Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 152

Chapter 152

Some Time Later.

After the battle with Tobio everyone went back to the bar and talked for the rest of the night, Gilgamesh had caught up with Lavinia while talking with Tobio about sword techniques, Valerie had also talked, only Vali was quieter.

Currently all six were out of the bar as Gilgamesh and Valerie were heading home.

"Are you coming again Gil-kun?" asked Lavinia curiously.

Gilgamesh smiled.

"Yes, don't worry, besides you can visit me anytime you want" said Gilgamesh to Lavinia who nodded.

Gilgamesh turned his attention to Tobio.

"Next time I would win" said Tobio receiving an approving bark from Jin.

"I'm looking forward to it" Gilgamesh said to him.

Then the King of Heroes turned to Vali who was a bit disheartened by the defeat.

"Defeats are part of it Vali. I recognize you as my rival Vali, Train ... Train to master your power, I will also continue my training ... Don't let anyone beat you ... One day will come where we fight with all our might and show the world the power of the Celestial Dragons," Gilgamesh said with a smile.

Vali returned the smile agreed.

"Very well, next time I will beat you Sekiryuutei" said Vali.

"I say the same Hakuryuukou" said Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh and Valerie turned and prepared to leave.

"Hey aren't you going to say goodbye?" shouts Azazel.

"No" shouts Gilgamesh before leaving with Valerie leaving Azazel crying anime tears.

Gilgamesh and Valerie decided to walk the whole way when they were well away from the bar a barrier surrounded them.

"Looks like they took the bait" said Valerie to Gilgamesh who agreed.

Then they came up.

In the sky Walburga appeared riding her magic broom, with Arthur and dozens of lost magicians beside her on the ground.5

"You have finally come out of hiding" Walburga said sarcastically.

"You have the nerve to show up after the last time" Gilgamesh said to her.

Walburga looked increasingly irritated.

"But this time I will win and I won't go back to the leader-sama empty handed like last time" she shouted angrily.

"We will win again, Walburga of the Purple Flames" Gilgamesh said making Walburga smile and Valerie's eyes widen at knowing who she was.

Walburga was the user of one of the thirteen Longinus the [Incinerate Anthem].

[Incinerate Anthem] is considered one of the Three Holy Relics alongside Cao Cao's [True Longinus] and Valerie's [Sephiroth Grail], it is the "Holy Cross" on which Christ was crucified.

[Incinerate Anthem] has the ability to generate large amounts of powerful purple holy flames that can incinerate Devils with ease.

Its divine ability to control Sacred Flames also grants its user the ability to kill Satan and Supreme Class Devils with ease in a manner similar to [True Longinus].

"You know my identity, but no matter this time with the power of my Longinus I will win" said Walburga with purple calls beginning to appear around her.

Before Gilgamesh advanced Valerie said.

"I will take care of her" said Valerie seriously to Gilgamesh who agreed.

Gilgamesh walked towards Arthur.

"I will stop you Arthur. I promise I won't hurt you, at least not much" Gilgamesh said as his golden aura appeared.

Walburga, on the other hand, stared at Valerie before speaking.

"Very well, let's see who is the stronger, my Cross or your Chalice" said Walburga with a big smile as Valerie stared seriously.

The battle between the Holy Chalice and the Holy Cross would begin.

And only one could come out victorious.


Tension covered the barrier that had been created to contain Gilgamesh and Valerie.

On one side was Valerie who had her power coursing through her body and Walburga with an arrogant smile on her face.

On the other side was Gilgamesh and in front of him was Arthur and dozens of lost magicians.

Arthur in one movement drew Caliburn and raised it causing a great aura to emerge and cluster on the sword, in one swing Arthur sent a sphere of holy energy against Gilgamesh.

The sphere of light and holy energy surged forward destroying everything in its path toward the King of Heroes.

Gilgamesh simply punched the energy sphere sending it flying away, the sphere collided with a house in the background which was destroyed.

At that very moment all the magicians advanced against Gilgamesh, who made an irritated expression.

Why did these insignificant people dare to attack him.

The magicians quickly raised their staffs and created magic circles that shot Gilgamesh with everything.

Gilgamesh not wanting to waste time quickly opened his [Gate of Babylon].

The space behind Gilgamesh shattered. Countless golden halos rose from the air, as stars did, points of golden light the size of a grown man's head. Ripples spread from them, as if stones had been dropped into a lake of molten gold, and as the light grew, objects appeared in the portals.

No limitation, Gilgamesh opened his treasures on a totally surreal level. Spears, Swords. Hammers. Axes. Maces. Halberds. Daggers. Countless legendary weapons stored in the [Babylon Gate] floating in the air, all aimed at the oncoming attacks before being launched one by one like a cannon that fired.

All the treasures of Gilgamesh were cast against the magical powers and everything was without comparison.

Regardless of the amount of spells or the magic power, everything was useless against Gilgamesh's treasures.

His attacks don't work. None of them do. In the face of countless legendary weapons that keep coming, all their attempts are meaningless. No matter how many they launch their attacks to counterattack, the barrages of deadly weapons never stop, the weaker weapons break perhaps under their counterattack, but soon ten rise up behind them, and also whenever the weak one breaks, the strong one replaces them and their numbers are also greater

It was countless. There was no hope. The weapons were endless, they kept raining down on them through thousands of golden halos that floated around the golden-haired man. They were eventually forced to stop attacking. They all concentrated on defending themselves and counterattacking after the flurries of blades and weapons.

However, it was useless to try to defend themselves when the weapons fell on them.

It was neither a battle nor a fight. To call what happens now a battle or a fight would be mocking. Fight or battle is when two different sides try to kill and attack each other with the same force. This, this is not that. This is a one-sided massacre, where one side wields only stones, while the other has countless weapons.

This was not a competition. All the Noble Phantasm they threw have the power to split the mountain, going down hill, and destroy the city like a nuclear bomb if their real potential is unleashed. All are weapons that the Hero has wielded in the past and in the future, no matter how much the spears and the wall of light create. No matter how imaginative and potent their power is. No matter how many runes and incantations the mage has placed, they are all nothing compared to the countless weapons that reach the level of Legend and Myth.

Screams, groans, cries and moans of agony echoed across the battlefield as thousands of golden stars hit the field, hitting the Magi. Their armor protection and enhanced cloaks do nothing when the Noble Phantasm rains down on them like comets falling from the sky, causing them to explode whenever they strike, turning their bodies into fireworks of clotted blood as their flesh and blood splatter in all directions.

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