Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: The Deciding Match

Cough! “... Wh-what... happened...” the fox sputtered, dropping to his knees in pain.

Slazza sighed and held out a glass vial. “It’s your first time facing death essence, I take it?”

“... That was...” The fox grabbed the vial with his tail and drank the liquid, immediately feeling a wave of relief gradually overtake him. “Huh...”

“Get going. I need to start the next match.” Slazza shooed the fox away, pointing at the Demon Dingo that was already on the stairs.

The fox nodded like a lunatic and hurried to his old seat. As he passed Netra, he opened his mouth out of reflex.

“Not a word. That was the deal. And this is your one warning,” Netra offered a single reminder, cutting the fox off before he could make yet another grave mistake. “I’d recommend sitting farther away if you’ve got such terrible self-control. Just something to consider...”

“Now, the record is Razor Prefecture with two wins and Nova Prefecture with zero wins! This match might decide the duel, but only if Nova can’t win here!” Slazza reminded the crowd. “Now, contestants numbered three, step down!”


Warak and Isaac kept a close eye on the seats below, curious what pairing would be next.

“Oh, it’s him,” commented Warak. “If only I’d gotten Isla’s technique sooner, then this would’ve been a guaranteed victory.”

“Either way, this should be a good fight,” Isaac added, surprising the other lords.

“A Molten Salamander stands for Razor Prefecture versus a Black Badger from Nova Prefecture! Are you two ready? ... FIGHT!”

The calm, cool lizard’s black, crusty skin suddenly ignited, letting loose jets of flames along its back. A plume of fire was spat at the badger without delay.

The badger put on a cocky grin and barreled toward the salamander. It didn’t have many long-range tactics, so it chose to charge in right away. The badger ignored the flames as it dashed into the slower salamander, clamping its jaws around the flaming amphibian’s neck.

More and more flame erupted from the salamander’s back. The salamander tried to focus all of its flames onto the badger in some way, whether by arching its back to better aim the loose flames or trying to spit fire onto the badger’s body.

Yet the badger refused to let go. Dark essence coated the badger’s teeth and claws while he raked into the salamander’s neck and part of the salamander’s underbelly.

They started to roll around in search of a dominant grip and position.

The salamander refused to give up, shifting its focus to gathering more earth essence armor for increased defense.

The badger never changed strategies, though. The badger took any and all abuse the salamander could dish out without batting an eye. Its thick, loose skin came in handy there, though it wasn’t able to counter the burning heat.

“It’s over!” Slazza shouted, trying to find the perfect moment to stop the match before it got out of hand. “Nova Prefecture has won, and will continue to fight for the chance of joining the second round!”

At ease, the badger let go of the salamander and started rolling around in the dirt to try and slow the burning pain all over its body.

The salamander wheezed, finally able to breathe again. It was about to pass out. The match had been called at the same moment the salamander’s flames had gone out due to suffocation, and the salamander was glad to still be awake.

Two healing salves were handed out, along with some ointment for the badger’s most severe burns.

“Well done, Isaac,” complimented Warak. “If only I’d had time to give the salamander my newly acquired technique, then perhaps you’re prefecture would’ve already faced the cruel, imminent reality.”

Taking a casual breath to hide his nerves, Isaac replied, “That all depends. Let’s find out what happens next.”

“The record is Razor Prefecture with two wins against Nova Prefecture with one win! This next match could still decide the duel!” announced Slazza. “Contestants numbered four, come down!”

Again, Warak sighed as his candidate got up. “I guess you’re luck hasn’t quite run out, Isaac.”

“There’s only one way to find out,” Isaac replied, shrugging off the comment.

As soon as the combatants were ready, Slazza announced, “We have a Cloud Crow representing Razor Prefecture, versus a human man standing for Nova Prefecture! Will this match bring Razor Prefecture into the second round? Or will Nova Prefecture make a comeback and force the final match to determine the result? Are you two ready? ... FIGHT!”

The crow took off into the air, leaving a trail of water vapor.

The human followed the crow, surrounding himself with wind. He took off while retrieving a rapier and pouring light essence over the blade.

The crow didn’t seem worried but was surprised to see the human gaining on it. So the crow changed directions and looped around, leaving even more water vapor behind.

But the human never lost track of the crow. And, soon, the man plunged his blade directly into the bird’s back.

Still unfazed, the bird barely spared the man a glance before the bird’s figure suddenly faded away into water vapor. Then, the crow began to caw, seemingly screeching from all directions where the heavy water vapor lingered in the air.

The human launched wind and light blades in response to try and scatter the vapor.

However, the water vapor began to conglomerate and gather into a cloud that covered half of the area. Those blades of wind and light had no effect. The crow continued to caw to disorient its opponent, and tracking the true crow wasn’t getting any easier.

“Considering they use water and wind, that level of stealth is admirable.”

“Thank you, Treeda. Perhaps I should hire that instructor you found,” jested Warak.

But Treeda shook her head. “I’m not sure if he can be as helpful as you’d like. His pupils either use dark, death, or illusory essence. He wouldn’t be the greatest choice to train your crow. Then again... if your candidates were as lacking as this human, then Vloz would at least teach the common sense necessary to figure out the situation. I’m sure that, right now, Isaac wishes his candidate had been given such instruction.”

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