Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Some hours later.

It had been some time since Gilgamesh rescued Asia and took her home.

There everyone received the little girl very well, with Sebas and Gilgamesh preparing a feast for her of foods she had not tasted.

Everyone was talking calmly, well almost everyone.

And that brings us to our current situation.

Somehow Gilgamesh had managed to pin Mordred to the ground by pinning both arms behind her back and was now swatting at her hair with his good hand while the other held her. Probably the best he ever intervened. Mordred looked like she was about to tear down the entire block if he didn't abandon her, oh wait. As he approached, Gilgamesh grinned and yelled at the enraged knight, leaping nimbly to an adjacent roof just out of reach before his blade encountered something... soft.

"Hey! Leave my pieces alone, Mordred! I need them, you know!"

Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to stop Mordred.

"Get down here and I'll cut them down, bastard!"

Gilgamesh's body twitched playfully.

"Ahh, scary! I don't want~!"

"Why are you ...


Mordred didn't flinch when Sebas yelled at her, but she growled. For a fleeting moment, Sebas wondered if she would disobey.

"Hey, Gilgamesh! That's not fair! He started it!"

"Never mind. You can shove it full of holes if he does it again."

Mordred got a murderous meow.


"EH?!" Gilgamesh squeaked from his precarious perch. "What are you, a sadist?! I'm not immortal! This will kill me!"

But soon after that a smile crossed Gilgamesh's face.

"It's because you can't do it now," said Gilgamesh defiantly.

"Cursed" shouts Mordred as she summons Clarent and rushes at Gilgamesh who has also taken up a sword.

Both slashed at each other as they exchanged blows.

Meanwhile Asia was nervously watching everything.

Valerie appeared and placed a hand on Asia's shoulder to calm her down.

"Don't worry, they won't get hurt," says Valerie with a smile.

Asia nodded as she trusted Valerie as she was with the man who rescued her.

But Valerie's smile soon widened as she pulled out a magazine, who knows where, and handed it to Asia.

"Now read this," Valerie said with a big smile.

Asia started reading before realizing what it was.

"Th-that's-is," she says nervously as she blushed.

Gilgamesh and Mordred stopped beside Asia, as they had stopped fighting due to Sebas hitting them both.

Gilgamesh saw Asia's face and doubtfully picked up the magazine and began to read.

He widened his eyes when he saw what was in the magazine.

"This is porn, Valerie," Gilgamesh says accusingly to Dhampir.

Mordred stares at Valerie in shock.

"You pervert, you won't corrupt Asia!" shouts Mordred as she picks up Clarent again.

"Oh don't be like that, I wouldn't mind exploring the corridors of Camelot with you, if you know what I mean~" says Valerie with a sensual smile.

Mordred took a while to understand what Valerie meant, but after that she began to blush furiously before picking up Clarent and charging at Valerie.

The result?

Valerie running away from an angry Mordred while laughing.

Asia nervously staring at everything and Gilgamesh and Enkidu watching everything as they giggle as Sebas chasing after them both.


It happened after midnight.

Gilgamesh was thirsty and woke up at 3:14 am, so he decided to go to the kitchen, not to mention that he also felt the need to go to the bathroom.

When he was having a drink from the kitchen, I saw Asia in the backyard, just standing there, looking up at the moon in the sky above.

What was she doing at this hour?

Curiosity rose in her stomach and mind, so I decided to approach her. Just in case there's something wrong.

"Still awake too, huh?" Gilgamesh called her and she turned to me with a surprised look.

Simply put, Asia was a pretty girl. Her long blond hair that was waving in the breeze, her emerald green eyes and the shape of her face all made her beautiful. And she was different from Rias. This girl might be pretty, but there was something that made her not really attractive in my eyes.

It was her aura. The aura she radiated was big, strong, and now I knew it also contained pride. As much as it was hidden under that good aura, there was something dark, something vile and definitely not good. That's why I wasn't so attracted to her, maybe because it was characteristic of her as a devil.

However, Asia was different. She was beautiful, not as pretty as Rias perhaps, but the aura she radiated was different. It was pure I could feel it It was pure, gentle and also warm her presence somehow brought a calm, comfortable feeling to me.

Instead of seeing a simple girl, it almost seemed to see an angel standing in the middle of a grassy field, pure white wings spreading beautifully, the wind touching her hair. If you asked me who was more handsome, Asia Argento or Rias Gremory, the answer is obvious. Even if you compared her to Sona, my answer would still be Asia Argento.

And mostly Asia's aura reminded me of her.

"Hero-san..." Asia greeted me in surprise. "Somehow did I wake you up? I'm sorry if-"

"Don't be like that, I just woke up because I was thirsty." Gilgamesh cut her off as he waved his hand slightly and started to approach her. "And you can call me Gilgamesh, I won't mind." Gilgamesh added

"But didn't Hero-san say it would be a rule to call you by his name?" she asked innocently.

"I also said that for a pretty girl like you, it's okay to break that rule." Gilgamesh said with a small smile as she blushed a little before shaking her head.

"I can't do that. It's not right for me to get special treatment." She replied softly and I felt like sighing. This girl really was innocent, wasn't she? She was almost like a sponge. I was just playing with these rules, but she really believed it was real!

"So how about I let you in because you're my friend?" Gilgamesh asked and she blinked.


Then her eyes go blank, along with her expression. It was if she didn't know the meaning of the word "friend". It was if that word never existed in her life.

"Hero-sanwant to befriend me?" She asked and tilted her head to the side, her face still blank.

That face didn't suit her... That expression didn't suit her...

Girls like her... shouldn't have that expression! A girl with pure aura and nature like her... This emotion shouldn't be in her heart!

"Yes, I will be your friend. Why? Don't you want to?" Gilgamesh asked back with a small frown as he looked at her with a confused face.

Asia's blank stare is gone, replaced by sheer panic and a small amount of fear

"Not!" She shook her head and shook her head "It's... It's just..." She lowered her face so I couldn't see her expression. "That someone like Hero-san... wants to befriend me is..."

"And what's wrong with making friends with you?" Gilgamesh asked again. "You're a pretty girl, kind hearted and also kind. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to befriend you?"



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