Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 244: Core Gathering Part Five

Chapter 244: Core Gathering Part Five

Misaki's good time was suddenly interrupted by one of the people behind Xian Mu. Her eyes turned cold as she glared at the young man. "It seems you do not wish to keep your life. Then so be it, I will end it for you." Misaki waved her hand and the young man who just yelled out turned into a mist of blood. This made Xian Mu and the rest all pale and take a step back.

"Now Pretty boy. If you wish to keep that little life of yours, bring your sister, Xian Yu to the forest exit in seven days. She will become the wife of my friend here. If you do not do as I say I will not just kill you but your entire family as well. Do you understand what I am saying?" Misaki was not asking him if he would, she was ordering him. Xian Mu's face turned red with anger but he did not want to die so he could only swallow his anger down. He glared at Cui Shun before cupping his hands to Misaki and replying: "As you wish."

"Good, do not disappoint me. And do not think of running. I already left a mark on your body, you can not escape me." Misaki said with a smile before waving Xian Mu off. She then looked at Cui Shun and said: "Does this work?"

Cui Shun stared at Misaki in disbelief before dropping to his knees and kowtowing to Misaki. "From this day forth I, Cui Shun will follow you until death."

"Then get to being bait! We still have not collected a single core." Misaki ordered before draping her arms around Qin Yan and whining about being bored causing everyone to laugh.

Misaki and her group moved quickly through the forest in just a day's time, they had already gathered over six hundred cores and had already reached the line that led into the inner area of the forest. "Mitsu if we go any further we will be in danger of running into rank seven and up demonic beasts. They are really smart and can even speak the human language. The higher ranked ones can even take human form."

"Oh? They can huh? Then let's go try to find said smart demonic beasts." Misaki said, stepping over the line heading into the inner area of the forest. She did not let go of Fu Rong and Qin Yan's hands as she did and although reluctant, the two boys also followed after her. 

Outside the forest, in a big tent that was set up by the elders, one of the elders stood up and looked at the map in front of him. "Dammit, why did they go there!?" 

The map in front of him had thousands of dots on it. Each one represented a new disciple. On the map, there was a group of five very far away from the other disciples walking into the red area of the map which stood for the most dangerous area of the mountain. This was Misaki's team.

"Which team is that!?" Another elder yelled out. 

"It's fine, it is her team." Elder Tian, who had his eyes closed the entire time smiled and replied. "It seems we already have a winner this year. Because no matter what is in that forest nothing there can harm a hair on that girl's head. Hell, some might even try to submit to her. Her team should also return safely as well." 

"Elder Tian!? Even we can not go that deep into the forest but you say this girl will be okay?" One of the Elders asked.

"She is stronger than us all. Don't look down on her just because she does not have high cultivation. That girl wields power beyond your imagination. What that power is even I do not know. All I know is that we elders can only guide her path in cultivation while trying to not gain her ire. So do not try to monopolize her or you will be turned into a mist of blood." Elder Tian kindly advised before closing his eyes ignoring any more questions that came his way.

Misaki was currently standing in front of a large lion with wings. Its body size was four times the size of her own. While Qian Yan, Fu, Rong, and the two boys all stay far back from it. Misaki stood in front of it, looking it right in the eyes with a smile on her face. "Are you able to fly?"

The winged lion looked at Misaki in confusion before slowly nodding its head. Misaki walked around the winged lion a few times before patting its soft fur. "Hmm... You will do. As of today, you will be my kin. No objects got it?"

"Y-Yes M-My Go-Goddess..." The winged lion answered with stuttered words. He was shaking like a leaf because Misaki hit it with her demon Goddess aura that she had concealed since coming to this world.

"Good! Now lay down, my Yan'er is tired and so is little Rongrong. They need a nice warm place to sleep." Misaki ordered without a second thought. The scared to death winged lion quickly did as it was told and laid down. Misaki nodded and then waved everyone over. "Qian Yan and Fu Rong can use his body to sleep, it is nice and soft. As for the boys find your own place to sleep, you can't sleep near the girls." 

Cui Shun and Chen Huo did not know whether to laugh or cry as they could only do as Misaki said and find a tree branch to sleep on. Misaki led the two girls to the stomach of the winged lion and then climbed up on top of it and laid down with the two girls. Qian Yan and Fu Rong nervously looked around but when they saw Misaki being so casual they soon relaxed and both curled up next to her to sleep. 


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