Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

"Kuroka-nee-sama..." said Koneko weakly.

Kuroka only smiled.

"The onee-chan here is quite impressed that you came all this way following that black cat that snuck into that party-nya" said the woman smiling.

"... Nee-sama. What do you want?"

There was anger in Koneko's voice. But Kuroka just smiled.

"Don't make that scary face. I just had some small matters to take care of. I heard that the demons were having a big party here, you know. And so I got a little interested. Nyan," Kuroko said as he waved his hand like a cat.

"Hahahaha, I wonder if you are a member of the Gremory group?"

Another voice emerged from behind the tree and when it came out it was revealed to be Bikou, the descendant of Sun Wukong.

At that very moment he looked at the trees where Rias and Issei were hiding.

"Even if you guys eliminate their presence, that is useless. With people like me and Kuroka, who know senjutsu, we can detect you accurately just by the slight variation in your chakra flow" said the monkey Youkai calmly.

Slowly from behind a tree Rias and Issei emerged, side by side.

"... Ise-senpai, Buchou." said Koneko in surprise.

"Why are you guys here? Is this a terrorist attack?" Rias asked seriously.

At that Kuroka and Bikou only smiled mischievously.

"No, we didn't come here for that kind of thing. That's only because an order to be on standby here in the Underworld was given. Kuroka and I are off duty now. When the order was given, Kuroka suggested that we visit the party of demons. Since she was unlikely to return easily, I came here with her as well. Okay?" said Bikou cheerfully.

While yawning, Bikou spoke.

"Kuroka~, let's go back. Since we really can't attend this party, it's a waste of time to continue here."

"Yes, let's go back. But I will take Shirone with me-nyan. Since I couldn't bring her with me that time" said Kuroka smiling.

"Arara, if you take her with you willingly, Vali might get angry, you know?"

"When they know that a power equal to mine flows in her, both Ophis and Vali will be convinced, won't they?" explained Kuroka

"Well, they might" said Bikuo indifferently.

Having Bikuo's answer Kurola's eyes narrowed on Koneko who began to tremble.

However before anyone could react another voice made itself present.

"I can't allow that"

Before anyone could react, a flash advanced against Bikou who quickly raised his staff to defend himself.

When the flash and the staff collided an intense shockwave was generated as Bikou grunted at the force of who had struck.

When the dust subsided it was revealed that the one who was crashing into Bikou was none other than Arthur who was wielding his Caliburn sword.

Kuroka quickly reacted and fired several orbs of Chi at Arthur who jumped up deflecting it.

Arthur landed calmly next to Rias and Issei staying slightly ahead of Koneko.

"Looks like I missed" said Arthur fixing his glasses.

"Don't worry about it"

Everyone turned around and immediately saw that the one who was coming up behind Rias, Issei, Koneko and Arthur was Gilgamesh who was walking calmly.

"Gilgamesh-senpai..." said Koneko with wide eyes

"What are you doing here?" asked Rias in surprise.

"I felt an invading energy and decided to check it out" said Gilgamesh placing himself next to Arthur.

"Have you come to fight Youkai?" asked Gilgamesh as Bikou laughed nervously.

"Certainly not with you" said the descendant of Sun Wukong quickly.

"Who is he, Bikou?" asked Kuroka curiously.

"That's Gilgamesh, the current Sekiryuutei" replied Bikou calmly.

Kuroka's eyes widened in surprise, "The guy who beat Vali with one blow?"

"The same, and now that got complicated" said Bikou seriously.

"And who is that next door?" asked Kuroka.

Before Bikou could answer, another voice made itself present.

"That I can answer"

From behind a tree, above a branch another person emerges.

He was a tall young man with wavy blond hair and water colored eyes with long eyelashes. He wears silver armor with floral patterns over his black and dark blue jumpsuit.

In his hand was a long silver sword with a blue hilt that emitted an intense sacred energy, although smaller than Caliburn, and at his waist was another sword in its scabbard.

Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him, his strength could be considered equal to Arthur's.

From the corner of his eyes Gilgamesh saw that the descendant of the King of Knights had an immense look of shock on his face.

"... He is Arthur, the descendant of King Arthur and user of the Sacred Caliburn Sword" said the man calmly.

"G-Gawain" said Arthur stammering in surprise.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he heard the name of the man in front of him and understood who he was.

Sir Gawain, one of the Knights of the Round Table known as the "Knight of the Sun" and wielding the Excalibur Galatine Sword was considered as strong as Lancelot and King Arthur himself.

"It's been a while, Arthur," said Gawain, smiling slightly.

"Do you know him?" asked Gilgamesh.

Arthur nodded solemnly.

"His name is Gawain, a descendant of Sir Gawain of the Round Table. He was a friend of mine when I was in the Pendragon family, we've known each other since we were kids, and when I ran away with Le Fay he ran away too and then we got separated, I thought he was dead" Arthur explained.

As he spoke Gilgamesh had other thoughts.

There was no descendant of Sir Gawain in the DxD universe, so all Gilgamesh could assume was that this Gawain had been created by the Goddesses as a response to Arthur joining Gilgamesh's group.

In the cannon Arthur would join the Vali team, but here he had allied himself with Gilgamesh and so Gawain had been created to fill that vacancy.

Gawain's eyes turned to Bikou and Kuroka.

"Let's go, Vali is calling us" he said seriously.

Bikou only sighed as Kuroka laughed.

"Really? I thought you would like to exchange a blow with Arthur, after all he is your friend" Black Cat said laughing.

"Although I and my sword Galatine, love to challenge Arthur and his Caliburn, this is not the best time" said Gawain sighing.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he realized what the weapon in Gawain's hands was.

It was the Holy Sword Excalibur Galatine, the shining sword that Sir Gawain owns. It is the sister sword of Excalibur, also originally owned by the Lady of the Lake, but it is not as well known as a sacred sword and rarely mentioned due to having its legend hidden in the shadow of King Arthur's sacred sword. While Excalibur collects the lights of the planet, Sir Gawain's sacred sword is said to represent the heat rays of the sun with a Pseudo-Sun contained in the handle.

Gilgamesh then was able to understand that Gawain had inherited the sword from his ancestor.

And Gilgamesh also realized that Gawain was not at his peak, according to the stories Sir Gawain became stronger during the day and by noon he was able to beat even Lancelot, the Strongest Knight of the Round Table.

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