Game, Live Stream

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Xiao Tangqiu almost gave into despair. Although he did not expect much from this special ability card, it became somehow invalid was undoubtedly even worse. The pain all over his body made him feel like he was rolling on knives. Adding the shock of not being able to use his special ability car, his vision swam and he wanted to faint on the spot.

But he knew he couldn’t faint. Once he closed his eyes, he might never wake up again.

Xiao Tangqiu could only grit his teeth. Just as he was about to pass out from the pain, he heard Shen Yuan’s voice.


He instinctively raised his head to look at Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan’s current situation was no better than his. As the four eyes met, Shen Yuan’s power exploded.

Xiao Tangqiu watched the Ouroboros tattoo on Shen Yuan’s neck start to spread out, even towards his face. Soon, his entire face was covered with the strange black tattoo, and a trace of blood appeared in his deep and dark eyes.

A powerful and terrifying aura permeated the air and instantly overwhelmed Lily Marlene’s aura!

Shen Yuan suddenly regained the power to resist and grabbed Lily Marlene’s hand that was around his neck. Lily Marlene’s hand was pulled away as the blood-red in his eyes grew.

Lily Marlene’s expression changed. In the next second, Shen Yuan broke free from her hold and began to fight back!

With the spread of the Ouroboros tattoo, the blood-red tint in Shen Yuan’s eyes became heavier and heavier. His power became stronger and stronger. He fought with all of his strength, and the same was true for Lily Marlene.

Xiao Tangqiu’s full-body pain eased a little bit, and he immediately began to desperately think about breaking through the situation. Although Shen Yuan was barely fighting to a stalemate with Lily Marlene right now, they couldn’t keep going like this. They must find a way to break the tie!

Between the clashes of power, he suddenly thought of the best method!

“Tang Mianmian!” Xiao Tangqiu shouted.

Tang Mianmian immediately circled him nervously, “Qiuqiu! Qiuqiu! How are you feeling now?”

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth, “It’s time for you to shine!”

Tang Mianmian couldn’t help his miserable expression, asking, “Gods are fighting right now... what can I do? I can only go up and die!”

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t you have a special ability card!”

Tang Mianmian reacted, “You mean...”

Xiao Tangqiu endured the pain and asked, “Can you become an instance’s NPC?”

Tang Mianmian blinked, “This...”

Xiao Tangqiu said, “Try to become Lily Marlene.”

Who the hell cares in a life or death situation!

Xiao Tangqiu resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and patted Tang Mianmian on the shoulder with all his strength, “A real man can become a boss in crossdressing, go do it!”

Tang Mianmian hesitated, “But my special ability card can only be used for one minute at a time...”

Xiao Tangqiu calmly analyzed, “Can’t you use it three times? Three minutes should be enough.”

Tang Mianmian still hesitated, “But I can only become what I have personally touched...”

Xiao Tangqiu forced himself to stay calm, “She is fighting Shen Yuan right now. You can touch her while she isn’t paying attention. If you still don’t dare, I can also cover for you.”

Tang Mianmian’s face turned from blue to white, white to blue, changed and changed again before he finally gritted his teeth and said, “Fine! I’ll go all in!”

Xiao Tangqiu breathed a sigh of relief, “I will cover for you.”

“You don’t need to cover me! You’re injured so just take a good rest! I got this!”

Tang Mianmian gulped and started looking for an opportunity.

Lily Marlene and Shen Yuan fought on the same level and had no attention to spare for other people. He took advantage of Lily Marlene having her back to him, rushed forward in a 100-meter sprint, and groped Lily Marlene’s butt!

Xiao Tangqiu, “...”

In the next instant, Tang Mianmian was slapped by the furious Lily Marlene and flew out dozens of meters.

Lily Marlene clearly still wanted to continue to teach Tang Mianmian a lesson but got caught up with fighting Shen Yuan again. She could only turn back to deal with Shen Yuan.

Xiao Tang’s heart was in his throat. Did Tang Mianmian successfully use the special ability card? ...If it was not successful, according to the physical limitations of normal human beings, Lily Marlene’s “light” slap that flung him dozens of meters out probably would’ve splattered his brains!

The next moment, his heart came down from his throat. Tang Mianmian succeeded.

There was suddenly another “Lily Marlene” on the field.

This “Lily Marlene” appeared between Shen Yuan and Lily Marlene at a shocking speed, instantly interrupting the duel between them, and slapped Lily Marlene away.

Although it was not as exaggerated as dozens of meters, Xiao Tangqiu still relaxed. The action was filled with petty vengeance, it was absolutely Tang Mianmian!

Facing the second Lily Marlene, Shen Yuan was initially very vigilant. His eyes were cold and he was about to attack but saw that this “Lily Marlene” launched an attack on the original Lily Marlene.

“That’s Tang Mianmian!” Xiao Tangqiu yelled when he saw this, “Quick! You two join forces to fight Lily Marlene!”

Lily Marlene gave a cold chuckle, “Do you think that two people together can defeat me? Too naive!”

Although Tang Mianmian had Lily Marlene’s terrible power, he obviously couldn’t master her abilities. In the next minute, he was completely dragged and beaten up by the real Lily Marlene. The first minute was soon over.

Seeing that the effect of the special ability card was about to disappear, he immediately activated it for the second time and became Lily Marlene again. This time he did not dare to waste even a second and immediately imitated Lily Marlene’s previous attack moves and launched attacks toward her.

Shen Yuan joined in and the two of them teamed up against Lily Marlene.

At the end of the second minute, Lily Marlene was knocked down.

Her Miko outfit was tattered and she gained wounds on her body, but she was still calm and undaunted.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart sank. Did Lily Marlene have more up her sleeve?

Shen Yuan and Tang Mianmian obviously thought the same, so Shen Yuan’s attacks became more ferocious and focused, and Tang Mianmian did not hesitate to launch his ability for the third and final time.

It was obvious that Shen Yuan was about to reach his limit. The Ouroboros tattoos had spread over his entire body. The dark eyes had turned completely into blood-red. The degree of demonization was getting deeper and deeper. If this battle did not end, he might completely become a demon... Xiao Tangqiu can’t help but be startled. Was this Lily Marlene’s real goal?

It was then that the third minute ended. The disguise effect of the special ability card ended and Tang Mianmian collapsed to the ground. He didn’t even have the strength to get up.

At the same time, Shen Yuan’s long demon-like nails pierced into Lily Marlene’s heart.

Even a demon had a heart. And a demon’s heart was their greatest weakness.

Shen Yuan’s blood-red eyes stared at Lily Marlene coldly, and then he crushed Lily Marlene’s heart without hesitation.

Lily Marlene screamed in pain, but there was no pain on her face. Instead, the corners of her lips curled up into a strange smile.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart sank, and a very bad premonition emerged.

Lily Marlene laughed, “Finally... finally finished...”

Shen Yuan stared at Lily Marlene, frowning, unable to understand why she was so happy when she was about to die.

“The sacrifice... finally completed...”

The smile on Lily Marlene’s face grew bigger and bigger, and she raised her head to look up at the darkness shrouding the sky.

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly felt a chill go down his back and immediately asked, “Sacrifice? What sacrifice?”

Lily Marlene laughed uproariously, “Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, of course it’s the sacrifice of a hundred ghosts! A sacrifice of a hundred ghosts and demons to summon their creator, their master!”

Xiao Tangqiu instantly recalled the result of Sai Lulu’s divination before they entered the instance: “The stars are clustered around the curve of the moon, and the sun seems to be faintly appearing behind the moon.”

If the “Hundred Ghosts” were the stars and Lily Marlene was the moon... Sacrifice the stars to get the moon, then sacrifice the moon to get the sun.

So what was the sun?

“Accept my sacrifice and summon and come! My creator! My master!”

Lily Marlene’s expression gradually became crazed, just like Lippinobert who had fallen into madness in order to summon Lily Marlene. But her expression seemed to be more pious, almost humbled.

In the next instant, Lily Marlene’s skin turned old and decayed, as if her vitality was rapidly exhausted. In the blink of an eye, she became a pile of bones.

“You have finally returned... my master...

“I welcome your return to this land...”

Soon, even her bones turned into dust and blew away with the wind.

At the same time, Xiao Tangqiu instantly felt a strange aura spreading. This aura was far more terrifying than Lily Marlene’s, more terrifying than anything he had ever experienced. He could almost feel his own blood freezing into ice.

In the endless darkness in front of him, a vague form suddenly appeared. It was a dark figure, like the endless night, like a bottomless abyss.

The cold and terrifying aura spread silently. The terrifying aura was colder than the night, and more terrifying than the abyss.

Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened, and he murmured, “Abyss Demon...”

Xiao Tangqiu felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

In the abyss, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring.

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