Chapter 179 The End Of The Era Of The Gods?

But the son of legends didn't answer. The sky did instead. There was a bright flash of light and the sound of thunder. The sound rocked the world as the divine plane ripped itself away from the surface of the main plane and shrunk down. Then it began plummeting into the main plane like a meteor. The sight resembled the fall of a god. But the god must be very powerful to warrant disturbance of such scale.

The meteor struck the ground in one of the numerous forests in the Virut plane. The impact was oddly silent but the ripples of energy that tore the forest apart indicated how deadly it is for anything in the vicinity of the crash. At the center of the crash site is a glowing portal that led to places unknown.

The battle Leviathan controlled by the son of legends happened to be a short distance away from the crash site so they witnessed the entire thing. They had been camping at this forest for weeks but something finally happened.

The son of legends smiled. "To Manipulate the high and mighty gods to leave their safely ensconced location and be brought down to earth after a transformation into lowly beings. Manipulate them into becoming a divine dungeon. The era of conquest is coming and this is my contribution to the plane."

Those all-white eyes of the son of Legends remained locked to the portal. Now Guntu knew what the son of legends had been looking at all this while. He had been looking at an event that will happen in this location in the future.

"I told you that I don't know WHEN. I only know WHAT, HOW, and WHERE. But that is already enough. One step ahead is to always be ahead."

The transformation of the divine plane into a dungeon did not leave the main plane unscathed. The protective function of the divine plane disappeared, which left the main plane open to incursions from all sides.

The ones that took advantage of the absence of the gods the quickest were the demons. They invaded in droves but the racial council was ready for them. The presence of a vast and quick communication network allowed for quick reports of demon sightings and immediate responses.

Still, there are secluded areas within the plane that no one could monitor. As long as demons lay low in these corners, they will be able to amass a small army and wrought destruction before they are sent back. Even if everyone nook and cranny of the main plane is patrolled and scanned regularly, as long as a single demon gets into the plane, it will be able to set up a cloaking device that will obscure them from detection. They can then lie low before they attack in large numbers.

Invasion is an art to demons. They are experts in invasions and have had many opportunities to master the art of invasion. The gods couldn't triumph over the demons nor can it be done now that there is a bigger battlefield. They can pop up anywhere on the plane.

The best that the racial council can do is to keep them at bay. The war against demons can never be won. The demons were once the eternal rivals of the gods, now they have become the eternal rivals of those in the Virut plane. The once peaceful plane is thrust into war but the effect on its cities is minimal. Only villages and small settlements suffer the brunt of the demon invasions. Cities have strong defenses have ample refiners.

This situation will continue and people will adapt. It helps that the strong demons can't invade yet. Only the mid-rank and lower ranks demons are invading. These types of demons can be easily taken care of by transcendents. It is a good thing that transcendents are a staple in the Virut plane because the demons might be weak but they are in massive numbers that wreak destruction everywhere they go.

Even though the Virut plane is not so weak as to feel threatened by this level of attacks, they cannot sustain their defense without ample Origin energy. The demons attacked because the gods gave up their level of existence, so the Virut plane is suffering for it. But they haven't gotten the rewards of the end of the gods yet. The divine plane is yet to be destroyed, only transformed. Someone has to reach the core of the divine dungeon and liberate the plane.

Things cannot return to what they used to be even if the plane is liberated. There will be Origin energy for everyone but anyone can still invade the Virut plane. If A world god of the plane advocates for the advancement of the plane, then the plane will become able to withstand Sovereigns. This will also allow stronger demons to invade. Demon lords and demon kings will be able to come knocking.

The Virut plane doesn't fear demon lords and demon kings. A plane that can easily force its gods to such dire straits can take on anything the demons throw at them. Such a development will only allow the inhabitants of the plane to grow stronger.

Peace might be good but war sharpens people. And the people need to be sharpened in preparation for the era of conquest. So while most of the plane is focused on its defense, the high and mighty are focused on receiving the rewards of their efforts against the gods.

The divine dungeon must be resolved. But they soon came to the realization that it isn't going to be easy. The high and mighty of the plane are simply the various representatives from the families recognized by the racial council. This means each family represented here have at least a single Origin god ancestor. Some families are bigger than others with some having multiple Origin gods and even World gods. Still, no one sent an Origin god. The lower plane is considered a fragile sandbox to Origin gods. At most, they will send their clones.

It did not come as a surprise that the racial council did not move. They had already sent a representative that is more than capable of resolving all issues. The son of legends is one of the two Origin gods attending the briefing on the battle Leviathan in their main bodies. Guntu is the other one, and unlike the son of legends, he is much more sociable.

In a large hall containing the various Sovereign representatives sent by the families.

Most of the people here are battle sage monkeys but there are some other races here. The rock people, the beast people, the mole people, and the tree people. All these other races are the only sentient ones that could exist in harmony with the battle sage monkeys within the Virut plane.

They are also largely at peace with one another. The beast people are those whose ancestors were beasts that gained enlightenment. It is a common thing for plants and animals to gain awareness and sentience when they become transcendents. The plant people are descendants of plants and the rock people are descendants of the rock progenitor.

These three races survived and thrived in the Virut plane because they can't be gotten rid of and because they are peaceful. Beasts and plant people will continue to emerge unless the plane is destroyed and all life is killed. Rock and plant people are peaceful.

The mole people are another race that was part of this plane from the beginning, but they live underground. They are the largest race apart from the battle sage monkeys. Their area of influence doesn't overlap, that's why such a large race has been able to exist with the battle sage monkeys.

The battle sage monkeys stay above ground. The two races only fight about minerals in the ground but it has never escalated beyond that. The mole people also have a divine ability that is related to their eyes. Their divine ability allows them to see in 360 degrees without any blind spots both at night and during the day, but it is less effective during the day. That is just the basic power of their divine ability, it gets stronger than that.

Apart from that, they have no common interests or similar features. The mole people are much shorter than the battle sage monkeys and have shorter non-prehensile tails. They are mostly color blind. Refinement has changed the original race into a stronger more capable one but they are still inferior in physical aspects to battle sage. Their expertise lies in forging.

So people of all races from recognized bloodline families within the plane came to attend this meeting. They are all seated in neatly arranged rows of specially made chairs. Everyone is focused on the Son of Legends as he is speaking.

They are all here to determine and decided how the divine dungeon is going to be resolved, so that Origin energy can fill the Virut Plane.

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