo, fangs first.

Growling, the dingo lunged forward with a claw aimed for the fox’s head.

Crackle, zap!

The dingo’s paw was suddenly lodged inside the fox’s electrocuting maw. Blood was spilled out and lightning was beginning to fry the dingo’s fur. Yet the dingo didn’t fight back or try to remove his injured paw.

It was a few seconds later that the dingo swung with another claw, forcing the fox to let go and take a step back.

“Ha! Fool...” scoffed the Storm Fox. “Try and keep up with an injured foot!”

The Storm Fox zipped around the dingo, playing with the feral dog.

Cough! Cough, cough!

Suddenly, the fox slowed, struggling to breathe. Then, while the Demon Dingo nonchalantly walked up to the fox, the fox coughed up blood.

“It’s over! Razor Prefecture wins!”

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