Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 93: Great Strength Produces Miracles

Chapter 93: Great Strength Produces Miracles

Chapter 93: Great Strength Produces Miracles

The scions of noble families truly live up to their reputation.

Not only are their weapons of high quality, but their armor sets are also formidable.

This life-saving shield blocked Qin Fan's sword, which could have rendered Fang Tai'an completely incapacitated, and even produced a shockwave that pushed Qin Fan away.

No wonder Fang Tai'an dared to trade injury for injury with him!

However, Qin Fan also had the confidence to trade injury for injury!

He possessed an S-grade talent, 'Extraordinary Healing'!

This allowed any injury he sustained, including fatal ones, to heal rapidly!


Don't forget.

He also had the skill 'Chain of Life'!

Combined with Qin Fan's high defense attributes at the moment, Fang Tai'an's sword would be lucky to even scratch him!

But the unexpected happened.

Fang Tai'an's Qinghong Sword shattered.

How did it shatter?

Qin Fan pulled his collar open and looked down.


Xiao Han tilted her head, looking adorably innocent.


Next to her, the round-eyed Xiaojiu mimicked her sister, tilting her head and staring cutely at Qin Fan.



One could only say Fang Tai'an had some bad luck.

Just as his sword was about to stab Qin Fan, the two little dragon cubs in his arms sensed the incoming attack.

This was naturally a sharp sense of perception inherent to the Holy Dragon race.

Not only Fang Tai'an's hostile thrust but even the changes in expressions and emotions of everyone around were within the sensing range of these two little creatures.

Sensing the attack aimed at their master, the two little dragon cubs naturally wouldn't just do nothing.


Just before the Qinghong Sword could pierce Qin Fan's abdomen, Xiaojiu suddenly bit down on the sword tip!

And Xiao Han bit down on another part of the sword's body!

With a crunching sound, the priceless level 30 gold-grade weapon Qinghong Sword was shattered by the two little dragon cubs.

As a result, there were two neat rows of holes on Qin Fan's clothes, made by the sharp dragon teeth of the two little creatures.

Qin Fan had seen the biting force of these dragon cubs before.

After clearing the Magic Tiger Forest dungeon, Qin Fan had obtained a level 25 purple-grade battle axe.

Curious and playful, Xiaojiu had bitten a large notch into the purple-grade battle axe with a single bite.

This was when Xiaojiu wasn't even serious about biting!

To do this to a level 25 purple-grade BOSS weapon!

Now, sensing their master was about to be stabbed, their retaliatory bites were at full force!


This new weapon, which Fang Tai'an hadn't even warmed up to, was destroyed, leaving only a bare hilt.

Fang Tai'an was dumbfounded!

Seeing the hilt in his hand, he was completely dumbfounded!

Not just him, but all the spectators were also dumbfounded!


Well, well!

Both sides struck once each.

As a result, Fang Tai'an's life-saving shield was shattered, and his level 30 gold-grade longsword was reduced to a hilt.

In contrast, Qin Fan...

Aside from being pushed back a few steps by the shockwave, he was unscathed!

Fang Tai'an looked down at the bare hilt in his hand and then at his armor, which had lost its life-saving effect.

Just as he was wondering what to do next...


Qin Fan's figure appeared instantly!

"What the hell are you spacing out for?"

"Look at my sword!"

Qin Fan shouted, and his arm holding the Xuanjing Dilin Sword bulged with veins and muscles!

He wasn't a swordsman.

Nor did he understand any so-called swordsmanship.

But he knew one principle.

Great strength produces miracles!

In the face of absolute power, all techniques seemed laughable!

For example, at this moment...

Qin Fan, whose stats had broken through the three-thousand mark in an all-out burst, swung his sword without using any skills, just brute force.

Yet the sword's momentum and pressure made Fang Tai'an and all the spectators shiver!

Without his armor's life-saving shield and without the Qinghong Sword, Fang Tai'an was like a slightly stronger chick!

Just like a mage without a staff or a priest without a scepter.

Without a weapon, he couldn't use his skills.

At Fang Tai'an's current level, he couldn't condense energy into a sword like a third-turn sword saint.


"I surrender!!"

Just as Qin Fan's Xuanjing Dilin Sword was about to slash down, Fang Tai'an finally shouted these humiliating words in despair.


The Xuanjing Dilin Sword stopped just above his shoulder.

The blade was only a centimeter away from his skin.

Even so, the force of the swing ruffled Fang Tai'an's hair.

Qin Fan calmly sheathed his Xuanjing Dilin Sword and gently held down the two little dragon cubs in his arms.

Naturally, because the two little cubs wanted to playfully stick their heads out and give Fang Tai'an a taste of dragon breath.

Luckily, the dragon cubs had restrained their dragon might.


The boastful Bai Wushuang in the audience would have been shocked to see his proud little wyvern scared out of its wits.

"Since Fang Tai'an has conceded, Qin Fan wins this match!"

The referee immediately announced the result.


The freshmen in the audience looked at each other, unable to believe it.


Fang Tai'an lost just like that?

Qin Fan won too easily!

It looked like both sides exchanged blows, and then Fang Tai'an's weapon and armor were destroyed, and he surrendered.

It was like expecting a duel between two peerless masters, only for the match to be decided in one move.

Even Luo Hao and Xu Niannian frowned deeply.

Something wasn't right!

The key was that Fang Tai'an's weapon was directly destroyed!

A swordsman without a sword is like a venomous snake without fangs.

But the question was...

How did Qin Fan destroy Fang Tai'an's weapon?

Probably only the dean and the teachers on the podium had caught that crucial moment.

This finally resolved the doubts of all the teachers.


Qin Fan really did have dragons!

Dean Liu Boming couldn't wait any longer.

He stood up slowly and said, "Luo Hao, Xu Niannian, Bai Wushuang..."

"For the next match, you three will go up together!"

"Stop wasting time!"

As soon as the dean's words fell, the whole arena was in an uproar!


Well, well!

Was the dean openly suggesting that Luo Hao, Xu Niannian, and Bai Wushuang would lose?

"And the rest of you! Why are you still standing there?"

"Hurry up and start challenging each other! Do you not want rankings?"

Vice-Dean Liu Jinhua also shouted.

The named freshmen quickly composed themselves and began challenging each other.

No choice...

If this continued, the freshman assessment would almost become Qin Fan's solo performance!

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