Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 92: Qin Fan VS Fang Tairan

Chapter 92: Qin Fan VS Fang Tairan

Chapter 92: Qin Fan VS Fang Tairan

Luo Hao remained silent.

With his arms crossed and a cold expression, he stood aside, uninterested in arguing with the other two.


"Stop fighting!"

"I said, you can all come at me together!"

However, Qin Fan, standing on the stage, reiterated his challenge.

Arrogant! Truly arrogant!

His attitude of completely disregarding them made Xu Nian, Fang Tairan, and Luo Hao frown.

As provincial champions, they naturally had some pride.

Even if they lost, they wouldn't fight together with others!

Just as Luo Hao and Xu Nian frowned, Fang Tairan had already stepped forward and jumped onto the stage.


Xu Nian also wanted to get on stage, but the referee raised his hand to stop her.

"Let Fang Tairan go first..."

"But from what I can see, Qin Fan doesn't care even if all three of you come at him together."

"Do you still insist on going up?"

The referee's words rendered Xu Nian speechless.

If she were to team up with Fang Tairan, it would be a case of many against one.

Not only would it undermine her status as a provincial champion, but winning wouldn't be honorable either.


With this in mind, the beautiful and elegant half-elf girl had no choice but to give up.

As for Luo Hao...

He was even less likely to comply with Qin Fan's wishes.

Just like Xu Nian thought, teaming up against one would be dishonorable, and losing would be even more humiliating.

So, the two provincial champions decided to wait for Fang Tairan's challenge to end.

The referee on stage wasted no time, signaling the contestants to prepare.

Fang Tairan didn't say a word and directly drew the level 30 gold-quality longsword that his family had sent him yesterday.

Qinghong Sword!

That was the name of the sword.

It was a sword tailored for him by an S-level blacksmith hired by his family.

As a Spiritual Swordmaster, he had high demands for his sword.

And Qin Fan...

He still didn't let his little dragon cub show up.

If Chen Wei and Feng Yuanyuan were like ants, then Fang Tairan was at most a chicken.

Killing a chicken.

Why use a dragon knife?

Not every Tom, Dick, or Harry deserves to face my two little treasures!

Before that, let's see if they're worthy!


At this moment, Qin Fan also drew the Profound Crystal Earth Scale Sword, a reward from the system!

In the past two days, Qin Fan hadn't just been training. He took some time to visit the Enchantment Hall and the Forging Hall.

He spent over three thousand credits to re-enchant and forge this level 15 purple-quality heavy sword.

This raised the Profound Crystal Earth Scale Sword's quality from purple to gold.

It's easy to upgrade low-level equipment.

You just need an A-level enchantment material and two A-level forging materials.

The quality of a weapon depends on the enchantment and forging quality and effects.

To compensate for the delay in the promised reward, the school gave Qin Fan some enchantment and forging materials.

Initially, Qin Fan planned to sell them.

But considering the attributes of the Profound Crystal Earth Scale Sword, he decided to use them.

Qin Fan originally wanted to use the 'Tentacle Long Sword of the Queen of Horrors' for himself, but it was restricted to Swordmasters.

He had no choice but to sell it.

At this moment.

Seeing Qin Fan draw the Profound Crystal Earth Scale Sword, Fang Tairan's face turned sour, though he initially didn't want to waste words.

He felt insulted!


This guy planned to use a sword to fight him, a Spiritual Swordmaster!

This was like an amateur challenging a professional!

At this moment.

The countdown began!

When the countdown hit '0'.


An extremely pure and vibrant sword intent poured out from Fang Tairan's body, its sharp aura piercing the sky!

In the next moment.

Fang Tairan held the Qinghong Sword, pointing it at Qin Fan before thrusting it sharply!


A sonic boom resounded!

Even though he thrust into the air and not at Qin Fan.


Qin Fan, facing him, suddenly had a serious expression and dodged to the side!


The energy shield behind Qin Fan made a dull noise, and intense energy ripples appeared, indicating the power of the strike.

"This is..."

"Spiritual Sword Technique! The signature skill of a Spiritual Swordmaster!"

"Attaching the spiritual sword aura to the weapon, the aura pours out when swung, attacking others!"

"Legend has it that a level four Spiritual Swordmaster once beheaded an enemy from ten thousand miles away with one thrust!"

An audience member immediately explained.

"But I have to say... Qin Fan's reaction is impressive!"

"If it were me, I would've been hit by that thrust!"

"Indeed... That dodge was perfect, avoiding it entirely!"

Other freshmen praised Qin Fan's narrow escape.

"Hmph! Dodge? What's the use?"

"With that lousy heavy sword, you want to fight me? Ridiculous!"

Fang Tairan missed his strike, but he wasn't disheartened. Instead, he became even more disdainful of Qin Fan!

However, as soon as he finished speaking.


Qin Fan, expressionless, stepped forward, springing like a bullet!

A 'whoosh' sound of the wind followed.

Qin Fan was already close to Fang Tairan, raising his heavy sword high and slashing down!

Fang Tairan was startled by Qin Fan's terrifying speed.

But as a provincial champion and future heir of a Sword God family, he wasn't afraid of anyone's combat skills!

You want to slash me?


I'll let you slash me!


Will you dodge or not!?

The battle-crazy Fang Tairan's eyes grew wild!

He didn't intend to dodge Qin Fan's heavy sword slash but instead thrust his Qinghong Sword directly at Qin Fan's stomach!


An eye for an eye!

You slash me, and I'll stab you!

Let's see who deals more damage!


To Fang Tairan's disappointment...

In that split second, he didn't see any fear in Qin Fan's eyes, only calmness.

But the situation was unavoidable.

Let's see who gets hurt more!

His Qinghong Sword had an enchantment effect that caused a 10-second weakness in the target upon being attacked.

"We're going to exchange blows!"

The next second.

Under the eager eyes of the audience.


Qin Fan's Profound Crystal Earth Scale Sword slashed down on Fang Tairan's shoulder, the terrifying power and sharpness triggering the life-saving shield on his level 30 purple-quality armor!

Due to the shield's activation, a strong shockwave pushed Qin Fan back several steps!


Fang Tairan was dumbfounded!!

Because his Qinghong Sword, which he had thrust at Qin Fan's stomach, was reduced to just a hilt, with the rest shattered!

The fragments lay at Qin Fan's feet!


What on earth!?

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