Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 214: Angering Sariel To Death

Chapter 214: Angering Sariel To Death

Misaki continued to watch from afar. She could tell Sariel was getting angrier by the second. "Naomi, you are a disgrace to all angels! Since you wished to turn traitor, do not blame me for dropping ties with you! In order for you to be reborn and live a pure proper life, I will end your life right now."

Sariel released a large pressure onto the girls. Naomi shivered in fear feeling the pressure slam into her body, even Miyu went pale in the face. Misaki who was watching from the side decided it was time to move, so just before Sariel was about to attack, a figure appeared behind him and smacked him upside the head. "Who!?" Sariel yelled out in surprise and turned around to see a beautiful grinning girl standing behind him. "Fucking demoness! Was it you who just hit me just now!?" 

"Yo! Father in law how are you?" Misaki asked with a smile, completely ignoring Sariel's question.

"You! Don't ever call me that!" It seemed being called father in law by Misaki made Sariel's skin crawl because his whole body visibly shook when she said those words.

"Now don't be like that father in law. I mean pretty soon you will be a grandpa. Don't you want to see your beautiful grandchildren that are born after I fuck your daughter senseless every night? Speaking of daughters, do you have any more?" Misaki's smile only widened with every word she said. Just the look of disgust, anger, and killing intent on Sariel's face caused Misaki to feel better and better.

"You! Don't you dare touch them!" Sariel suddenly yelled out.

"Oh? So you have more daughters! Good, good! I plan to invite them over to keep Naomi company. Also, her mother is more than welcome to come as well. I will even buy you a green hat!" Misaki's words were like a knife to Sariel's heart. If he could he would beat Misaki up a million times over and then kill her after torturing her. But he was not able to fight her! He knew he was weaker than her.

"Humph!" Sariel snorted before turning to Naomi and glaring at her. "You are no longer my daughter. Our relationship ends Ouch! Damnit! You damn demon!" Sariel was slapped in the back of the head again by Misaki.

"Say one more word to make my wife sad and I will cut your dick off." Misaki's smile faded. She could see tears welling up in Naomi's eyes.

"Fine whatever!" Sariel yelled before pushing past Misaki and went to fly away only to almost trip over his own two feet when Misaki voice floated into his ear. 

"Father in law, once I settle things, I will pay you a visit. I really want to meet my in laws and get to know them!" Misaki shouted before flying over to Naomi pulling her into a hug. "Naomi, ignore that bastard. You have a new family and we all love you very much. Also, I really do plan to bring your sisters and mother over. Just not in the way that deadbeat thinks. I only said that to rile him up." 

"To be honest I kind of do want to make him wear a green hat. He has always been a bad father. He only thinks about himself and nothing else." Naomi said before pushing away from Misaki and whipping her eyes. she then looked at Misaki in concern and asked: "Mitsu, are you okay, didn't you just give birth?"

"Mmm the little devils were just born. But I can not hold them yet. I need to settle Earth first then I will hold my babies. Otherwise, it will be a year or two before I let them go." Misaki said a hint of longing in her eyes. She did not want to leave right after giving birth. She wished she could have stayed with her kids but she had no other choice.

"Then we should hurry and get this over with so you can see them." Naomi said.

"Yes, let's get this over with. I also want to see the new additions to our family." Miyu's eyes were sparkling. She really liked kids. She loved taking care of Feng Wei.

"Okay let's get this done then." Misaki said with a smile as she sent out a wave of magic and wrapped Earth in it and began pulling it along once again.


On the other side, flying away in anger. Sariel wanted nothing more than to kill Misaki. "I will find a way to kill her. Although I can not do it myself, I am sure I can find someone. Maybe the Fairy Realm will give a helping hand I just need to offer them that..." Sariel's lips turned upwards into an evil smile. He was bound and determined to kill Misaki now.


Back on earth in a room Misaki Kenji and Misaki Yuki were both laying in bed eating grapes that were being fed to them by Misaki Yuki's wives. "See Kenji, this isn't so bad right?" 

"Humph! You live almost forty years a man and then turn into a damn girl and on top of that get pregnant! Wouldn't you be disgruntled to?" Misaki Kenji complained as he opened his mouth to receive another grape.

"But you are happily eating grapes. It's funny though, our stomachs blew up pretty fast." They both had round bellies now and it had only been a short while. 

Not too far from them in a hospital room, Chiho and Mo'mo were both screaming their heads off as they began giving birth. Ano'la looked at the situation in front of her surprised and confused at the same time. "How is this possible!? Does Mitsu have super genes?"


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