Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 211: Pretending.

Chapter 211: Pretending.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

The weight of the morning classes on my shoulders, I breathed a sigh of relief. Lunch break had finally arrived.

I pitied those studying here.

I felt like I was in college, but if college had guns, and knives.

Forget the one week, I reject this shit. I fight, I kill, and that's my thing, not... this.

Exiting the classroom, I spotted Rukia at the end of the hallway, engaged in a whispered conversation with a tall, orange-haired teen. Ah, Ichigo Kurosaki, the very person whose life I was inadvertently intertwined with. I decided to steer clear for now, not wanting to overcomplicate things on my very first day.

Before I could even blink, a large hand landed on my shoulder, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. Turning around, I met the stoic gaze of a towering teen with tanned skin and an expression that screamed, 'I've seen things.'

Holy fuck he's big.

"You're the new guy," he remarked, his voice deep and somewhat raspy. It wasn't a question.

Chad's the first one to greet me, huh? I would've bet on Orihime.

"Yes, Hiroshi Urahara," I responded, looking up at him. I tried not to dwell on the fact that he was easily a head taller than me.

"Sado Yasutora. But everyone calls me Chad."

Just then, a bubbly voice piped up from behind Chad. "Oh, hi! You're in my class, right? I'm Inoue Orihime!" The cheerful redhead beamed at me, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. Beside her stood a bespectacled boy with a stern face, taking my measure with a sharp, assessing gaze.

"Hello," I greeted, mentally taking note of these unexpected introductions. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Are you related to Mr. Hat-and-Clogs?" Orihime asked, tilting her head in genuine curiosity.

Wait, she knew him already? I don't recall seeing her at the store, then again, I don't work every day there.

"Oh, Kisuke? He's my... uncle." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

Orihime's eyes widened. "Wow! Your uncle has the coolest candy! And that shop of his, so many mysterious things! You are so lucky!"

I chuckled. "Yes, it's quite a unique place."

The bespectacled boy finally spoke up. "Ishida Uryu. If you're related to Urahara Kisuke, you must be aware of...."

I tried to feign ignorance, raising an eyebrow. "Of...?"

Uryu's eyes narrowed. "Never mind. I was mistaken."

I nodded slowly, sensing the undercurrents in the conversation. "Well, nice to meet you too, Ishida-san."

The bell signaled the end of the break, and I found myself back in class, seated next to Rukia. "You've made some... interesting friends," she murmured, her eyes focused on the board.

"I wouldn't call them friends just yet. More like acquaintances who seem really interested in my supposed uncle and his shop."

Rukia sighed. "Just be careful. You're already drawing attention."

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. "It's only my first day, Kuchiki-san. Let's see where the winds of fate take me."

The day progressed, each class a blur of facts, figures, and the occasional glance from a curious student. As the final bell rang, I decided to head straight home, my brain fried from the sheer effort of blending in.

Yet, fate had other plans.

Exiting the school gates, I almost collided with Ichigo, again. We both paused, sizing each other up. "You're the new guy," he remarked, an edge of suspicion in his voice.

I nodded. "Hiroshi. And you're Kurosaki Ichigo, right?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You've done your homework."

Was he this cocky in the anime?

Oh well, time to play my role of the awkward student.

I laughed nervously. "Just overheard it in class. First days, you know? Trying to remember names and faces."

Ichigo eyed me for a moment longer before nodding slowly. "Well, watch where you're going next time."

"Will do," I responded, watching as he strode off.


[Third Person. POV.]

The dim lighting inside Aizen's office in the 5th division set a contemplative mood. Aizen sat behind his desk, fingers steepled in thought, his glasses reflecting the subtle light in the room.

His focus was on a particular name that had recently appeared in the Living World, "Adam."

Tousen stood off to one side, his unwavering stance a testament to his loyalty and determination to the cause he believed Aizen would see through.

Despite his blindness, he sensed the shift in Aizen's thoughts, a small deviation from the usual.

"Adam," Aizen mused, the name rolling off his tongue as if tasting it for the first time. "His presence in the Living World has become an unforeseen variable. His connection with Urahara Kisuke is, however, quite interesting."

Tousen shifted slightly, "Is he a threat to our plans?"

Aizen smiled at that. "Every piece on the board can be both a pawn and a threat. It depends on how you move them. The question is not whether he's a threat, Tousen, but how we can utilize him."

Tousen contemplated this. "He possesses power beyond most lieutenants. But according to Gin, there's reason to believe his power is Captain Level."

Aizen nodded, "Yes, I'm aware."

"But if Urahara Kisuke is involving him in matters of the Living World, especially with Kurosaki Ichigo…" Tousen trailed off.

Aizen looked up, removing his glasses and polishing them with a cloth. "Then Urahara has plans of his own. It's a dance, Tousen, a dance of strategy and foresight."

"We must be cautious," Tousen responded, a hint of concern in his usually calm voice. "We don't know what he's capable of, our mission could be compromised."

Aizen placed his glasses back on, his eyes piercing with intensity. "Then we adjust. We observe. And if necessary, we act. Remember, Tousen, in every game of strategy, the player who can best adapt to change will be the victor."

Tousen nodded, taking solace in Aizen's confidence. "Understood."

"Good," Aizen murmured, leaning back in his chair, his gaze distant. "Adam, whoever he truly is, will be an interesting piece in our grand game. Let's see which way he moves."

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