Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

"What's the matter boy, why the surprised look?"

Gilgamesh looked at the smiling, victorious Buddha.

"There was enough power in that technique to destroy a mountain and you were able to deflect it like it was nothing? You are much stronger than Sun Wukong said." Gilgamesh spoke in a soft tone about his surprise.

Wukong laughed a little.

"Really? You thought that one mountain destruction attack would be enough to defeat me? That's absurd," Sun Wukong grimaced at Gilgamesh, "You have no idea how powerful I am. I am as powerful as the gods themselves, capable of facing mid to low level God class Beings. Perhaps I should show you why I am so feared." Sun Wukong announced as he snapped his fingers as a stream of golden orbs of chi appeared around the former Monkey King.

Sun Wukong quickly summoned his Ruyi Jingu Bang staff and set off on Gilgamesh while releasing waves of his Touki and divine aura against Gilgamesh who deflected.

Sun Wukong launched his chi orbs at Gilgamesh, who began to avoid them. Gilgamesh dodged another attack from Sun Wukong's staff, and summoned a sword to counter Sun Wukong's blows.

Gilgamesh and Sun Wukong continue to exchange blows as their attacks send shockwaves every time they collide.

Gilgamesh swung in and out of Sun Wukong's flurry of attacks, while Sun Wukong kept swinging out of the way of Gilgamesh's blade blows.

"Magnify!" Gilgamesh dodged Sun Wukong's staff.

"Fold!" The staff began to leave the whirlpool like a serpent.

Gilgamesh withdrew from the advancing staff, leaving some distance between it and Sun Wukong's snake-shaped staff. Extending his hand, Gilgamesh shouted.

"Gravitational Well" Sun Wukong was suddenly smashed into the ground as an immense amount of force smashed him against the ground. The staff stopped just inches away from hitting Gilgamesh in the face as he began to retreat.

Gilgamesh had used a magic circle that replicated [Gravity Magic] against Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong looked at Gilgamesh.

"You sneaky little bastard." He groaned as Gilgamesh smiled, only to quickly dodge an attack from behind. Yu-Long tried to catch Gilgamesh in his jaws, although that allowed Sun Wukong to escape Gilgamesh's gravity trap.

"Damn, I almost caught him." Yu-Long grumbled.

Gilgamesh backed away when he saw the two coming together.

Gilgamesh admitted that Sun Wukong was much more trouble than Artemis and Ares, maybe not in matter of power but in matter of skills he was far superior to the two Greek Gods.

Sun Wukong was skilled enough to train Vali and Issei to the point where they could fight against gods, and he also easily dodged attacks that would have killed him if they had hit him.

Gilgamesh quickly decided to finish this so he could return home.

Gilgamesh was quickly immersed in a divine golden aura when he activated the [Verethragna Authority].

Sun Wukong's eyes widened as he felt Gilgamesh's power transform into a divine Authority.

"Impossible" said Sun Wukong visibly perplexed.

Gilgamesh's eyes flashed in power as he recited the chant of one of his Authorities.

"May his spine be crushed; may his bones be broken, his tendons torn, his hair plucked from his skull; may his blood, poured out upon the earth, be revolved into a bloody froth. I will become the one who buries fangs in the sinner's flesh, so that the Lord's will may be followed: you shall be purged!" recited Gilgamesh when he activated the Authority of the [Boar].

The space behind Gilgamesh split as a rift between the real world and the imaginary world appeared and from it an immense Boar fifty meters long emerged and hurled it against the perplexed Yu-Long.

The Jade Dragon King couldn't even think when the huge Boar advanced against him, the dragon unleashed giant waves of flames.

However that didn't stop him, the Boar was ruthless and was fully willing to accept some bruises and broken bones and burns as long as it could destroy its target.

The Boar lunged forward, launching its tusks to pierce the dragon, which managed to dodge but was dragged dozens of meters away.

Gilgamesh turned his gaze to Sun Wukong who was still puzzled.

"Now it's just the two of us," Gilgamesh said to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong prepared his staff and all his divine power for he knew that he could not take lightly the man in front of him, at least not after seeing a divine Authority in the possession of a demigod.

Gilgamesh quickly extended his hand forward and activated another of his [Authorities].

Gilgamesh began to speak and words of the spell began to leave his lips.

"Heed the power of my words, let justice reveal itself, under the strength and eloquence of this incantation, for strength is always victorious, for strength is the answer to all things!" he chanted as a great golden sword manifested in his outstretched hands while the ground below him began to change to a reddish-gold and spread with every word he spoke.

It was the Golden Sword, one of the Ten Incarnations of Verethragna, the cursed sword that allows its user to violate the divinity of a God.6

The moment Sun Wukong saw the sword he felt the deepest terror within his being, it was as if his divine part was afraid of the sword and this frightened the Monkey King.

"Sun Wukong is a monkey who was born from a stone and acquired supernatural powers through Daoist practices. After rebelling against Heaven, he was imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha. Before this happened, he had already fought against the Bull Demon King, the one who manipulated him to rebel against Heaven by killing his friends" Gilgamesh began to recite while the golden sword seemed to shine brighter and brighter with each word uttered by Gilgamesh.

Sun Wukong was at first surprised that Gilgamesh began to recite his life story, but after that the surprise turned to fear.

Each time Gilgamesh spoke a word about his story the power of the golden sword seemed to grow stronger and stronger, so Sun Wukong understood what happened.

With each word spoken by Gilgamesh the sword was having its power increase.

And it was true, the Authority of the [Warrior] holding the golden sword could only be summoned if the user knew his divine enemy.

This Authority represents the legend of Verethragna as a god of war who subdued foreign deities.

It summons a golden sword that negates the divinity and power of whatever authorities they possess. However, knowledge of the target god is required to use it.

Forging the sword requires knowledge of the opposing god, and Gilgamesh knew a great deal about Sun Wukong.

When Gilgamesh gained the Persian God of Victory's Authority he went on to acquire the knowledge of most possible Gods to use it when needed.

And this was happening, Gilgamesh was forging the golden sword to cut the Monkey King's deity.

Sun Wukong seeing the danger quickly advanced against Gilgamesh by swinging his Ruyi Jingu Bang stick at Gilgamesh who in a single swing struck back sending Sun Wukong flying away.

Then it happened.

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