Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 61

Chapter 61


I just watch Valerie run away from a group of Maou-class demons in the dungeon.

Well, I think you might want to know what's going on here, right?

Let Me start at the beginning.

Right after Valerie and I woke up from our night, and that night, we went to the kitchen for breakfast, and found everyone but Asia with teasing smiles and after a lot of laughs we went to the dungeon, except Sebas who preferred to be organizing the House.

So me, Enkidu, Valerie, Mordred and Asia came to the dungeon as Mordred and I want to train and show Asia what real combat is like.

Only I accidentally ended up putting the Maou Class Fiends dungeon in, and that resulted in Valerie running away from them while threatening me.

Make no mistake Valerie is strong, she has power compared to Ultimate Class Demons, but she can't do anything against dozens of Maou Class Demons, even with her Longinus, after all [Sephiroth Graal] is not a combat oriented Longinus .

Looking to the side I see Asia behind Enkidu who simply crushes any being that approaches him with the [Chains of Heaven].

Mordred has already disappeared somewhere, though I feel her magical power destroying hundreds of other demon magical powers a few miles away.

Another cool thing was that by having sex with Valerie I got a reward from a secret mission.

That classic sex mission.

Though I wasn't a virgin even before I met Valerie.


You can't think I'd be in the DxD world for more than ten years and not have sex with anyone.

A world where the protagonist is almost incarnate lust itself.

If I'm not mistaken I was ten years old at the time, so it had been four years since I arrived in the DxD world.

Come to think of it, it might have been a crime, after all I was ten years old and the woman I had sex with was over twenty.

Not that it matters, of course I was on my guard right away.

Magic is very useful after all.

Back to the subject of the mission.

[Secret Quest]

[Title: My Dhampir.

-Description: Conquer and have sex with Valerie Tepes.

-Reward: Blood Manipulation, Time Magic, 100,000 Gold.

First of all I still think the system is very uncreative with the mission titles.

Maybe when I get to level 100, where Sebas said a lot of abilities are unlocked, the system will update.

Now the skills.

[Name: Blood Manipulation.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Mega Rare.

-Level: 02/100.

-Description: User can generate and manipulate blood from himself, from other beings or from his surroundings, whether from blood banks, hospitals or battlefields. The user can also feel a heartbeat from miles away, turn blood to vapor or stone, and also burst veins in the body of a human or animal. In a way, the user can "control" living beings by manipulating their blood.

Well, first of all, it seems that depending on who I have sex with, and fulfill a mission, I can get some abilities from that person.

After all, Valerie has the ability to use [Blood Manipulation].

Because she is half Vampire and half Human she has all the abilities of a normal Vampire, without the sunlight weakness.

Among them is the [Blood Manipulation] that Valerie can use, honestly I've seen her mold blood into stakes and use it to pierce her enemies, she looked like Vlad 3rd, the Impaler.

But she's not able to manipulate the blood inside other people's bodies, it seems like the user has to have a perfect mastery of this [Skill] for that, probably at levels 90 to 100.

Another thing I noticed about Valerie is her ability to absorb blood, which like every Vampire she has.

But Valerie's is special, because to some extent she is able to use some of the skills of the people she drank blood with.

When she drank my blood I saw her use [Dark Magic] something that every Vampire has punch to a greater degree than she normally used, I even saw her being able to use [Light Magic], hell even the [Hellblaze] she was able to use it, but it seems this is only temporary.

Now to the next one.

[Name: Time Magic.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Mega Rare.

-Level: 05/100.

-Description: This magic attribute allows users to have a bit of time manipulation, but it doesn't instantly age someone or paralyze them. Basically, this type of magic allows the user to steal a person's life span and use that time for various purposes from restricting enemies by putting them in time loops, healing wounds by turning their body back to a previous moment, speeding up their time so they can move almost instantly plus you can use the time to see possible endings for certain events.

Firstly there is a difference between [Time Magic] and [Time Manipulation].

[Time Manipulation] is absolute as the user can manipulate the time however they want without limitations.

But the [Magic of Time] doesn't reach that level.

Basically with it I'm able to steal a person's lifetime and use that time freely, I can speed up, slow down, or stop and stop the flow of time until it's almost stopped.

It is basically the same magic as Julius Novacrono from the Black Clover anime.

Although not as powerful as [Time Manipulation] with this spell I am able to avoid almost any attack as everything is affected by time even [Power of Destruction] and [Light Magic] among other abilities.

I'm also able to speed up the time flow of an aging person or speed up around me to predict and anticipate attacks.

And it's very useful because most supernatural beings live almost eternally.


I hear Valerie and turn to see her cradle a few demons with her blood spears, though most have come out nearly unscathed due to regeneration.

Valerie quickly runs and hides behind me.

"If you don't protect me now we'll never have sex again," says Valerie looking into my eyes.

I really doubt she would do that due to the pervert that she is, but that's okay.


I get in front of Valerie and start looking at the demons, the most interesting ones being the ones that were hit by Valerie's stakes where flames covered her body and regenerated it.

This started happening after the dungeon kind of went through an update.

Over time coming to the dungeon became boring due to my immense power, after all there were no more challenges in battles, I just came to level up.

But after a while the beings started to have different abilities.

First they began to adapt to different battle situations.

For example I kill a demon with a surprise sword blow, the next time I come the demons have already adapted and managed to at least dodge the blow.

Another thing is that they now have a more human form and especially new abilities.

Apparently these abilities are based on the 72 Pillars of the Underworld.

For example, there are demons that possess the [Immortality] and [Fire Magic] of the members of House Phenex, making them stronger and more resistant.

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