Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 6: The Power of Zeus (1)

Lucas now stood at the edge of the goblin village, hidden behind a thick cluster of trees. The village was a chaotic sprawl of crude huts and makeshift tents, with goblins bustling about in their daily routines.

He estimated there were at least a hundred of the creatures, maybe more. Assessing the situation, he murmured to himself, "This might be a little too much to handle on my own."

The sight of so many goblins didn't deter him; instead, it fueled his determination. Realizing the need for more power, he reached into his system screen and pulled out the Zeus Mask. It was a plain white mask adorned with intricate thunder engravings that seemed to pulse with latent energy.

Taking a deep breath, Lucas put on the mask. Instantly, he felt a shift within himself. His own mana drained away, replaced by a powerful, electrifying energy that surged through his veins. He felt a strange sensation, as if his very essence was being rewritten by the mask.

Curious, Lucas glanced at a nearby puddle of water, wanting to see if there were any visible changes. What he saw made him gasp in surprise.

Staring back at him was not the familiar face of a human wearing a mask but that of a handsome man with long, flowing white hair and striking features. He looked every bit the part of a divine warrior.

Alarmed and confused, he asked the system, "What happened to me? Why do I look like this?"

[The Divine Mask inherently transforms the user's body and appearance to match its power. Do not compare this to inferior, mundane masks.]

"Sorry," Lucas muttered, feeling a bit sheepish but mostly excited. The transformation was astonishing.

This mask not only concealed his true identity but also offered new possibilities and a significant power boost. He flexed his fingers, feeling the raw power coursing through him. "Incredible... this could be a game-changer."

He took a moment to relish the newfound power coursing through his veins, savoring the energy that surged from the Zeus Mask. Refocusing on the task at hand, he peered at the bustling goblin village ahead, the creatures completely unaware of the impending assault. "Let's see what Zeus can do," he muttered to himself, a determined grin spreading across his face.

Gripping the two crude daggers he had taken from the goblins earlier, Lucas moved swiftly toward the village. He activated the most basic skill of a thunder element magic warrior: Thunder Weapons. Electricity crackled and danced along the blades, imbuing them with deadly thunder mana.

With a burst of speed, Lucas charged into the village, slashing through goblins with ease. His enhanced daggers sliced through their bodies like tofu, leaving a trail of smoking, lifeless forms in his wake. The air was filled with the acrid smell of burnt flesh and the crackle of electricity.

"What's happening?!" one goblin shrieked in their guttural language as Lucas decimated their ranks. The panic was palpable, and the goblins began to scatter, but Lucas was relentless.

The crude daggers, unable to withstand the intense power, soon crumbled in his hands. Undeterred, Lucas scooped up more crude weapons scattered around the village, continuing his deadly rampage.

A goblin, braver than the rest, lunged at him with a spear. Lucas sidestepped the attack effortlessly, spinning around to slash the goblin across the back with a new dagger. The creature fell with a gurgling cry.

"Pathetic," Lucas muttered, his voice cold and detached. He grabbed a sword from a fallen goblin and swung it experimentally, the blade now crackling with thunder mana.

As he killed more goblins, Lucas felt a thrill he hadn't experienced in a long time. The goblins fell one after another, unable to match his speed and power. He moved like a storm through their ranks, each strike more precise and deadly than the last.

"Look out!" another goblin yelled, but it was too late. Lucas had already dispatched several more of their comrades. The remaining goblins tried to flee, but Lucas pursued them relentlessly.

The feeling of power and dominance was exhilarating. With each strike, he grew more confident and determined. "This feeling of killing is really the best," Lucas thought with a smile, his eyes gleaming with fierce satisfaction. The power of Zeus was intoxicating, and he reveled in the sheer strength and speed it granted him.

He paused for a moment, surrounded by the bodies of his fallen enemies. The village, once noisy and bustling, was now eerily silent except for the crackling of residual electricity. Lucas took a deep breath, the air still charged with mana.

Meanwhile, one of the goblins who had managed to escape ran frantically to the goblin leader's house. Bursting through the door, he panted heavily, eyes wide with terror. "Chief! Chief! Emergency! A human is killing us!" he screamed, his voice trembling.

The goblin leader, a towering figure, rose from his seat. He was a hobgoblin, larger and more imposing than any of the regular goblins. His red eyes narrowed, and his lips curled into a snarl. "What did you say?" he roared, his voice deep and menacing.

"A human, Chief! He's slaughtering everyone! We need your help!" the goblin pleaded, falling to his knees, his entire body shaking.

The hobgoblin's face contorted with rage. "I'll show him not to mess with us," he growled, his eyes blazing with fury. He reached for the huge sword resting beside his chair, its blade gleaming ominously in the dim light. With a powerful grip, he lifted it, the muscles in his arms bulging.

"Stay here and don't move," he commanded the frightened goblin, his voice a low, dangerous rumble. The goblin nodded vigorously, too scared to utter a word.

As the hobgoblin stormed out of the house, his footsteps thundered across the village, each step a promise of violence. The eerie silence of the village was shattered by the sound of his heavy gait.

Meanwhile, Lucas, still in the midst of killing goblins, suddenly sensed a powerful aura approaching from the other side of the village. A smile spread across his face as he wiped the blood from his daggers. "Looks like the boss is finally here," he muttered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

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