Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 243: Core Gathering Part Four

Chapter 243: Core Gathering Part Four

"One more thing. The area is marked off so that you know where the inner rings are. Do not go any deeper than the first ring or you will end up having to deal with higher ranked demonic beasts. With all that said, I wish you all good luck. You may now enter." Elder Tian said with a smile.

Misaki looked at the imposing forest in front of her, gave a shrug, and pulled Qian Yan along by her hand. "You two men collect the cores while I kill whatever attacks us. " 

"Mitsu, what do you want me to do?" Qian Yan asked, realizing that Misaki did not give her a task.

"Your task is to stay by my side so nothing can hurt you. The Elder told us not to go past the markers but that won't be any fun." Misaki said, pulling Qian Yan close. 

Qian Yan blinked her pretty eyes and smiled brightly. "Then let's go have some fun!"

"Mmm Also, Fu Rong, you will stick close to me as well. Your little and would be targeted first so hold my hand and do not let go okay?" Misaki said, patting Fu Rong on the head. Everyone was surprised to see such a loving motherly aura coming from Misaki when she looked at Fu Rong. It was different from her normal imposing aura she normally had when talking with others. The only time it had softened before was when she talked with Qian Yan. 

Fu Rong gripped Miski's hand and nodded her head and said: "I won't let go."

"Good!" Misaki smiled and walked forward with both girls hand in hand. Misaki had taken a liking to Fu Rong because she reminded her of Feng Wei. In truth, she really missed her wives and kids. She did not like the fact that she would be stuck here for so long and would not get to see her kids grow up. Although she met Qian Yan who had filled a part of her empty heart, she still yearned to see her family.

"There are a lot of demonic beasts in this forest." Cui Shun said as he listened to the roars and cries that filled the air. 

"We only need to collect as many demonic cores as we can to win the chance to get techniques right?" Misaki asked.

"Yeah, although, I do not know if any of these techniques will catch your eye when you can wave your hand and kill something." Cui Shun replied.

"Mmm Still wouldn't mind checking them out." Misaki wondered what the techniques were that cultivators used. She had never used any sort of technique before so it was something that piqued her interest. "Now. Shun go attract demons beasts and bring them to me." 

Misaki's words caused Cui Shun to freeze. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said. Use yourself as bait and bring me demonic beasts. You bring them to me, I kill them. In a few days, we will also rob other teams of their cores as well. So go on. Shoo! Shoo! Bring me back some meat." Misaki waved her hand to shoo Cui Shun away. 

Cui Shun felt like he wanted to cry. He actually began to wonder if he had chosen the wrong team. But before Cui Shun could even leave a bunch of disciples suddenly appeared in front of Cui Shun. A young man in purple robes walked forward. He was an inner sect disciple of the Qi Sea realm. He looked at Cui Shun and sneered before saying: "You all can leave but Cui Shun must stay."

"Shun do you know this pretty boy?" Misaki asked as she looked at the young man in front of her. He looked almost like a woman with how feminine he was acting. 

"He is Yu'er's older brother, Xian Mu." Cui Shun's expression did not look good. It was filled with both anger and fear. 

"I see. So he is the one who stole your lover" Misaki said before looking at Xian Mu. "Hey, pretty boy Wait, are you a transvestite?" 

Xian Mu looked at Misaki confused and asked: "Tra-Transvestite? What is this?"

"It's when a man wants to be a woman so they dress themselves up as a woman and even act like one. I only ask because your movements, everything about you, is more girly than even myself. So my only guess is that you like dick right? You like it when your followers there stick it up your Wait Qian Yan and Fu Rong can't hear these words, so I won't go further into details. But I am sure you know what I mean if I made this gesture right?" Misaki formed an 'O' with one hand and then stuck the index finger from her other hand in and out of it over and over. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? And what do you mean I like dick!?" Xian Mu was very confused as to why the subject of sending the others away turned into him liking dick. 

"It's okay, everyone should know you are a lover of dick. How about this. I will even go with you so you can tell your family how much you love dick. You can even bring your lovers. But..." Misaki peered behind Xian Mu who had ten people behind him, her lips curling up into a wide grin. "I never thought you could handle so many at one time. I mean Wouldn't you be tired after just two of them? Wouldn't your You know hurt after that?" Misaki paused for a second giving a nod as if she had realized something. "This is why you were walking funny, you just had..."

"Will you shut up!"


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