Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

I focused some of my power on my free left hand. Immediately, a red aura of blood covered my left hand and a small magic circle appeared on my palm. And I moved the palm of my left hand to his massive left chest.

Kalawarner's yellow eyes fluttered frantically. She was afraid I would do something that would kill her.

Her struggle made his cup chest tremble. In her eyes, my lady's hand was like the sickle of death that would rob her of her life and her future. Unfortunately, her fight was for nothing. My strength was overpowering her very pitiful strength.

My hand started to catch fire when a flame appeared.


Painful screams echoed nearby. It was moving and had shivers down the listener's spine. Kalawarner struggled harder, her hands gripping my left and right. She tried to snatch my hand away and escape the burning pain she was feeling. Because the pain was too much, she couldn't have enough free time to create a light weapon of retaliation. Her mind focused on pain and despair.

Beside her, Milttet's knees gave out, she fell to the ground, her face filled with terror. Her fragrance was ruined by the smell of urine. She watched in fear as she watched and heard the sight of Kalawarner struggling and his tortured scream.

And in less than seconds the crimson flames of purgatory devoured the body of the Fall until nothing was left.


Milttet let out a loud, terrified scream as my gaze shifted from Kalawarner to her. Milttet's body shook with terror. And her blue irises filled with nothing but fear. I wouldn't be wrong if someone said she was mentally scared.

"P-please! II'll do anything! I'll do anything! Spare me! Spare me! I don't want to die!"

Again, a plea and moans came out of Milttet's mouth, which was like a broken tape recorder. Of course, I ignored her. Looking at me as I was moving towards her, she tried to get away from the four of them, but it was just a wasted and wasted effort.

I moved into the slow world and appeared on top of Milttet, her small body between my legs. Milttet turned her face in a slow, mechanical movement. Her face showed despair, tears spilling endlessly.

"Please! I beg you! I don't want to die!"

"Don't worry I'll make it painless" I told her making her despair rise.

At that moment, Milttet regretted following Raynare's plan. She should have stayed in Grigori and continued his monotonous and severe life as cannon fodder. Raynare's plan was too good to be true, but she believed her status would increase and she could have a good life if she followed Raynare's plan. She never thought they would poke a literally sleeping dragon, a celestial dragon at that. In the end, Milttet could only resign. What could she do? She was scared to die and the scary Red Dragon Emperor.

I just put my hand on her head causing she to stare at me in surprise, when I withdrew my hand her body was trapped in a big block of ice.


With a snap of the fingers the block is destroyed taking it out of existence.

"These bastards, they couldn't kill him"

The curse brought Gilgamesh out of his thoughts. He turned and saw Raynare standing. Blood covered most of her body, her legs trembled and her skin looked paler, while sweat also soaked her figure. It was clear she could barely stand upright now.

She clearly has not recovered from her last battle.

But that's not what caught her attention.

It was the person she was holding. She was a beautiful blonde girl who trembled with fear, wearing nothing but a sleeveless white shirt that reached to her knees. This girl was the excommunicated nun.

She is a very young girl, with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her body measurements are [B83 85-W55-H81 83 cm]; her height is [155 cm] [5 ft 1 inch] and her body weight is [44 45 kg] [97 98 pounds]. Her hair flows down her back, with bangs split across her forehead and a strand sticking out of the top and leaning back.

Her old main costume consisted of a dark nun's outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown bag hanging on her right hip (where she holds the Bible) and brown boots with black straps. X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck.

It was Asia Argento, the girl he came to save.

"Ha! That was your last chance, boy!" Raynare mocked him smugly "Don't move!" She screamed as her hand glowed and placed it close to Asia's neck, ready to shoot light and kill her. "if you move i kill the girl!" She yelled menacingly.

Gilgamesh grimaced at this, grinding his teeth angrily as he clicks his tongue in disgust. Upon seeing this, Raynare slowly developed a sickly smile on her face before falling into an ugly snarl.

"You ruined everything". She said, the anger in her voice clear. "You ruined my whole plan! My plan for Azazel-sama! You destroyed the chance for me to be loved by him!" She screamed in pure hate and with a hint of despair.

Gilgamesh remained silent and looked at her, his expression still stoic.

"I had to agree with Kokabiel's suggestion and follow his orders, even though I knew it was weird and there was something wrong with it! But I decided to follow him because I knew that if I succeeded, Azazel-sama would look out for me! He would love me! He would praise me and see me as a worthy person!"

Pity... This was certainly not what Gilgamesh had expected to feel for her... But now after seeing her like this... He felt nothing but pure pity for the fallen angel...

"But you! You just got here, invading and destroying everything! Plus, you even made my fellow fallen angels betray me! Me! I'm Raynare of the Grigori!" Raynare declared her title with a mixture of anger and madness in her tone "And worse! You're only human, but you have so much power! How?! You're just a cursed creature! Your kind even commits darker sins than we do!" And still! You! You have so much power! "

Envy... It was clear that this woman had fallen out of envy... Even if she didn't say, Gilgamesh Knew... Seeing her behavior and words, it was more than enough for him to know.

"I'm going to kill her, do you hear me?!" Raynare pulled Asia's hair sharply and the girl let out a cry of pain "Even if you kill me, at least I'll kill her first! You'll know the taste of despair and hatred for failing! Just like me! Die like no one! You'll get to know the taste of despair and hatred for failing! Just like me! will despair! For the sake of Azazel-sama and the Grigori!" She screamed in pure insanity, her pretty face disappeared and was replaced by an expression of pure malice and a wicked smile.

Gilgamesh showed no outward reaction to her words. Her face was still hard when he turned to Asia.

"Asia Argento, right?" Gilgamesh asked in English, knowing the girl was a foreigner, there was no way to speak Japanese. The girl in question managed to nod weakly, showing that she understood him and answered his question at the same time "Don't worry, I'll save you." He smiled slightly.

Asia didn't know, but something inside her told her she could trust him.

"I believe you," Asia said with a smile.

Raynare, who had been listening in on the conversation, had her smile wavering and it was replaced by pure hatred. How dare this human?! Even now he is still looking at her! He will pay!

"Watch her die, human!" She screamed as the glow of light in her hand began to intensify and...


Raynare lowered her head and saw a sword was embedded in her right chest, looking at Gilgamesh she saw a golden portal beside it and with a sword coming out.

Quickly Gilgamesh appeared in front of her and kicked her away, scooping Asia into her arms and hugging her.

"Close your eyes, I'll take care of it" said Gilgamesh to Asia who granted her request.

Gilgamesh began to advance towards Raynare with hatred, all the Fallen could do was crawl across the ground.

Appearing in front of her, Gilgamesh grabbed her neck and lifted her to her height.

"Do you dare hurt someone I want to protect?! Do you dare insect?! Know that I will kill anyone who thinks of getting their hands on my friends," said Gilgamesh with his face in pure rage.

Then Gilgamesh's hand ignited in flames that began to completely burn Raynare's body even her soul erasing her from existence, such was the power of the flames in purgatory.


Gilgamesh turned to the girl behind him. The girl was facing her rescuer with big green eyes filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, still in English and Gilgamesh blinked in surprise.

"That's my line," said Gilgamesh, "Are you okay?" Gilgamesh asks with a smile.

"III'm fine! Hero-san saved me, so I'm fine." The girl stuttered a little and Gilgamesh laughed in response.

"Anyway, let's get out of here. Oh, and you should wear this." He gave the girl a red cape with gold accents that she took from the [Gate of Babylon]. She was able to cover her body better than the sleeveless shirt she was wearing - he could even see a nipple poking for screaming out loud!

Asia stared at the cover for a moment before noticing her outfit and her eyes widened. She let out an 'EEP!' and quickly rips off the cloak like a kitten that was hungry for food and used it to cover itself.

Gilgamesh just chuckled at that as he shook his head in amusement. Then he grabbed Asia's shoulder and caught her bridal style, causing her to let out another 'EEP!' while her blush grew even more. You could compare her face to a tomato right now.

"H-hero-san! T-this is -!"

"Oh, don't protest, princess. At the end of a story, all heroes save the princess by carrying her bridal style, so accept it, okay?" Gilgamesh said playfully with a smile.

To the boy's surprise, Asia blinked with a genuinely confused look. She looked thoughtful and tilted her head to one side

"Really? Does it work like that?" She asked, not really knowing.

"Yes!" Gilgamesh responded as he shook his head up and down.

"OO-Okay then! II-If H-Hero-san says that, then I believe you." She stated as she stuttered a little and her blush made her expression even cuter.

Gilgamesh could barely stop himself from falling to his knees due to the cuteness she was displaying and overloading his mind.

"Where are we going?" asks Asia curiously.

Gilgamesh looks at her with a smile.

"To your new family," Gilgamesh said as he left the Church.

So the maiden was rescued, not by a simple Hero, but by their King.

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