Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Amidst all this chaos and destruction Gilgamesh remained impassive as he looked at Arthur.

Arthur also showed no reaction, perhaps because his feelings were being suppressed, but even so a glimmer of fear came into his eyes and also anxiety for the battle.

Gilgamesh had not sent any weapons against Arthur because he wanted to fight personally against the wielder of the Strongest Holy Sword.

Arthur quickly raised his sword and got into fighting position with Caliburn who gained a strong holy aura.

Gilgamesh quickly summoned two swords causing two glows, one in each hand, to appear.

In the right hand appeared a sacred glow, which could be considered divine that when it disappeared was revealed a sword.

It was a typical Western sword, ninety centimeters long and twelve centimeters wide, and has Fairy Letters inscribed on it to show that it is not the work of mankind.

Although there are many other noble phantoms created more splendidly and with better skill, this sword is an illusion far superior to them. It cannot be called beautiful because of its appearance, for the description "beautiful" will only defile it. Instead, it is sacred, made of people's conceptions, a legend woven purely of hope. It is not a myth or inhuman work, but a "crystal trained only by the heart," making it the realm of the strongest fantasy. It is the crystallization of the prayer called "glory" and all etched in the hearts of those who are scattered under the glare of the sword; the nostalgic, sad and consecrated dream of those who have been placed in the bloody hell called the battlefield, with all the warriors of the past, present and future fully exposed to the fear of death and despair, and who still cling to one desire: "to be exalted."

The Sword of Promised Victory and the strongest sacred sword, Excalibur.

Excalibur is a divine construct, the pinnacle of holy swords and the strongest holy sword, whose equal is the strongest demonic sword, Gram. One of God's forged weapons, a Last Phantasm, forged by the planet as the crystallization of humanity's desires stored and tempered within the planet. It was guarded by extensions of the planet, Faeries, before being passed on briefly to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake and then returned to the lake before his death.

If the sword in Gilgamesh's right hand was Excalibur, the strongest sacred sword in his left hand was the opposite.

It emanated a demonic aura of pure destruction.

It was a broad western sword with a golden handle and a long silver blade that emanated a demonic aura.

It is an unusual noble phantasm that came into existence as a magical sword, despite possessing the attributes of the sun. Granted by its ancestor Odin, this sword is a rare weapon that not only selects a king, but simultaneously brings glory, jealousy, ruin, and destiny.

It was the strongest devil sword, the sword of Dawn and Ruin, the sword of the Sun, Gram.

It is the "Sword of the Sun" wielded by Sigurd in the Vlsunga saga of Norse mythology. It was originally an enchanted sword wielded and pulled from the trunk of a mighty tree by Sigurd's father, Sigmund; it later shattered in the confrontation with Gungnir and was reinforced again into a cursed demonic blade that was capable of killing even a dragon by Sigurd. After that, it became known as a "Demonic sword of glory and ruin". It is said to be the strongest demonic sword that can only be matched by the strongest holy sword Excalibur, so it has the special "dragon slayer" characteristic.

The weapon is said to appear in Der Ring des Nibelungen a legend of a knight equal to King Arthur in the guise of Balmung, but is instead called the "origin" of Balmung wielded by Siegfried.

The incident of Gram being extracted from the tree by Sigmund within the halls of King Volsungo is a legend of a "sword of selection" originating with the sword Merodach. Gram, "the sword of supremacy in the tree" from Northern Europe, itself was the model for Caliburn, the sword in stone, possessed by King Arthur.

The two strongest swords, the sacred and the demonic were being wielded by Gilgamesh.

Naturally it would be difficult to handle either one of them, after all, besides being a sacred sword and a demonic one, they had the right to select a king.

If using one of them was already difficult, using both would be almost impossible.

But there was no sword that Gilgamesh could not wield.

The right side of Gilgamesh's body was enveloped in an extremely condensed sacred and divine aura that easily surpassed Arthur's Caliburn.

The left side of Gilgamesh's body was shrouded in a demonic aura that represented pure chaos and destruction that would make even the greatest of warriors fearful.

Gilgamesh and Arthur quickly increased their auras.

"You are good Arthur, it will be very nice to fight you" Gilgamesh said before sighing, "However, it is disheartening that I have to fight you while your mind is not fully here. If that were the case, then your tactical skills would certainly help you during this battle. It is a shame, perhaps we could fight properly when you are back to normal."

When Gilgamesh spoke it was possible to see Arthur's eyes sparkle for a moment.

"However I go with everything" said Gilgamesh to Arthur who held his sword more firmly.

In the next moment they both increased their auras before firing at each other by clashing their swords.

With Walburga and Valerie they stared at each other as they increased their powers.

Quickly Walburga reached out and created dozens of magic circles that began firing off large amounts of elemental attacks.

Gusts of fire, lightning, water, earth, and even light and shadows, the amount of magic attacks were gigantic and didn't stop as they advanced towards Valerie.

Valerie also extended her hand creating the same amount of magic circles that fired her spells.

Valerie fired on a large scale, releasing large amounts of flames, ice, water, lightning, storms, and darkness. She also used elemental magic spells of the forbidden type to create a skull of purple flames, cyclones of curses and black lightning.

Arrows of light were fired, orbs of darkness advanced on Walburga who created magical circles of defense.

For Walburga's attacks that were heading towards Valerie walls of earth rose up to block the magical waves fired.

Great water dragons were conjured by Valerie to devour Walburga's gigantic fireballs.

The sky was filled with spears of fire, lightning and light that Valerie fired at Walburga who was doing her best to defend herself.

Almost invisible blades of wind were directed at Walburga, who stepped back and created more protective spells or dodged them with her teleportation magic.

Rocks, some the size of a watermelon advanced being created by Valerie.

Several bolts of lightning were directed at Walburga, for every bolt Walburga defended Valerie sent three more.

Valerie's magical talent was surreal, her magical mastery and talent was superior to that of Rias and Sona, a mastery over magic so great that it allowed Valerie to fight Ultimate Class beings.

Walburga frowned as she tried to send her spells against Valerie.

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