Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

A giant golden glow emerged from the sword causing everyone to be blinded for a moment and when it faded away another place was revealed.

The whole earth was in red color with mountains everywhere, dozens of gold swords of the most different shapes were floating in the air or were on the earth stuck.

"What is this?" asked Sun Wukong seeing all this place and he felt the power of every sword there was around.

"That is the place created by my Authority" said Gilgamesh making the Monkey King perplexed.

That should be impossible, no divine Authority could create an entire dimension.

Even Indra had his Authority related to war and storms could not do this, nor could Shiva who had his Authority focused on destruction.

The only ones who had Authorities that created entire kingdoms were Odin with Valhalla and Asgard, Hades with the Realm of the Dead, and the Biblical God with Heaven.

"After a massive battle, he successfully banished the Bull Demon King from Heaven after the latter tried to overthrow him and rule it. Later, he accompanies the monk Xuanzang Sanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from India, accompanied by "Pig" and "Sandy," who offered to accompany the priest to atone for his previous crimes. The group faced a series of eighty-one tribulations before accomplishing their mission and returning safely to China. There, Sun Wukong received the status of Buddha for his service and strength," said Gilgamesh as he finished forging his sword which glowed in an aura that began to burn Sun Wukong's body.

"That is you, Sun Wukong the Great Monkey King, the Buddha Victorious in Combat and the Great Sage Equal to the Heavens" said Gilgamesh as his sword glowed.

All the swords turned on Sun Wukong who stared in bewilderment and quickly plucked several hairs from his beard that turned into clones of him.

The swords fell like rain at supernatural speed on Sun Wukong.

Quickly the Monkey King's clones stepped in front to defend against the attack and as the swords cut them they turned into rocks before crumbling in the wind.

Gilgamesh quickly advanced against the Combat Victorious Buddha who tried to defend himself with his staff, but it was not enough.

Gilgamesh in one swift movement slashed Sun Wukong with his sword and the golden world of his Authority disappeared.

When the golden world disappeared it was revealed Gilgamesh standing in front of Sun Wukong who was kneeling with a pained expression.

Sun Wukong could not believe it, he received a cut from the sword and was intact, but he felt no connection to his divine power, it was as if he did not exist.

Then Sun Wukong realized what that sword was, it was a weapon that violated the divinity and Authority of a God.

Gilgamesh when he cut Sun Wukong nullified his divine power reducing Sun Wukong from an extremely powerful God to a mere human.

Naturally it won't work as well due to Sun Wukong being part youkai, but Gilgamesh forged the sword to cut the very essence of the Buddha.

A gigantic bang caught the attention of Sun Wukong who turned around and saw Yu-Long knocked out on the ground with blood dripping from his body and the huge Boar was neighing above him.

It was no comparison, although Yu-Long was a Dragon King the Boar Avatar could injure and even kill a God if used at full power.

"W-what are you?" spoke Sun Wukong as he was without feeling his power.

"Pay attention Buddha Combat Victorious, I am the reincarnation of victory, a demigod with the power of the God of Victory, don't you ever dare to come to me or try to hurt me or I will kill you, if Indra wants something from me he can come to me, I will use my golden sword and reduce you to a mere human" said Gilgamesh as his golden sword began to glow.

Gilgamesh released some of Sun Wukong's divinity which quickly created a magic circle that covered him and Yu-Long making them both disappear.

Gilgamesh sighed as he deactivated his Authorities and his golden sword and the Boar disappeared.

Gilgamesh knew that normally any being in Japan felt the power that he and Sun Wukong demonstrated, however the barrier that the Monkey King made was with senjutsu and so unless they were masters of that art no one could feel any anomalies.

Gilgamesh also knew that Sun Wukong would regain his power, for the golden sword would only seal the Authority temporarily.

Gilgamesh sighed before returning home and hoped that nothing else would happen as he wanted some peace in his life.

Some Time Later.

Gilgamesh's Home.

Gilgamesh had returned to his home and talked to everyone about the incident with the Buddha Victorious in Combat.

Everyone quickly gave Gilgamesh a telling off for exaggerating that he didn't understand since he was the one who was attacked.

Everyone agreed and would keep on alert for anything, at least the battle had not been in vain as Gilgamesh had taken a quantity of Yu-Long's aura through his Boar Authority and sealed it into Valerie's Artificial Sacred Gear increasing its power.

Just as he had also used his [Unlimited Weapons Works] to create a copy of the magic staff, Ruyi Jingu Bang, of Sun Wukong

Currently Gilgamesh was standing before Arthur and Le Fay, after it looked like they were ready to leave, Gilgamesh had many questions for Arthur.

What he had been through, what he knew about this organization, if he remembered anything about it.

Although it seemed he wasn't sure about that.

As Le Fay looked between Arthur and Gilgamesh.

"So, now that you have been released, what are you going to do?"

Faced with Gilgamesh's question, Arthur shrugged.

"We have nowhere to go. Our family ... well, I left the Pendragon family to make sure that my ... lover would be safe."

"Forbidden romance, eh?"

Gilgamesh poked, genuinely curious about what was going on at the moment.

Arthur showed a slight smile on his face.

"Maybe it's something like that. I decided she needed to be safe, so I left, and Le Fay followed me. Since then, we've been doing our own thing, moving from one place to another, without really having anywhere to call home."

Gilgamesh frowned.

"That's terrible. I'm sorry about that."

Arthur waved his hand.

"Thank you for your kind words. But I must thank you for helping Le Fay and also for helping me. You have done a great service for us, we are indebted to you. From now on, when I wield my sword, I will be thinking of Gilgamesh and his allies."

Gilgamesh scratched his cheek in wonder at the way Arthur.

"Heh, so you are that kind of swordsman huh. So honorable." Gilgamesh replied, his eyes dancing between the brothers, "So where are you going now?"

Being a little worried about them, he had to ask.

He didn't want anything else to happen to them.

No danger to them.

"We're not sure yet. I suppose whatever we do, it will be a bit dangerous. I'd rather Le Fay not be in danger, of course."

"Of course" Gilgamesh smiled, looking at Le Fay, who looked despondent, "You know, if you have nowhere to go, you can always stay here, in Kuoh. It wouldn't be a problem. "

Le Fay choked.

The prospect of staying in Kuoh, she wasn't sure what Arthur would think about it.

But she herself was very favorable.

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