Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 250: Hueco Mundo.

Chapter 250: Hueco Mundo.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 231 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated. Will get on that today.


[Third Person. POV.]

The vastness of Hueco Mundo, with its desolate sandy landscape under a perpetual crescent moon, a world of hunters and prey, seemed eerily silent right now, more so than normal. This solitude was deceptive, more than anyone imagined, for beneath this stillness, a war was brewing.

Seated in the Throne of Las Noches, Aizen was seen talking with his subordinates, Gin and Tousen, when a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught his attention. A pulsating reiatsu, distinct yet scattered, permeated the expanse of Hueco Mundo, hinting at the arrival of some very powerful entities.

Aizen smiled.

Urahara had purposely allowed him to feel the reaitsus coming, before masking them.

"It seems we have guests," Gin remarked, whistling.

Aizen smiled, "It appears so. And not just any guests; the very heart of Soul Society has come knocking at our doorstep."

Aizen knew that if Urahara had wanted to truly hide this invasion from his eyes, he could've, at least temporarily, which was more than enough to make a surprise attack, meaning it was part of his plan to be detected.

Tousen frowned, "It is unlike Urahara Kisuke to make such a brazen move. It's rash."

Aizen leaned back, pondering the implications. "Yes, it's not like him, which makes it all the more intriguing. Either he has a card up his sleeve that he believes can guarantee victory, or desperation has led him to take a gamble."

There was a pause before Gin added, "Or maybe it's the influence of that new player, Adam. Who knows, maybe he's actually stronger than Aizen-taichou."

Aizen's lips curved up into a sly smile, the weight of his reiatsu making the air palpable. "Who knows, but he certainly knows how to make things interesting."

For a moment, Aizen's expression turned contemplative. Should he act on Urahara's move, or let it play out to see what the man was planning.

After all, the real threat here was him, not Adam. Power alone wasn't enough to defeat Aizen, on the other hand, the intellect Urahara had, well, that was an actual threat.

Gin glanced at Tousen, before he asked. "What would you have us do, Aizen-taichou?"

Aizen's gaze drifted towards the vast horizon of Hueco Mundo, where the winds carried the unmistakable energy of the invaders. "Prepare our defenses, but do not engage them head-on, not yet. Let them venture deeper. The fields of Las Noches are vast and full of surprises. And as for Adam..." Aizen's smirk widened, "Have Selene deal with him, I want to see how much he has grown before dealing with him."

With their orders clear, Gin and Tousen departed, leaving Aizen to his thoughts.


[Sosuke Aizen. POV.]

Alone, I leaned back into my throne, my head troubled with thoughts.

Things were changing, faster than I could've anticipated.

I mused about Urahara's involvement. That crafty man had always been a wildcard. But as Tosen had said, this was an aggressive move for him. It was unlike him. Either Adam had managed to persuade him to take this step, or Kisuke himself had something planned that I hadn't yet deciphered.

That second option was concerning.

Tousen and Gin would follow my orders to the letter, of that I had no doubt. But Adam, with his unpredictable nature, could very well throw a wrench into those plans. Still, the game of chess had always been more about strategy than the individual pieces, and in this vast game, I was confident of my position as the grandmaster.

However, something deep within me - perhaps a nagging shadow of doubt, or maybe mere curiosity - pondered on a single question: What if Adam was not the pawn I assumed him to be, but rather a player himself?

The winds of Hueco Mundo howled outside, carrying with them the scent of an impending storm. I could sense it, the electricity in the air. This was the calm before it, the breath one takes before diving into the unknown.

I stood, adjusting my robes, and walked towards the vast window that framed the never-ending horizon of Hueco Mundo. As the sands shifted and danced to the tunes of the wind, I whispered to myself, "Let this war begin, Adam. Show me what you're truly made of."


[Adam C. POV.]

A gentle breeze blew through the vast desert, stirring up the sand that seemed to shimmer under the white moonlight of Hueco Mundo. In the midst of this nothingness, I felt something, a prickling sensation at the base of my neck, a feeling I'd become all too familiar with.

I paused, my gaze fixating on the horizon. The energy felt familiar, a blend of magic and spiritual pressure. I took a deep breath, feeling a subtle pull towards the source of that spiritual/magical pressure.

I knew this presence.

"Selene," I murmured, almost to myself.

"Adam?" Toshiro questioned, his sharp gaze observing me.

I held up a hand, signaling for silence, which seemed to annoy him, however my focus was unwavering. As the seconds passed, the sensation grew stronger, the pull more compelling. Was she seeking me out?

Lost in thought, memories of our previous encounters played out in my mind. Her enigmatic smile, her fierce combat style, the moments where our ideologies had clashed, and now… this.

It seems Aizen had recruited her, though knowing her there was no way she was with him willingly.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips. It seemed the universe had a way of ensuring my life wasn't mundane.

The atmosphere tensed as I braced myself for the inevitable reunion. Selene was calling me, seeking me out. And our next encounter was about to unfold.

The reason I'm here, fighting a war that isn't my own, but also the reason I'm alive... huh, I don't know what to feel about that. Angrily grateful?

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