Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 210: Please no…

Chapter 210: Please no…

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

As I strolled into the shop, fresh from a morning walk around Karakura Town, Urahara greeted me with that annoying smile of his. "Ah, Adam! Just the man I wanted to see," he said, waving a hand in his characteristic, casual manner.

"Morning, Kisuke. What's on the agenda today? More cryptic tasks?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

He held up what looked like a Karakura High School uniform, complete with a green blazer and a matching tie. My eyes widened in surprise, as I realized what he was going to ask. "You've got to be kidding me."

Urahara winked. "Ever thought about going back to high school? They do say it's the best time of our lives!"

Best time my ass, maybe in another country, but Japan? Honest to God, I love their media, but they overwork every part of their lives, including school.

I stared at him, unamused. "Yeah, no. Once was enough, thank you very much."

He sighed dramatically, setting down the uniform. "Okay, okay. Here's the deal: I need someone to keep an eye on Rukia and our young friend with the orange hair—Ichigo, was it? I'll even double your salary!"

"You've got people for that," I countered, trying to ignore the uniform that seemed to taunt me from the counter. "And I don't get paid, so the double of zero, is still zero jackass."

He wagged a finger at me. "True I have people, but none who possess your... unique perspective on things. Besides, with your powers, you could help them out if things get dicey."

Something didn't quite click here, and I didn't like it. The worst part was, I had no chance of figuring out what Kisuke's game was.

God, I miss Mavis, she would know what to do.

I crossed my arms. "You can't seriously be asking me to go through high school all over again just to babysit your latest project."

Urahara leaned in, his fan covering his mischievous smile. "Think of it as an... extended undercover unpaid mission. Besides, with your looks, you'd blend right in! Maybe even become popular!"

I rolled my eyes. "Flattery won't work, Kisuke."

He chuckled. "Fine, fine. But seriously, Adam, I think your presence there would make a difference. Plus, you'd get a firsthand look at the events unfolding."

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why does this feel like one of those decisions I'll regret?"

Urahara laughed heartily. "That's the spirit! And who knows? Maybe high school the second time around won't be so bad."

"Somehow, I highly doubt that," I muttered, already dreading the thought of homework, pop quizzes, and teenage drama all over again.

I didn't know why I was agreeing to this shit, but I suppose I could humor him a bit, until I figure out what's going on in that head on his.

Urahara continued a wicked smile on his face, as if he was relishing each moment of this little game. "Oh, and I've taken the liberty of enrolling you already!"

I gave him a deadpan look. "Of course, you did... What did you sign me up as?"

His eyes twinkled with mischief. "Ah! I've enrolled you as Hiroshi Urahara!"

I choked on air. "Hiroshi Urahara? You've got to be kidding me. So not only do I have to go to school, but I'm also your relative now?"

Urahara chuckled. "Nephew, to be precise. I thought it would be a nice touch. Plus, it gives you a valid reason to be associated with the shop."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to stave off the impending headache. "Kisuke, this is..."

"Tessai and Ururu are thrilled to have you as 'family'," Urahara cut in, grinning widely. "Jinta said he'd give you a week before you'd get into trouble."

I glared at him. "Of course, you told them before you told me."

Urahara waved his hand dismissively. "Details, details. Besides, it's more fun this way."

I groaned. "And what am I supposed to study there? Am I starting from the first year?"

"Of course not! I've enrolled you as a third-year student," he responded, seemingly proud of this decision. "I thought it'd be best if you're in the same grade as Rukia and Ichigo. More...efficient."

I crossed my arms. "You will do my homework; I hope you know that."

Urahara handed me a bag, ignoring my comment. "Here, I got your school supplies, textbooks, and uniform."

Opening the bag, my eyes widened. "This is a female uniform!"

Urahara blinked, faux innocence dancing in his eyes. "Oh my, how did that happen?"

I held up the sailor-style uniform with a deadpan expression. "Kisuke."

He suppressed a laugh. "My apologies, Hiroshi-kun. Simple mistake. I'll get you the right one."

Hiroshi... ugh.

I sighed. "Fine, but I swear if anything else goes sideways, I'm holding you responsible."

Urahara placed his hand over his heart, his face all too innocent. "I promise only the best high school experience for my dear nephew."

I shook my head, already regretting this decision. "So... when do I start?"

"Today, you're actually late," Kisuke said, checking his watch. "But no need to worry, I've already informed the school that you're transferring today. They're expecting you."

Hmm, would siding with Aizen really be that bad?


[Five minutes later.]

I regret this already.

The classroom was a cacophony of hushed whispers and the sound of shifting chairs, but all of that faded into the background as I stood at the front.

Watching everyone.

The teacher, a stern-looking woman with glasses perched precariously on her nose, cleared her throat. "Class, we have a new transfer student today. Please introduce yourself."

Time to use a cliche.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened up, "Hello everyone, I'm Hiroshi Urahara. I've just transferred here and hope we get along well."

There were murmurs and a few nods. Most students seemed indifferent, a few appeared curious, and then there was one who looked unmistakably shocked. Rukia Kuchiki. Her wide eyes met mine briefly before she quickly averted them, her face slightly flushed.

The teacher gestured toward an empty seat near the back. "You can sit next to Kuchiki-san. She can help you get up to speed."

Perfect, I thought with a hint of sarcasm. As I navigated my way to the back, I could feel the eyes on me, gauging, assessing. I ignored them, focusing solely on the seat beside Rukia.

She looked straight ahead, not acknowledging my presence until I was right next to her. Then, in a low voice, she murmured, "What are you doing here?"

I leaned in, my voice equally hushed, "Blame our mutual friend Urahara. He has a peculiar sense of humor."

She frowned, her brows knitting together. "This isn't a joke. This place isn't safe for..."

"I know," I interrupted, "But apparently, I need to 'keep an eye on things'."

He never said I wasn't supposed to say a thing.

Rukia sighed, her expression turning resigned. "Fine. Just...try not to draw attention to yourself."

I smirked, even as I took out a notebook and pen. "Wouldn't dream of it."

I would give this place a week, if it started to bother me by then, I would throw my uniform at his face.


Author note: he stays in the school like 2 days before hurling his uniform at Urahara. So for those that were about to cry about this. Here's you answer.

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