Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 209: Hollow.

Chapter 209: Hollow.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

My day off.

The soft hum of Karakura Town enveloped me, with the streets bustling in their usual, rhythmic manner. Children playing, vendors selling their goods, and the distant chatter of school students, it felt oddly comforting, all things considered.

What can I say?

Having been in this world for a few months now, the ordinary became familiar, almost nostalgic.

The sun cast long, stretching shadows as I wandered through the streets, lost in my own thoughts. It was in this seemingly mundane moment that a chilling sensation pricked at the base of my neck, making my senses go on high alert.

The atmospheric energy shifted, the air growing colder, heavier.

A reiatsu, dark and foreboding, wafted through the air. Instinctively, I turned, my eyes landing on a ghastly apparition – my very first Hollow.


The creature was grotesque, its mask a contorted mockery of joy and despair. Its body was an amalgamation of twisted limbs, an embodiment of corruption. Yet, as my eyes laid on the beast, and I felt its spiritual pressure, I was... unimpressed.

This was the threat that had made so many souls quiver in fear?

He was as scary as a cat on a wheelchair.

The Hollow, seemingly confident in its intimidating form, drew closer, each step echoing with an eerie echo. "A fresh soul, ripe for the taking," it hissed, its voice a guttural whisper.

Its beady eyes assessed me, mistaking my calm observation for fear. "No need to be afraid. It'll all be over soon."

A smirk formed on my lips.

The irony was almost laughable. Here was this creature, born from the darkest of human emotions, thinking it had the upper hand on me, someone who had faced far more potent threats.

I tilted my head, scrutinizing its form. "You know, for all the tales and warnings, you're not quite what I expected," I remarked casually.

He honestly wasn't.

I had faced stronger monsters in the forest near Magnolia, most Vulcan's were stronger than this.

The Hollow, taken aback by my nonchalance, paused. Its anger was more than palpable as it roared, "You dare mocking me?!"

"Is that mask supposed to be intimidating? Because it just looks like someone failed Arts and Crafts," I replied, tilting my head at him.

The hollow roared once more, before rushing forward.

I sighed.

As it lunged towards me, I didn't move, my own reiatsu bursting forth, creating a seemingly solid barrier between us. The Hollow collided with it, the shock of the impact sending it staggering back, heavily injured.

Gasping, it looked at me with wide eyes, the realization of the power difference slowly dawning upon it. "What... What are you?"

I stepped closer, the smirk now a full-blown smile. "A guy trapped in a part-time job. By the way, if I were you, I'd pick my battles more wisely, then again, it's not like you will live long enough to use the advice."

The Hollow screeched in terror as I raised my hand, my index finger pointing directly at its grotesque form. In an instant, a beam of bright light shot out from my fingertip, enveloping the creature in its brilliance.

The Hollow writhed in agony, its body disintegrating as the light consumed it. The stench of its soul lingered in the air, for a moment before it disappeared, leaving nothing but a small memory I would soon forget.

Yawning, I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

Putting my phone back, I continued my leisurely stroll through the town, pondering the hierarchy of Hollows.

If that creature was considered a threat, how did the more evolved forms fare? I was curious, eager even, to see how far this rabbit hole of spiritual creatures went.

Perhaps a Vasto Lorde would provide an actual challenge.

My train of thought was interrupted when I caught a blur of orange speeding towards me. I barely had time to sidestep when a teenage boy, with unmistakably bright orange hair, barreled past, almost knocking me off my feet.

"Watch it!" he yelled, not looking back, obviously in a hurry. But I knew that voice, and I knew that distinctive hair. It was him — Ichigo Kurosaki.

It felt strange seeing him this way, so young and so...normal. In the screen, he was a legend, the young Shinigami who'd faced down threats that were considered insurmountable. Yet, here he was, just a high school kid running late.

I could feel the spiritual power within him.

Despite being weak, at least right now, his power had increased a lot in just a few days.

It was impressive how fast he was growing.

As he disappeared around a corner, I found myself pondering.

How would my presence here affect his journey? Would the fates of many still revolve around his decisions? Or had my very existence in this realm already set forth a ripple of changes?

If he couldn't defeat Aizen, would I have to step up?

More importantly, was it even my place to care about this world, when my own was so far away?

I shook my head at the thought. Erza would scold me from thinking this way, my world or not, Fairy Tail didn't leave anyone behind if they could help it.

"Maybe I can get some ice-cream?" I muttered; it was hard budgeting especially when Urahara didn't pay me.


[Kisuke Urahara. POV.]

The underground chambers beneath my shop are a sanctuary of sorts, away from prying eyes and unsuspecting souls. It's a place where the veil of charm and humor can be lifted, replaced by unvarnished seriousness.

Today is one such day when that levity seems far removed. Yoruichi sits across from me, her feline form now replaced by her human one, her gaze as penetrating as ever.

"So," she starts, her eyes never leaving mine, "what do you make of him?"

"Adam," I murmur, setting aside a sheaf of notes and arcane diagrams. "He's an enigma, that's for sure."

"Is that all? An enigma?" she prods, a faint smirk crossing her lips.

I chuckle. "Ah, Yoruichi, you know me better than that."

She leans back, her eyes half-closed, clearly waiting for a more substantial analysis.

"He's powerful," I continued, "unusually so, and I can't yet determine the origin of his strength. It's almost as if his soul carries the vestiges of something ancient, something that goes beyond the common spiritual entities we know of."

Yoruichi raises an eyebrow, intrigued but not surprised. "A wild card, then?"

"More than that. A key, perhaps, to something better left hidden," I reply, my eyes drifting toward one of the esoteric seals etched into the walls. "Especially from someone like Aizen."

Her eyes narrow at the mention of the name. "Do you think Aizen knows about him?"

"If he doesn't yet, he will soon," I say with a grim certainty. "And if Adam's soul truly holds something ancient and potent, we can't afford for Aizen to manipulate it."

"Are you suggesting we intervene?"

I hesitated for a moment, considering our options, "Let's keep observing him, for now, shall we? After all, we don't yet know which side of the chessboard he belongs on."

She sighs, knowing that the lack of clear knowledge often brings us to this point—hovering between action and inaction.

"Very well," Yoruichi agrees. "But remember, Kisuke, sometimes the pawns can change the entire game."

"I know," I murmur, picking up my notes again, but not before giving Yoruichi a final, thoughtful look. "That's exactly what I'm afraid of."

After all, I was almost certain, that Adam was a part of the Soul King.

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