Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Others have the [Power of Destruction] of House Bael.

Or House Belial's [Worthless], an ability that allows the user to temporarily deny an opponent's powers.

Looking at the devils in front of me I braced myself and lunged at him.

In my right hand materializes, in golden particles, a large ax with a silver handle and a golden blade with several carvings made in it, one would say that it is a masterpiece.

When I get close to the devil I just swing the ax splitting the devil in half easily due to the sharpness of the axe.

The ax in my hand is replaced by a sword with a silver blade and a golden grip.

Swinging the sword I defend the attack of the devils and with mastery I throw him away and then pierce him with the sword making him scream in pain.

Sensing the danger I take the sword, which was still trapped in the devil's body, and throw it along with the devil into a fireball burning the devil.

The sword vanishes into particles, returning to the Gate of Babylon, and in my hand materializes a golden spear with a curved silver tip.

I simply throw the spear which easily pierces the devil's head and then disappears.

Honestly, [Gate of Babylon] is an amazing [Ability], not only because it contains all the treasures in the world, but also because it has so many weapons that you will have each one for every occasion.

Feeling a buildup of magical power I look up and see several devils preparing various spells to cast on me.

Grinning I summon a sword from my treasures, it was a normal Katana with black hilt and gray blade.

I start to release my magic power.

"Mana Zone"

At this point all my magic starts to spread over a large area around me, encompassing even the devils.

Mana Zone or Mana Domain was a technique that I created the basis of an ability from the Black Clover universe.

Basically I expand my magic over a large area, within this area all my spells have their power increased and that of my enemies weakened, being very good for attack and defense.

Offensively, this mana can be channeled into spells to increase their size, number, and range. It can also be used to launch attacks in any direction and from any direction within the zone. Spells can be created around a target to prevent it from escaping, within an enemy's spell to destroy it, or behind a target to catch them by surprise.

Defensively, mana can be used to improve mana detection and increase reaction time, in addition to increasing my magic and other spells, allowing to predict enemy attacks and allowing the user to move and/or stay airborne.

The devils start firing their spells as my sword envelops itself in darkness.

"Dark Magic: Black Hole"

Spinning my blade forms a small black hole that advances towards the powers of the devils absorbing them.

[Dark Magic] is exactly and completely opposite to [Light Magic] in everything, be it attribute or speed.

But [Dark Magic] is especially good at one thing.

Absorb other spells.

Bathing my sword in darkness again I prepare another spell.

"Dark Magic: Dark Cut"

When swinging from her sword, dozens of black blades come out that are launched cutting the devils.

Even the [Power of Destruction] of the Bael or the [Immortality] of the Phenex becomes useless, as darkness devours other spells.

Looking to the side I see great waves of fire coming towards me destroying everything.

With a movement of my hand I accumulate a great amount of moisture in the air creating a wave of water that engulfs the flames, extinguishing them and continuing to advance towards the devils.

When she approaches them I move my hand making the wave of water take the form of a gigantic dragon that swallows the devils.

Closing my hand the water turns into a large block of ice that shatters itself and in the process creates dozens of ice spears that depart towards the devils.

Many devils died when being hit by the spears, but most create a large magic circle of defense.

Smiling I summon a spear from the [Gate of Babylon] and in my right hand appears my mark of [Lightning Devil Slayer Magic], or [Lightning Demon Slayer Magic].

Carrying the spokes on the spear I prepare myself.

"Penetrate..." I say as I manifest the [Boosted Gear] in my left hand.

[Penetrate] says Ddraig's voice from inside the [Boosted Gear].

"Lightning Devil's Spear"

I throw the spear towards the barrier while it is engulfed in lightning.

The moment the barrier and the spear collide, the barrier disappears as if it never existed.

This is due to an ability of Ddraig a [Penetration], not how you are imagining your perverts, this ability allows the user to destroy and penetrate any defense, whether physical or magical, so I just enchanted her on the spear.

When the spear pierced the devils defense and reached the sky it released gigantic amounts of lightning and storms in the sky reaching and killing many devils.

Seeing more devils approach me I raised my hand and carried a large amount of White Magic.

"Holy Ray of the White God"

From my hand gigantic rays of light come out piercing the devils with the [White God Slayer Magic].

"Gil you should finish this quick"

I hear Enkidu's voice and I can't help but agree, I must finish this dungeon fast.

Problem is, most of the devils have gathered in front of the Boss's tower and I need to get past them, and this will take a while.


I only hear a voice before something hits the ground beside me raising a cloud of dust that when it disappears shows Mordred wearing his armor and wielding Clarent.

"Hey Mordred are you done yet?" I ask her.

"Yes they were boring," she said with a grunt.

But it's not like the devils could do anything against Mordred after all she has a lot of strength even without releasing her Noble Phantasm.

"Are you going to finish this?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's about time" I say bracing myself.

I see a big smile cross Mordred's face.

"So how about we make a bet?" she asks.


"Whoever kills the most wins," she said with a smile.

"Okay, let's get started," I say as I summon a sword from the [Gate of Babylon].

It was a simple sword, not even a Noble Phantasm was, it had a medium sized silver blade and a blue hilt.

But what dwelt in her that made her special.

A Djinn.

A Djinn is basically a being made of pure Magic that dwells inside a weapon of its wielder, which is considered a King, it grants many different types of Spells and abilities.

They were a kind of reward from some random dungeons I made, which is only achieved by defeating the Boss, I already had five of them, they kind of rarely show up.

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