Game, Live Stream

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

For a moment, Xiao Tangqiu didn’t know whether he should complain or admire Tang Mianmian for having the nerves and leisure to play mahjong.

Fei You asked Tang Mianmian with tears, “You actually are in the mood to play mahjong?”

Tang Mianmian heheh’d, “Just kidding, it’s to help you guys relax a bit!”

Fei You couldn’t laugh at all. He glanced at Tang Mianmian, speechless.

At this moment, a newbie suddenly screamed, “Ahhhhh!”

Xiao Tangqiu jumped and instinctively wanted to take out his crossbow only to realize that his crossbow was gone.

He patted himself down. While his clothes were still there, his weapons and backpack were gone. It seemed that dying here resulted in dropped equipment.

Meanwhile, Tang Mianmian had quickly pulled out his dagger. His dagger seemed to have undergone some changes from before. It likely underwent several special modifications before finally becoming what it was now.

He turned serious and his aura was much stronger than before, “What happened?”

“Ahhhhhh! There’s a ghost!” The newbie screamed and jumped off the bed, turning towards the door to flee. Tang Mianmian rushed forward to look and became speechless.

“What damn ghost! Are your eyes bad? This is just a piece of clothing!”

Tang Mianmian used a dagger to toss things off the bed and it turned out to be just a tattered piece of clothing. But this bundled piece of clothing was dark and dirty, unworn for who knew how long. In this dimly lit cabin, it was easy to mistake for other things.

The newbie looked back, trembling, “It’s just... just a piece of clothing?”

Another newbie sneered and said, “Coward! A guy like you won’t survive five minutes in a horror movie!”

The newbie was immediately upset. He wanted to refute but he turned his head and saw that the man mocking him was a muscular man so he cowed back.

The brawny man glanced at Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, “Are you all so-called veteran players? You don’t seem like much either!”

Tang Mianmian rolled his eyes and Xiao Tangqiu smiled and didn’t speak. He didn’t know what Duan Hongzhen and them did to make these newbies obedient. But this guy before him obviously had good eyesight. He could see that the two of them were just the tails of the team.

He originally thought this guy was being prickly and he had to challenge him before the situation was over. But unexpectedly, that guy just spurned them, then yawned and turned around, “Humph! Anyway, it’s none of my business, I just want to live to the end!”

After the newbie was frightened by the clothes on the bed, he shakily chose the bed farthest from the original. But before he could climb up, he was pulled away by the brawny man. “Scram. I want to sleep in this bed!”

The shaking newbie protested, “I was here first!”

“So what if you came first? Do you want to fight me!” The strong man flexed his biceps.

The newbie shook a bit and silently left the bed.

Actually, there were plenty of beds in the room because there were three layers in each bunk bed: top, middle, and bottom. But most people chose to take up a whole bunk. After all, if there was any danger and they needed to immediately escape, there was only one ladder up and down. Nobody wanted to waste valuable time competing for the ladder.

Also, most people chose the lower or the middle bunk and there was basically nobody who wanted the top bunk. Additionally, most of them chose a bed near the door like the timid newbie who originally chose the bed closest to the door. But the muscular man snatched that bed away. Being the closest to the door meant having the easiest escape path, after all.

After being robbed of the bed, the cowardly newbie chose another bed that was near the door and climbed up in shame.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian looked at each other and found the two closest beds and climbed up. Although the conditions in the cabin were very poor and the beds were dark and dank with an unspeakable smell, it was still great to have a bed to sleep in compared to the floor.

The two of them hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and it was even a parting of life and death, so naturally, there were endless things to say. They reminisced for ages before Fei You finally couldn’t help but cut in, “I’ve always wanted to ask... Didn’t Tang Mianmian say that you died? How are you alive now? Can people be resurrected in this world?”

Xiao Tangqiu coughed and avoided the topic, “It’s quite a long story, and it’s hard to explain clearly...”

Fei You, “Then take your time.”

“If we can leave here alive, I’ll tell you...” Xiao Tangqiu said, “More than that, I want to know why you guys are here? I remember watching your live stream a few days before I came to this damned place. Weren’t you eating pufferfish live at that time?”

Fei You spoke gloomily, “Yes, I went to the hospital after the live stream.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...And then?”

No wonder Fei You didn’t live stream again for several days after that. Before, Fei You live streamed every day and he already had a habit of watching Fei You’s gourmet live streams.

Fei You was very down, “I laid around in the hospital for a few days, and when I recovered, I was already on this ship...”

Xiao Tangqiu’s mouth twitched and looked at Zhang Zuo, “What about him?”

Zhang Zuo silently raised his head to look at the ceiling, “I went to the hospital for a visit and then lost consciousness.”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned and thought, “It seems that there is actually a time difference between crossing over...”

By rough calculations, the time they transmigrated should be around the same as Fei You and Zhang Zuo’s, but Fei You and Zhang Zuo’s actual entry into this game was three to four whole months after them.

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered something, and asked Fei You and Zhang Zuo, “Then before you transmigrated here, have you heard of the game The Abyss?”

Fei You and Zhang Zuo looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, “I haven’t heard of it.”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned. Fei You was just a gourmet host, so not having heard of this game was normal. But Zhang Zuo was also a game host... Was this game really something only Tang Mianmian and he had seen and played?

Xiao Tangqiu fell back on the bed with deep doubts. The ship rocked with the waves of the sea and he felt like a lone boat swaying and undulating in the sea. From time to time, a big wave would hit and he would be almost thrown out of the bed. Fortunately, there was a big net in front of the bed so he wouldn’t really get tossed out.

He was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t sleep and couldn’t help but want to talk to Tang Mianmian about why only the two of them knew about the game The Abyss. But when he looked up, he saw that Tang Mianmian was asleep and was happily snoring away.

Xiao Tangqiu sighed helplessly and laid down again, closing his eyes and forcing himself to fall asleep.

Who knew what they would encounter next? It was better to get a good night’s sleep and accumulate fighting strength!

Xiao Tangqiu was very restless. Whenever he tried to fall asleep, the scene of Shen Yuan moving away during the day would appear before his eyes, making his heart twitch uncomfortably. He wanted so desperately to survive to find Shen Yuan again, but Shen Yuan’s attitude was so uncaring...

Xiao Tangqiu vaguely recollected what had happened in the past three months and unknowingly fell asleep.

But he still slept very unsteadily. He floated up and down in his dream until a cold and wet touch made him suddenly awaken—

He looked down to see a pale and swollen hand grasping his ankle!

The hand was as cold as ice, damp, and covered in salty seawater. A chill spread from his ankle.

Xiao Tangqiu yelled and kicked the pale hand, but the hand was like iron tongs, firmly grasping his ankle. No matter how he kicked it, he couldn’t move it at all. He quickly turned over and rolled down from the bed. When he landed, he discovered that the cold hand came from a pirate.

More accurately, it should be the corpse of a pirate. That hand was so cold it obviously couldn’t be the body temperature of a normal living person.

The pirate likely died after falling into the water. Not only was his body swollen, deformed, pale, and rotten, but his eyeballs also bulged out due to the swollen eyelids, swaying out of the sockets. The clothes on his body had become rags, barely hanging on there. His belt was probably of good quality as it hadn’t rotted yet, and there was still a dagger hanging on it.

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t hesitate to snatch the dagger and severed the drowned ghost’s hand to rescue his ankle.

At the same time, Tang Mianmian, who slept next to him, also jumped out of bed and the head of a drowned ghost landed with him, “Qiuqiu! Are you okay?”

Xiao Tangqiu shook his head and turned to look. As expected, the entire cabin was already crowded with drowned ghosts, and more drowned ghosts squeezed in from the door. These drowned ghosts seemed to have just climbed up from the sea. All of them dripped with seawater, each bloated and rotting.

Some of the faster drowned ghosts had already climbed onto the beds and scalp-tingling chewing sounds can be heard from individual bunks. No matter how fast Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian moved, they couldn’t save everyone. They could only save a few people near them. Fei You and Zhang Zuo were lucky and their beds have yet to have drowned ghosts climb on. Other than a lot of fright, they didn’t suffer much.

But the other newbies didn’t have such good luck. When Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian arrived, they were considered lucky if they had complete corpses. Those who were out of luck had multiple drowned ghosts crawling all over them and only a few parts were left.

Ultimately, Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian only had time to save the cowardly newbie. Seeing more and more drowned ghosts pour in, Xiao Tangqiu promptly said, “Run!”

When they retreated to the door, they discovered that the bed closest to the door was empty. Tang Mianmian couldn’t help but be curious, “Where is that muscular man?”

The cowardly guy was trembling with fright, but couldn’t help but gloat when he saw it, “De-definitely was eaten!”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly, “Even if he was eaten, there should be traces left...”

The coward gloated even more, “That he was eaten so completely that there are not even scraps left!”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the empty bed and an unpleasant premonition appeared in his heart, but he glanced at Tang Mianmian and swallowed his words.

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