Chapter 180 The Divine Dungeon.

The gods packed up and descended to the main plane. They took the protection of the divine plane with them. But the way they did it made the Virut plane unable to enjoy the benefits of the end of their era. These people are here to see what they can do about rectifying it.

"We have performed preliminary investigations into the workings of the divine dungeon. Coupled with my divination, we have very detailed information to work with."

No one questioned that they would have to take his word for it. The son of legends has been determined to be capable by the racial council, it is not their place to question his authority or reliability.

"Some of you might not have heard about dungeons and what they are since they have never existed in the realm of high heaven. Dungeons are natural, they are pockets of space created for a single purpose and a single purpose only, invasion. The reason you probably haven't heard of one is that the realm of high heaven has never been invaded by another realm. But that will change when the era of conquest begins."

Everyone listened with rapt attention. For most, if not all of them, this is the first time they are hearing about the mechanism of dungeons. They certainly don't know about a divine dungeon or the possibility of the divine plane becoming one.

"When a realm is trying to invade another realm, it will create a temporary passage between them. A small space will be created within this passage. The invasion won't occur instantly due to the different time flow within the two realms. For the invaders, it will be an instant. They will enter the passage and come out from the other side immediately if they face no obstruction."

"For the invaded, it is a different experience. A portal will be formed that will lead to a separate space. They can then venture into this passage and beat back all the invaders before full synchronization is done. They must then destroy the core of the passage in order to foil the invasion attempt. If the core isn't destroyed in time, the passage will synchronize and the invaders will have a passageway into the realm."

"The quality of the passage will determine the strength of the people that can enter the dungeon. This divine dungeon is different from how normal dungeons are. They have similar rules but this dungeon is for a different purpose. A normal dungeon is meant for invasion but this one is meant for defense. The gods have chosen to hide themselves away in one indefinitely."

His explanation was enlightening. It provided much-needed information about the nature of dungeons. Then the Son of legends began to explain the nature of a divine dungeon.

"It is a protocol that only Supremes know about. That means it is a secret only one person knows at a time. There are stringent requirements for activation of the transformation of the divine plane into a divine dungeon. The simplest requirement is the presence of celestials in the pantheon. But God kings are selfish with their power. They won't allow another being that can take their power to exist in peace with them."

"The number of celestials under the supreme also needs to increase to a large number for the supreme to have the necessary authority to activate the protocol. We can see why the occurrence of a divine dungeon is rare. Even if all the requirements are met, most supreme gods would rather lose their lives than leave their fates in the hands of a mortal."

People shook their heads. If it was such a secret, and its occurrence is so rare how did the son of legends know about it, plan for it, and achieve it? They knew the answer to that. It made them in awe of his abilities and slightly afraid of him. The knowledge of the answer to the question also brought up another question. Why did the Son of legend bring about its occurrence?

"There are a lot of nuances that we will not talk about for now. We will focus on the challenges to overcome if we hope to destroy this dungeon and make origin energy flow through our plane. They couldn't beat us in outright combat and they won't be able to beat us while they cower away.."

The people listening cheered.

"The dungeon is split into levels. The number of levels is currently unknown for now. But what is known is the beginning the middle, and the end. The beginning level is a gorge within a canyon containing an army waiting for us. The army will swarm and attack whoever enters first. To take the first level, someone has to step in and remain alive before others join in. One must become two, two must become three, three must become four, and on and on. It is only when numbers accumulate in our favor that we can hope to route the army and establish a base. This is the first challenge."

The Son of legends went on to provide more information about the beginning and the medium levels.

"The last challenge can only be won by a single person. It will be at the last level, where the God King responsible for the transformation of the divine plane into a dungeon is waiting. At the last level is where the dungeon core is. The challenges seem simple enough but certain factors will make it difficult to overcome."

Then he began to point out some of the challenges that they will face in beating the dungeon.

"The first problem is the manpower that we get to work with. The entire power of the divine plane has been concentrated to expel mana entities and above. Only those of the vitality core stage can enter. I do not need to tell you how difficult it will be for someone of that stage to stand against an army of similarly powerful defenders."

The people considered the problem. It wasn't about strength. It was about age and experience. Due to the effects of royal bloodlines, most at the vitality core stage are young people. People who have never gone to war. They have never experienced war in their lifetime and have never needed to be prepared for it.

Their training regimen is geared towards building sturdy foundations for them to excel as transcendents when they go to the ancient battlefield or the tower of heaven. It isn't that their vitality core stage refiners aren't powerful when compared to those of other races or planes, they are just inexperienced.

"The worst part is that the final boss of the dungeon, the former God King of the Virut Pantheon will be at the mana stage. It will be a tough fight if not impossible for a single vitality core stage to defeat and kill a mana entity. I know what you are thinking. It isn't rare for skilled juniors of the vitality core stage to defeat a rather unskilled mana entity. This is a god King we are talking about. He was the celestial god of battle, he had multiple years to hone his craft and has mastered several weapons to at least the 5th step of formless weapon. He will not be easy to defeat even if he has been weakened."

They were all appalled by the difficulty of clearing this dungeon. The Son of legends' earlier explanations made it seem easy to beat the dungeon. They just had to send people in to break the dungeon core. But more and more challenges will make it a daunting task, if not impossible to achieve. Still, the son of legends wasn't done yet.

"Now, we have another problem apart from the strength requirements. We have secured the entrance of the dungeon to prevent random people from entering it. You might not understand why, so I'll tell you. There is another outcome for the divine dungeon apart from being destroyed. The person that reaches the last level and defeats the boss will be presented with two options. They can either destroy the core of the dungeon or they can allow the dungeon to be assimilated into our plane. The first option is what we want. The second option will return the gods to their former strength and transform them into landed gods."

The people bristled immediately. They might not know what a dungeon is but they have surely heard of landed gods. Landed gods are like heroic spirits. They will have the power of gods and still be able to roam the main plain without suppression.

Landed gods will lose access to their divine kingdom and the safety that comes with it, so they will be easily killed but the influence of gods will never end. Their freedom in using their full powers will affect the planes far more than the proxy divine wars that the gods used to wage.

And no matter how many gods are killed, more will be able to ascend if they are allowed to become landed gods. The war against the gods will never end then and their era will continue forever.

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