Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 215: Fairy Realm

Chapter 215: Fairy Realm

While Misaki was moving Earth to its new location. In the hospital on Earth, Ano'la was delivering baby after baby. Mo'mo and Chiho, both gave birth to two beautiful baby girls who were not named yet. They wanted to have Misaki name them once she got back. 

As for Misaki Yuki, she also had a baby girl named Ruka. Currently, the only one left giving birth was Misaki Kenji. "For the love of god why the fuck do I have to go through this!?" 

"Kenji, don't curse your daughter! " Misaki Yuki said, she was now sitting next to Misaki Kenji, swaying her feet back and forth. One could not tell that just minutes before she had given birth.

"Why the fuck does this hurt so much!?" Misaki Kenji complained. He never expected that giving birth was really this painful! 

"Don't worry Kenji, it will all be over soon. Then we will have a new baby in our home. Later tonight I will have the girls ravish your body until you are pregnant again." Misaki Yuki said while licking her lips.

"Yuki are you trying to kill me!?" Misaki Kenji yelled.

"Kill you? No I just can't get enough of your cute little face when you cum over and over. Your little moans are very sexy!" Misaki Yuki explained. 

"I want my damn uterus ripped out!" Misaki Kenji yelled through clenched teeth as he pushed as hard as he could. Seconds later the cries of a baby could be heard. 

"It's a girl!" The nurse said as she began wiping the newborn down.

"Then let's name this one Ruri" Misaki Yuki announced with a nod of her head. 


Gods realm boundary

"Hmmm? You wish to work with us?" A small figure flapped its wings back and forth and looked at the man in front of it. 

"I wish to have this so called gods realm uprooted. If your fairy race is willing to help and allow my angel faction to reign over this realm, I will be willing to be a puppet under the fairy realm's command." The man replied. Even with his face covered, one could tell he was serious just from his tone of voice and words.

"Angel faction? The faction created by the true gods? Your nothing more than an artificial life form created in the appearance of the person who created you. To be honest I am surprised your race even still exists. If I recall correctly your race was created on a whim to act as a guiding voice for the planets the man ruled over. I also know that you are only here because the new demon goddess has appeared. You feel threatened. I even heard that she wedded one of your daughters. Isn't that right Sariel, leader of the Angel faction?" The little figure said mockingly.

"You!?" Sariel's eyes went wide, not understanding how this fairy knew who he was! He had kept his identity concealed with his magic!

"Did you think your little bit of illusion magic would work on me, a fairy? We created this magic! Let me tell you another thing. The only reason you are here is because you can not beat this new demon goddess and this fact has nothing to do with us. You want us to risk our fairy realm over your little spat with your daughter in law? From what I hear that new demon goddess is a bit strange. The way she does things is beyond anyone's guess. But I will say this Although I can not risk my fairy realm to help you with your matters, I can give you a little advice..." The fairy flew up next to Sariel's ear and whispered: "If you truly wish to gain assistance from another realm, then I would suggest you try the devils. Because none of the other realms around here will help you. That Misaki Mitsu, is an anomaly that no one wishes to touch just yet. Frankly speaking, I am a bit interested in her myself. I mean I hear she is quite good in bed when she is fucking your daughter. Maybe next time I will buy you a green hat..." 

The fairy let out a laugh before spinning its body and disappearing. Sariel's face was bright red in anger. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Misaki! I will kill you!" 

Sariel stomped his feet mid air and yelled out, cursing Misaki left and right. He had risked a lot to get to this boundary, to only be played with by a fairy! But thinking of what the Fairy had said, caused Sariel's face to become sinister. "Since it is enviable that that bitch will take over this realm, then I guess I will help destroy it before she even gets a chance!"

Sariel did not notice that the halo on his head was slowly turning black.


"Finally!" Misaki wiped the sweat from her brow. Earth was now in its new position in the gods realm hidden within a cluster of other planets that the demon faction controlled. 

"Mitsu, what's next?" Naomi asked.

"Mmm first I wish to take some time to hold my children and play with Little Wei." Misaki felt she had neglected Feng Wei the past few weeks and wished to spend time with her and her newborn babies.

"Then let's hold a banquet tonight to celebrate the completion of our move and the new additions to our family!" Miyu suggested.

"This sounds good. Miyu, Naomi I will leave this to the two of you." Misaki was glad things went as smoothly as they did. There were a few close calls, with some large asteroid almost hitting Earth during the move. But they were easily handled by Miyu and Naomi. Other than that the move went smoothly. 


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