Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 7: The Power of Zeus (2)

Lucas smiled as he looked at the approaching figure, the leader of the goblin village. Soon, a large, tall, green humanoid creature came into view, its presence commanding and menacing. Instantly, Lucas recognized the creature as a hobgoblin.

Not only was it a hobgoblin, but from the powerful aura Lucas felt emanating from it, he knew that this creature was at least a one-star warrior, and a high-ranking one at that. Despite this, Lucas's confidence did not waver; instead, it fueled his determination.

The hobgoblin glared at Lucas, its eyes burning with fury. "So you are the one who killed my people," it snarled, its voice a deep, guttural growl. "How dare you! I will make you pay with your life!"

Though the hobgoblin's words were in a language foreign to Lucas, the tone and body language made the meaning clear. Lucas could sense the raw anger and intent to kill. Instead of feeling intimidated, he felt a thrill. He smirked, raising his middle finger in a brazen gesture of defiance.

The hobgoblin's face contorted with rage. With a roar that echoed through the now-silent village, it charged at Lucas, brandishing a massive sword.

"Come on then!" Lucas taunted, his voice steady and filled with a mix of excitement and resolve.

As the hobgoblin closed in, Lucas activated his thunder speed, his movements becoming a blur. He dodged the hobgoblin's initial strike with ease, electricity crackling around him. He aimed for the creature's neck, hoping to end the battle swiftly.

But the hobgoblin was no ordinary opponent. With surprising speed and agility for its size, it brought its sword up just in time to block Lucas's attack. The clash of steel rang out, and sparks flew from the impact.

Lucas's eyes widened slightly, impressed despite himself. "Not bad," he admitted with a smirk, his tone almost respectful.

The hobgoblin growled, its eyes narrowing. "You will not find me so easy to kill, human!" it spat, its voice filled with venom.

In the next moment, the huge sword in the hobgoblin's hand began to glow with an eerie light, the air around it crackling with energy. Lucas's eyes narrowed in concern, recognizing the telltale signs of a powerful skill.

The hobgoblin's face twisted into a savage grin. "You think you can defeat me so easily, human? Witness my true power!" it bellowed, its voice reverberating with raw fury. "Power Strike!"

With a roar that seemed to shake the very ground beneath them, the hobgoblin brought its sword down with immense force. The blade descended like a lightning bolt, fast and deadly.

Lucas's heart raced. He knew he had only a split second to react. "Damn it!" he cursed under his breath, bringing up his two daggers in a desperate attempt to block the oncoming strike. The hobgoblin's skill-enhanced speed was overwhelming, leaving Lucas no time to dodge.

The clash was explosive. The thunder-imbued daggers met the glowing sword with a resounding crash, sparks flying in all directions. Lucas gritted his teeth, feeling the sheer power of the attack vibrate through his arms. His eyes locked onto the hobgoblin's, seeing the ruthless determination in its gaze.

"Is that all you've got?" the hobgoblin taunted, its voice dripping with contempt. "You'll need more than that to stop me!"

Lucas could feel the strain on his weapons. The thunder-imbued daggers, though powerful, were no match for the sheer force of the hobgoblin's Power Strike. Cracks began to form along the blades, and within moments, they shattered into pieces, the remnants falling to the ground with a dull clink.

The hobgoblin's eyes glinted with triumph as it smirked, readying itself for another strike. "You won't survive this!" it bellowed, lifting its massive sword high.

Lucas's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had only seconds to act. As the hobgoblin prepared to bring its sword down again, Lucas seized the moment, his instincts kicking in.

The hobgoblin assumed Lucas was immobilized by the earlier skill, its confidence making it careless. But Lucas was far from defeated. He moved with lightning speed, sidestepping the hobgoblin's strike and closing the distance between them in an instant.

"What?!" the hobgoblin growled, its expression turning from confidence to shock as Lucas's hand shot forward, grabbing the creature's head with a vice-like grip.

"You underestimated me," Lucas hissed, his voice low and dangerous. His eyes burned with determination as he channeled the last of his remaining mana.

A sphere of electrified energy began to form in his hand, crackling with intensity. "Thunder Ball!" Lucas shouted, the air around them vibrating with the power of the spell.

The hobgoblin's eyes widened in terror as the electrified sphere made contact. The Thunder Ball burned through its head, sending jolts of electricity through its body. The hobgoblin convulsed violently, its muscles seizing under the onslaught of energy. It tried to scream, but the sound was lost in the crackling roar of the Thunder Ball.

Lucas's face was a mask of grim determination, sweat beading on his forehead from the effort. He could feel the hobgoblin's strength waning, its resistance fading with each passing second. Finally, with one last convulsion, the hobgoblin collapsed to the ground, its body smoking and lifeless.

Breathing heavily, Lucas looked down at the fallen creature. The once-threatening hobgoblin now lay defeated at his feet, its massive form still and lifeless. Lucas allowed himself a small, satisfied smile, a mix of relief and pride in his eyes.

"That was too close," he muttered to himself, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. The air around him crackled with the residual energy of the battle, and the smell of burnt flesh lingered.

The village was eerily silent now, the goblins' chatter replaced by the faint hum of dying electricity. Lucas took a deep breath, savoring the moment. But suddenly, his instincts screamed a warning. He turned just in time to see a goblin charging at him, its eyes wild with rage and grief.

"I will kill you for my dead family!" the goblin shrieked, its voice cracking with fury. The small creature lunged at Lucas, brandishing a crude, rusted blade.

Lucas's eyes narrowed, his mind sharpening with adrenaline. Without missing a beat, he snatched a dagger from the ground, its handle cool and familiar in his grip.

With a swift, practiced motion, he hurled the dagger. The blade spun through the air, glinting briefly before it embedded itself in the goblin's forehead.

The goblin's eyes widened in shock, its momentum halting abruptly. It toppled forward, landing with a dull thud, lifeless. Lucas watched it fall, his expression unreadable.

"I guess that's your answer," Lucas muttered to himself. He didn't understand the goblin's words—their language was an unintelligible string of sounds to him—but the intent was clear enough. As he stood over the fallen goblin, he felt a mix of exhaustion and grim satisfaction.

Then a broader smile spread across his face as he realized the opportunities ahead. "This is just the beginning," he whispered, the thrill of power coursing through him. The taste of victory was sweet, but he knew he needed more to grow stronger.

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