Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 249: War.

Chapter 249: War.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 225 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated. Will get on that today.


[Third Person. POV.]

In one of the meeting grounds of the seireitei, members of the Gotei 13, as well as some unconventional allies, began to gather for a singular purpose. Needless to say the atmosphere was more than tense, a unique fusion of anticipation, distrust and determination.

All around, conversations were hushed, glances exchanged, Zanpakutos quietly readied.

Adam stood amidst this congregation, a white haori signaling his temporary status as a captain in the Gotei 13. Around him, familiar faces took their places: Captains Hitsugaya, Kyoraku, Kuchiki, Kurotsuchi, and Unohana.

Then just a few meters apart there were the Visoreds, standing alongside Yoruichi and Urahara, all of their expressions unreadable.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto's booming voice echoed, demanding attention. "The impending threat from Aizen and Hueco Mundo necessitates swift and decisive action. However, the Seireitei cannot be left unguarded." He paused, letting the weight of his words settle. "Captains Komamura, Soi Fon, and Zaraki, you will stay behind to defend the Soul Society, alongside half of our seated officers."

A few nods of acknowledgment followed. Zaraki looked a tad disappointed, well, very disappointed actually, probably hoping for a fight, but despite this, he made no sign to protest, perhaps thinking that someone strong would invade them.

With that settled, Yamamoto's gaze turned to Urahara, a silent signal for him to proceed.

Urahara stepped forward, the hint of his ever-present smirk playing on his lips. "Thank you, Captain-Commander." He produced a small, intricate device. "This, everyone, is our ticket into Hueco Mundo. I called it, the GG, or if you must, the Garganta Generator, patent pending." Whispers broke out among the crowd, but Urahara continued. "I won't bore you with the details, but in essence, this will allow us to open a portal directly into the heart of enemy territory."

Adam grinned.

"Time is of the essence. We move out as soon as preparations are complete," Yoruichi replied, smiling to the point it almost seemed she wasn't taking this seriously.

The Visoreds, despite being former captains and lieutenants, seemed to be sizing up their comrades, perhaps reminiscing old times or weighing up their current potential.

Their leader, Shinji, nodded at Urahara. "We're with you. Just make sure your device works, hat-and-clogs."

Urahara chuckled. "Would I ever let you down?"

Adam had to stop himself from saying yes.


[Adam C. POV.]

The day had finally come.

The Artificial Garganta Urahara had crafted, swirled open like a vortex, revealing the bleak, desolate expanse of Hueco Mundo. The barren landscape stretched out, seemingly endless, punctuated by the stark white dunes of the desert.

It was like a normal desert, but somehow worse.

Right away, I noticed something. A delay in Urahara's action to hide our presence.

I sighed, wondering what he was planning before taking a step forward.

Stepping onto the sands first, I took a moment to let the atmosphere of this desolated realm seep in. I could feel multiple reaitsus at the distance, all of them Hollows.

I sighed, taking a few steps forward, beside me, the others followed suit, with each shinigami and Visored stepping into Hueco Mundo before the Garganta closed.

Urahara, with his ever-present fan, glanced around, his eyes hidden, yet the tenseness in his posture spoke volumes. "Hueco Mundo, always eerily quiet," he remarked, looking towards the sandy horizon.

Byakuya Kuchiki observed, "Perhaps they are not expecting us. Or it's a trap."

Mayuri Kurotsuchi clicked his tongue in annoyance at this. "If it's a trap, it's a poorly designed one. No resistance? No scouts? Nothing?" He almost sounded disappointed, probably hoping for a subject or two to 'study.'

I really didn't like the guy, at all. I have no idea why the old man decided to send him, I already had Urahara, the better and more tolerable version of this crazy maniac.

Shunsui scratched his beard thoughtfully at that, "Maybe Aizen is just that arrogant."

That was a possibility, but I doubted the bastard wasn't aware of us being here yet.

"Arrogance or not, we proceed with caution," Toshiro added, crossing his arms.

Yoruichi, in her sleek black combat suit, chuckled lightly, hugging Toshiro in a way that made her breasts rest above his head. "Leave it to you to always bring the voice of reason, Toshiro-kun."

Of course, she would find the time to tease, because why the fuck not.

Before Hitsugaya could retort, Urahara interjected, "Let's set up a base here, regroup and strategize. Entering Las Noches without a plan will be suicide."

Hachi, one of the Visoreds, immediately began crafting barriers, carving out a safe haven amidst the desert wasteland. "I will be done in a few minutes."

I approached Urahara, who was deep in conversation with Yoruichi and Unohana.

"We can't wait too long. The longer we stay out here, the higher the chances of Aizen learning of our presence," Yoruichi sighed.

Perhaps that was what Urahara was going for. Aizen had to know we had invaded by now.

Unohana nodded. "Agreed. We need to assess the strength and placement of Aizen's forces within Las Noches. Only then can we make an effective plan of attack."

Urahara pulled out a small device. "I've brought some surveillance bugs. They can infiltrate Las Noches without being detected. We can get a clearer picture of what we're dealing with."

Handing the device to me, he added, "I made them especially attuned to your reiatsu. Think of where you want them to go, and they will."

I had questions as to why he had made them for me especially, and not Yoruichi who was an infiltration/assasination specialist, but I suppose he had his reasons.

I really didn't care anyways, as long as I got to fight Aizen, the rest was irrelevant.

I nodded, releasing the bugs, which immediately flitted off in the direction of Las Noches, disappearing from sight. I was honestly surprised at how easy their use had been, just a bit of reiatsu, and off they went.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I will go and help Hachi hide this place from prying eyes," Urahara said, making his way towards the burly visored.

As we waited, Shunsui came over with a bottle of sake. "A little drink to steady the nerves?"

"Maybe after all of this is over," I replied, forcing a smile. Right now, I needed to be as sober as possible, I would get drunk after Aizen died.

He chuckled. "Worth a shot."

"I'll take one," Yoruichi grinned, snatching the bottle from Shunsui's hand, before running out of the place, Shunsui chasing her.

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