Game, Live Stream

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know what would happen to Shen Yuan once his demonic energy was sucked out, but he knew that it might be fatal.

Facing this kind of godly fight, he would only become cannon fodder if he rushed forward. But he could no longer consider that now. Seeing Shen Yuan’s face became paler and paler, blood rushed to his head and he charged!

“Qiuqiu! Don’t risk your life!”

Tang Mianmian was shocked and immediately called Xiao Tangqiu’s name and stretched out his hand to grab him. But he was too late. Xiao Tangqiu had rushed out, pulled out his crossbow, and fired!

Lily Marlene didn’t hide, she didn’t even look at Xiao Tangqiu. When Xiao Tangqiu’s arrow arrived before her, a black barrier suddenly appeared and the arrow disappeared.

Xiao Tangqiu was not surprised. If Lily Marlene was really successfully hit by him, it would be shocking. He was just trying to distract Lily Marlene. But Lily Marlene really didn’t put him in her eyes. She didn’t even spare him a glance, much less be distracted by him.

He did not distract Lily Marlene but distracted Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan turned his head to look at Xiao Tangqiu with difficulty, and his eyes were dark, “...Hurry run! Jiujiu, go!”

“I’m not leaving! I want to save you!” Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth and frantically dug through the space tool. Soon he found a bottle of holy water.

He wasn’t sure whether holy water could deal with the demon or not, but he still had to try. He opened the bottle cap and splashed it at Lily Marlene.

Once again, a black barrier appeared around Lily Marlene. She was still unscathed, but she finally turned her eyes and glanced at Xiao Tangqiu. Her eyes were as indifferent as before, but they were filled with death. It was as if she was looking at ants to be trampled under her feet. Xiao Tangqiu involuntarily shuddered.

At the same time, Xue Junli also rushed forwards. Tang Mianmian saw that Xiao Tangqiu had joined the battle, gritted his teeth, and rushed over. They attacked Lily Marlene from the left and right, with both hot and cold weapons. But the barrier appeared around Lily Marlene’s body and all their attacks were worthless.

Lily Marlene gave Xiao Tangqiu a cold look and turned her attention back to Shen Yuan again. While crazily absorbing Shen Yuan’s demonic energy, she sneered and said, “A demon’s power is very powerful, right? This kind of unstoppable and dominating power... Are you willing to lose such a strong power?”

Shen Yuan coldly stared at Lily Marlene, who was choking him, without a word.

Shen Yuan continued to glare at Lily Marlene coldly without a word.

Lily Marlene was not angry. She smiled and continued to speak, “Although you are still weak, once you become a demon, you will gain much more power, maybe even an unrivaled power... Don’t you want to be the strongest?”

“For powerful demons like us, you humans are like ants that can be trampled and crushed at will. Don’t you want to get rid of this fate? Don’t you want to control your own life and death?”

Her words were extremely deceptive and alluring. If someone without strong willpower heard those words, they would have been shaken long ago. Of course, even without her alluring words, the terrible power itself was a forbidden fruit that could lure many.

Shen Yuan’s gaze was dark, still glaring at Lily Marlene.

Lily Marlene gave a small laugh and continued to incite him, “Don’t you have something or someone you want to protect? Only when you have strength can you protect what you want to protect. Otherwise, you can’t hold onto anything, you can only watch those things shatter and disappear... You are too weak to protect anything right now. Unless you gain a stronger power...”

Shen Yuan’s eyes finally flickered, “...the person I want to protect?”

He subconsciously glanced at Xiao Tangqiu, his deep, dark eyes held a brightness.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart jumped in shock. Lily Marlene was indeed a depraved demon. She grasped the various desires and weaknesses in everyone’s heart perfectly and was able to confuse and instigate everyone... Shen Yuan was naturally a person with strong willpower without the slightest weakness. But that was the Shen Yuan before his amnesia. The current Shen Yuan had amnesia and also had more weaknesses.

He immediately yelled, “Don’t listen to her! She’s lying to you!”

Lily Marlene smiled and spoke without care, “Only when you have a strong power can you can grasp everything. The weak are unworthy of any rights, the strong can have everything... Only by becoming a demon will you have everything... ”

“Bullshit! She’s lying to you! Think about the fate of those who were bewitched and used by her!” Xiao Tangqiu was nervous and immediately yelled, “Think about Lippinobert! Think about Kisaragi! Didn’t she promise to give them what they want? But look at how they ended up!” Lippinobert sacrificed everything around him, including his family and even his own life, in order to summon Lily Marlene. In the end, the summoning failed and he died with hatred. Kisaragi sacrificed the mountain god she wholeheartedly worshipped for Lily Marlene but ended up dying some unknown death... Looking at their endings, could anyone who was seduced by demons have a good end?

Shen Yuan’s gaze wavered. Lily Marlene began to laugh and she casually said, “You are different from them. They were just greedy little ants who could only wish for power. They were obviously so weak but still dreamed about things they cannot control. People like them are naturally unworthy, but you are different...”

“She’s lying to you again!” Xiao Tangqiu was very vigilant and continued to retort, “The fundamental principles of brainwashing is to make you feel that you are different from others! But to her, you are no different at all. It’s only the difference between an easy to fool idiot and a hard to fool idiot!”

Shen Yuan’s eyes darkened and he was obviously shaken. Lily Marlene was obviously far less influential than Xiao Tangqiu to him, no matter how enticing Lily Marlene’s words were.

Sure enough, in the next second, he firmly said, “I refuse!”

A hint of pity appeared in Lily Marlene’s eyes when Shen Yuan refused, “Do you know what you are refusing? You are refusing the most powerful force in the world. Once rejected, you cannot protect everything you want to protect, including the person you most want to protect. You can only watch him die in front of your eyes, full of powerlessness and regret...”

Lily Marlene’s words stabbed right at people’s hearts, and Shen Yuan couldn’t help but hesitate.

Xiao Tangqiu was afraid that Shen Yuan was shaken again, and his brain immediately churned frantically. But the situation was at a critical point and his brain was blank from anxiety. He could only blurt out words without thought, “If you really become a demon, I will never like you again! I hate demons! I hate you!”

As soon as Xiao Tangqiu said that he hated him, Shen Yuan’s look changed immediately and he loudly declared, “I refuse!”

Even a demon like Lily Marlene who was good at masking herself could not help but express something at being rejected again and again by the same person. She looked down and was extremely displeased. A demon was a being that was extremely good at bewitching and controlling people. This was the first time she had been refused twice by the same person.

She snorted, “You don’t know what’s good for you!”

She increased the strength of the stranglehold around Shen Yuan’s neck while giving Xiao Tangqiu a cold glare.

Xiao Tangqiu felt a chill go down his back before the blood in his entire body felt like it was boiling. Sharp pain appeared in the place bitten by the devil worm and the wounds scratched by low-level demons. The wounds that had been treated by Shen Yuan felt like they split back open. The recurrence of pain was extremely fierce, and they hurted thousands of times more than before... He collapsed to the ground in pain, screaming and rolling.

Painful! It was so painful!

The pain of every injury before was not as severe as the pain now. It felt as if someone was stabbing his wounds with hundreds of needles. In just a few seconds, he was sweating buckets and completely soaked. Lily Marlene clearly didn’t intend to directly kill him. This was for the purpose of torturing him.


Shen Yuan panicked, and fine beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. But he couldn’t even protect himself right now. Although Duan Hongzhen, Yu Fuling, and Sai Lulu had climbed to their feet and joined Xue Junli to launch attacks against Lily Marlene, Lily Marlene did not put these ants in her eyes at all. She dealt with them all with one hand while continuing to absorb Shen Yuan’s demonic energy with a chilling smile.

“Qiuqiu! Qiuqiu!” Tang Mianmian rushed towards Xiao Tangqiu, but was completely helpless seeing Xiao Tangqiu rolling around with pain. “How do I help you? What should I do? What should I do!”

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth. Under the severe pain, he didn’t even have the strength to speak. He desperately tried to use his tasteless special ability card... and was shocked to find that he could not use it!

This was the first time he couldn’t use his special ability card in an instance. He didn’t know what happened. Although special ability cards were limited to three times an instance, this was the first time he has used his special ability card in this instance!

How was this possible?

Could it be that his special ability card, which was already pretty trashy, had status restrictions, and could only be used when he had more than half-health, becoming useless when it’s below half?

...This had to be a joke?!

Xiao Tangqiu turned pale with pain. He tried desperately several times, but his special ability card did not show any response... It was as if it had disappeared.

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