Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

"And also, although I would love to fight Arthur we cannot ignore the existence of the King of Heroes, he would probably kill us the moment we thought of attacking" explained Gawain while looking seriously at Gilgamesh.

"Looks like you got yourself another sword Gawain" said Arthur calmly.

The descendant of the Sun Knight smiled.

"That is the end part of Excalibur that was found recently, the strongest among the seven Excaliburs. [Excalibur Ruler]" he said smiling.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise at that.

"Then let's retreat" Gawain said seriously.

Before anyone could react he lifted Galatine who emanated an intense light blinding everyone and when he disappeared it was revealed that Gawain, Kurola and Bikou were gone.

"He's gone" whispered Arthur in surprise.

"How did you find out about the Gilgamesh?" asked Rias curiously.

"I felt a strange energy and came to check" said Gilgamesh calmly.

The King of Heroes approached Koneko and ran his hand over his head.

"Gilgamesh-senpai...?" asked Koneko in surprise.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you" said the King of Heroes smiling at the girl who blushed and nodded.

"Now let's go back, I have to report this" said Gilgamesh calmly.

Everyone agreed with his words as they walked back into the hall.

Conference Room, Gremory Territory.

"How embarrassing"

That was the first sentence heard as everyone was gathered in the conference room.

Currently it was possible to see in the room Gilgamesh and his entire group, along with Azazel and his deputy leader Shemhazai, the Maous Sirzechs and Serafall as well as several elders.

It had been some time since Gilgamesh had returned and reported to everyone about what had happened, and his Avalon Faction was with him.

Shemhazai began to speak.

"The opponents were the members of a special, independent unit of the [Khaos Brigade], Team Vali, consisting of Son Goku, [Bikou], the nekoshou, [Kuroka], and also the user of the sacred sword Galatine. These three people are from a team holding enough power... And also, the care of the demons are-"

At that time the door to the room was opened. The person who appeared left everyone dumbfounded.

"Hmm, so you young people are no longer able to greet an old man like me, are you?"

It was an old, one-eyed man wearing an old-looking hat. He had a white beard, which was so long that it seemed to touch the ground. His clothes, which did not look luxurious, consisted of just a simple cloak. He held a cane, but it was not as if he needed it.

"Odin" said Azazel in surprise.

Who stood in front of everyone was none other than Odin, the King of the Norse Gods.

And next to him was a woman dressed as Valkyrie, she was a beautiful young woman with long straight silver hair and water colored eyes who looks like she is in her late teens.

Her battle attire is a set of Valkyrie armor, which consists of a white breastplate with matching gold and light blue details, fingerless gloves, boots, hip guards, and wing-shaped hair clips. She also wears a black knit under the breastplate, black thigh-high stockings, and a light blue cloth wrapped under the hip shield, all dressed up with pink bows along with her hair clips.

That was Rossweisse, a Valkyrie and Odin's bodyguard.

"Oh, oh, it's been a while, hasn't it, old man of the northern farmsteads?" said Azazel snidely.

Even though Azazel had called him that rude, Odin smoothed his beard.

"It's been a while, fallen angel brat. It seems you've gotten intimate with the people you fought against for so long, but... Are you still thinking of something cunning?" said Odin laughing.

"Hah! Unlike the settler gods who honor their ancient bonds according to their own customs or whatever, we young people have flexible thinking. Instead of having hostile and problematic thinking, we place more importance on growth and progress" replied Azazel laughing as well.

"That's a loser mentality, typical of the weak. After all, you are a bunch of brats who have lost your God and Maou" said Odin making fun resulting in a sneer from Azazel.

"It's called becoming independent and walking on your own legs, old man."

"Seeing a bunch of brats playing at getting together like that, I have nothing left but to laugh."

At this rate we won't get anywhere. Sirzechs then rose from his seat and greeted the old man.

"It's been a long time, Chief of the Northern Gods, Odin-dono" Sirzechs said politely.

"Sirzechs. I came here for the invitation you gave me to watch the games. However, it can't be easy for you either. The descendant of the original Lucifer is the Hakuryuukou. Moreover, he has become a terrorist. The future of the demons is not going to be easy."

Odin made that comment sarcastically, but Sirzechs simply smiled.

The old man's eye then went toward Serafall, who was sitting next to Sirzechs.

"By the way, Serafall. What's that outfit?"

Serafall was dressed like a magical girl from an anime.

"Ara, Odin-sama! Don't you know? This is the outfit of a mahou shoujo."

She spun around and struck a pose with a peace sign.

"Hmm. So that's what's popular among young people these days. It's not bad at all. Yes, yes, very good" Odin said laughing wickedly.

Odin smiled as he put his hand on his chin, he looked at Serafall's legs and panties.

Seeing this, Rossweisse intervened.

"Odin-sama, you must not do such indecent things! The reputation of Valhalla4 will be ruined!"

"Geez, you are very bossy. That's why you can't get any heroes as boyfriends."

At the same instant, the Valkyrie collapsed in tears at Odin's words.

"D-Anyway, I'm only a slightly past-age warrior with a history of no boyfriends! I want to have a boyfriend too! Auuu!"

Odin sighed, too.

"I'm sorry. That person is my personal assistant. Although she is pretty, she is very bossy. And with that she can't get a man for herself" Odin said sighing.

"It's been a while, Odin.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw Sebas walking towards the King of the Norse Gods.

Odin's eye widened and an immense smile broke out on his face.

"Sebas my friend!" said Odin cheerfully as he approached Sebas and pulled him into a hug.

"You look good" said Sebas smiling.

Looking around Odin saw Gilgamesh standing next to Sebas.

"It's been a while Odin" said the King of Heroes calmly.

"The brat of storms hein, you have grown up and become even more monstrous than before hein" said Odin laughing as Gilgamesh grumbled at his nickname.

"You two know each other?" asked Azazel surprised.

"Yes, several years ago this brat and his friends showed up in Asgard and he fought Thor and beat him" said Odin laughing as they all widened their eyes.

Thor was someone very well known for his immense power, he was a member of the Top 10 because of his immense power.

So knowing that Gilgamesh, several years ago, had been able to beat him left everyone dumbfounded.

"I see you have also formed a harem my boy" Odin said as his eyes went over the girls in Gilgamesh's group, "Great job"

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