Game, Live Stream

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

The chef re-swallowed the coin into his stomach along with the severed hand and then looked up at Xiao Tangqiu’s group. As Xiao Tangqiu tensed even more, the chef stiffly turned around and slowly walked back with dragging feet.

Xiao Tangqiu paused, then subconsciously followed.

The chef that had run out left a scattered trail of gold coins from the big hole Duan Hongzhen sliced into his stomach. He walked back slowly, stooping to pick up gold coins all the way. After a while, he finally picked up all the gold coins that fell out of his body and stuffed them back into the opening one by one.

The chef finally returned to the previous room and then slowly climbed back into the wooden chest. He was too big for the chest but he still stuffed himself into it. In order to forcibly squeeze into the box, his limbs had to twist and become deformed again, faint cracking sounds coming from the joints.

Finally, the chef personally stuffed himself into the chest. Then he twisted his neck and closed his eyes, turning back into a cold corpse again.

Tang Mianmian was silent for a long time before asking Xiao Tangqiu, “Is that it?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...It should be.”

Tang Mianmian, “So he just wanted to take the gold coin back?”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded stiffly, “Probably.”

He suddenly felt that the ruby ​​ring in his pocket was a little hot. The ruby ​​ring was also taken out of the chef’s body...

After returning to the deck, Tang Mianmian remembered this issue, “Why didn’t he snatch the ruby ​​ring back?”

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart was jumping wildly, “This question... I also want to know...”

“Rather than why he didn’t take back the ruby ​​ring, I want to know why he took back those gold coins,” Fei You suddenly spoke. He, as a newbie, was very pale from seeing the horrible scene just now. But obviously, his fear was still prevailed by curiosity, “Do those gold coins symbolize anything?”

Xiao Tangqiu was about to say something, but the newbie who was chased by the chef earlier cried out, “Help me! Save me!”

The newbie came while being chased, all his energy focused on surviving. It was not until he climbed onto the deck that he realized that he had been gutted. He immediately picked up his insides that had fallen all over the floor and tried to stuff them back. But it was in vain and his hands only became bloodier and he could only desperately ask for help from Duan Hongzhen and the others.

Duan Hongzhen crossed his arms and said, “You are injured too badly, it is too late to save you.”

Tang Mianmian also sighed next to Xiao Tangqiu, “Such a serious injury can only be saved if we can return to the City of the Abyss... but we have only just entered the instance.” And that newbie might not be able to survive to the end.

“You’re lying! You’re lying!” The newbie wailed, “Help! Help me!”

“Why did you take the gold coin in the first place?” Duan Hongzhen raised an eyebrow. “In this world, no matter how much money you take, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the life to spend it.”

“I know I was wrong! I’m sorry! Save me, save me...” The newbie’s voice became weaker and weaker. He had lost too much blood.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Duan Hongzhen and the others had experienced countless instances and had long steeled themselves. They naturally knew that money was worthless in this world of life and death. But these newbies were different. They still held the hope of being able to go back in their hearts... Wasn’t it the same when he first came to this world?

Duan Hongzhen raised the knife in his hand, “I can’t save you, but I can give you a fast and painless end.”

Rather than dying a slow and agonizing death, a quick death was better. But the newbie obviously didn’t think so. He clutched the big wound in his abdomen with a look of fear and crawled backward, “Madman! You want to kill me?! No... I don’t... want...”

He crawled towards below the deck desperately, dragging blood all over the floor.

Xiao Tangqiu originally thought that Duan Hongzhen would go after him, but Duan Hongzhen did not. He put down the knife in his hand and sneered, “Coward.”

As a newbie, Fei You obviously disagreed with Duan Hongzhen’s approach. He paled and asked, “If it were you, would you be willing to be killed quickly?”

Duan Hongzhen twitched his lips, “Of course, I would even be grateful to the person who killed me.”

Fei You was speechless, unable to respond.

The remaining couple of newbies trembled. After experiencing the scene just now, they became deeply aware of the cruelty of this world... and the cruelty of their teammates.

“You see, don’t take things randomly...” Duan Hongzhen squinted at them. “If you die then you die. If you drag down others, don’t blame others for being heartless.”

The newbies trembled like quails.

Xiao Tangqiu hesitated, “That newbie...”

Xue Junli spoke lightly, “Don’t worry about him, continue searching.”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the blood trail left by the newbie’s crawling and sighed. If the newbie was given a chance, maybe he would become a veteran like Duan Hongzhen and the others. But the issue was giving this newbie a chance. And who would give the other newbies who couldn’t survive the instance a chance?

This world was so cruel, but it treated everyone equally. People who were only lucky couldn’t live to the end with luck. Wasn’t the


they met before a good example?

Veterans like Duan Hongzhen and Shen Yuan, didn’t they all struggle and fight on a long road before becoming tempered?

At this moment, Xiao Tangqiu felt Shen Yuan’s gaze again and subconsciously looked in his direction. But Shen Yuan was still not looking at him.

...Was he being too narcissistic?

They searched the other places but didn’t find anything. Other than the corpse of the chef and the corpses in the barrels in the wine cellar, they didn’t find any other corpses. They also never found the captain’s dead body.

Tang Mianmian touched his chin, “There is only one truth... the murderer is actually the captain!”

Xue Junli looked up at the sky, “It’s getting dark.”

Tang Mianmian became excited in an instant, “Maybe something will be triggered!”

Fei You asked blankly, “What do you mean?”

Tang Mianmian explained, “Many instances rely on time to drive the plot. Some events that cannot be triggered during the day will be triggered naturally at night or at a certain time.”

“I see. So that’s what it means to be more ominous at night?” Fei You understood and he shivered, “I... I’m afraid of ghosts...”

Tang Mianmian patted Fei You on the shoulder and comforted him, “It’s okay. You’ll get used to running into ghosts and such.”

Fei You exploded and said, “How can you get used to it?!”

Duan Hongzhen grinned and said, “Rest early. There might be a fierce battle in the evening.”

Yu Fuling spoke up, “There are only two places where you can rest, the captain’s room and the crew quarters. The captain’s room has only one bed. Our Reincarnation Team will live in the captain’s room and the others will live in the crew quarters. Anyone disagree?”

The newbies naturally did not dare to disagree and tremblingly agreed.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. Was he a member of the Reincarnation Team? Tang Mianmian should be regarded as a full member of the Reincarnation Team now, but he had been offline for so long... Even when he was offline for a long time when playing games, he would automatically leave the party.

His current situation was really awkward. Although he died to save Shen Yuan, Shen Yuan did not seem to be grateful. Although he did not save Shen Yuan to gain Shen Yuan’s gratitude, he had to say... Shen Yuan’s indifferent and cold attitude gave him a sense of frustrating powerlessness like punching against cotton.

At this moment, Fei You suddenly grabbed Xiao Tangqiu’s hand and whispered, “You should be a veteran player too, can you live with us? I’m a little scared.”

Although there was nothing to protest about veterans and newbies living separately, newbies living together would only be able to huddle together waiting to die should anything happen. So having Xiao Tangqiu was like finding driftwood in the ocean. Although Xiao Tangqiu was a veteran player, he seemed to have a complicated relationship with other veterans. The most important thing was that Xiao Tangqiu knew him.

Xiao Tangqiu nodded and agreed. In this case, no matter how he chose, it would be awkward. Fei You’s request actually gave him a way out and he even secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Mianmian saw that Xiao Tangqiu was taken by Fei You to the crew quarters and quickly followed, “Then I will sleep with Qiuqiu!”

Duan Hongzhen raised his eyebrows at this, “Hey, you are also our team members, how can you act without authorization? Captain, what do you say?”

Shen Yuan was silent for a while, then said coldly, “Let them do as they like.”

Duan Hongzhen shrugged, “Alright, do as you like, the captain can’t control you anymore.”

Xiao Tangqiu noticed that Shen Yuan’s attitude seemed a bit wavering and couldn’t help hesitate for a while. But the next moment, he was strongly dragged to the crew quarters by Fei You. Before he could react, he was dragged into the room.

“Please! For the sake of both of us being apocalyptic travelers, let’s sleep together!” Fei You begged Xiao Tangqiu eagerly, “We are both streamers, and a streamer should help another streamer, right?”

Seeing Xiao Tangqiu’s helpless look, he continued, “You even watch my live streams, you should be my fan? I’ll give you my signature! Ten! No! One hundred! Zhang Zuo can also give you his signature!”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled helplessly, “Alright, we’ll sleep together.”

They all crossed over here, what’s the use of signatures?

Even banknotes were just pieces of waste paper.

Compared to Xiao Tangqiu, Tang Mianmian was in a great mood. After all, his best friend had been miraculously resurrected, he had hope in life, there was company for bantering, there were no regrets in life.

He happily began to pull out his backpack, “We have four people, great! Three people can only play

Fight the Landlord

, four people can play mahjong! The mahjong set I brought is finally useful!”

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