Chapter 229 INTERLUDE.

World gods sure have a high perspective. They can even see and perceive matter that doesn't interact with light in any way(Dark matter). They aren't made from a high-energy state of existence for nothing.

That's the minimum requirement to be able to channel the power of a world through you but it comes with other perks. One such perk is telling the realm lord to unlock your home plane after the divine realm has been totally destroyed.

The first sage of the battle sage monkeys is meeting with the realm lord of high heaven. He came in the form of a giant eye. It's not his real form though. He is a busy fellow, what with managing a world and all. But this eye is more than enough to make his presence and WILL known.

To a world god, a body is just an aspect of existence, having one or two is dependent on the amount of energy you are willing to spare. If you have a world supplying you with energy, then you wouldn't care about the energy needed to make a body. World gods care about something else, something more important than energy. But most don't know what it is because it is a matter of perspective.

The realm lord came with his body or something that looks like it. He is the same handsome/beautiful high elf with gold eyes and green hair. He looked harmless but everyone knows he is a troublemaker.

He calls himself a pacesetter two steps ahead of the norm. He is right in a way. Being one step ahead is genius. Being two steps ahead is often considered mad. The people of the realm high heaven know their realm lord to be an unprecedented genius but the people in the upper realm know him to be mad.

The eye says to high elf playboy, "I doubt this is your true body."

Eyes can't talk, but this eye can. It can also transmit a bit of mocking which it just did.

The high elf playboy asked calmly, ever the icon of regality. "And why is that?"

The eye continued sagely, without emotion or inflection. It spoke as if it was speaking the truth or a simple undebatable fact. "You would be a fool to be out of the protection of the realm with your true body after the news of what you are planning to do got out."

The high elf says, "Maybe that's why I should be out with my true body."

"Is this your true body?" The eye asked.


This time, the eye is relieved. "That's good to hear. You may be mad but you're not a fool. It is reassuring considering the risks we've taken and the interests we have invested in your endeavor."

The high elf playboy yawned. "I guess you called me out concerning your next step in my so-called "endeavor." Let's get on with it. I'm not in a good mood right now. I lost a bet to someone."

He had made a bet that Soverick will choose to become a god-king instead of becoming the child of the plane. He knew a lot about Legion and he suspected that legion-1 will be able to assimilate Soverick/legion-2 and grow stronger if Soverick was a god-king. But apparently, he was wrong. Soverick chose otherwise which meant that Legion's aim is different from raising each one to the Origin god level and assimilating them before creating more clones. So what could legion be after?

The eye returned to business mode. "Yes, I am here concerning your part to play. One of my children has succeeded in the task I gave him. Origin energy is available in the Virut plane now. It is your turn to liberate it."

"Your son is impressive. He didn't just end the era of the gods. He also duped the gods out of their understanding and used it to create a tower of trials for vitality core, mana entity, and transcendents even."

The high elf playboy continued. "It is a noteworthy achievement. The trial will prepare those beneath the transcendental level while the availability of origin energy will enable those above that stage to prepare. If you ask me, that's more than enough preparations."

"Just do your part." The eye spoke.

"What more could one ask for in a son? He even prepared a child of the plane. Remind me again, were you not a child of the plane too?"

The eye became silent.

The realm lord sighed. "You're no fun."

The eye spoke. "I'm not here for fun. I am here for business."

"Do you really want to go so far as to liberate your plane? That will increase your quota and burden. The rewards are great but so is the risk. Aren't you worried that I'll just prance about in my true body later on?" The realm lord asked.

The eye remained unbothered. "That is my concern, not yours, but I would prefer if you don't leave the realm of high heaven until you're ready."

The realm lord shrugged and said. "If you say so, but I have warned you. I have some big things planned. It's going to cause quite a stir in the upper realm. Hope you don't have a heart attack when you hear of it."

Yes, world gods have a heart. It is pretty fragile too. Thankfully it is difficult to reach.

The eye squinted. What big things could the realm lord have planned? Becoming a sovereign in less than an origin cycle was big. Becoming an origin god and the realm lord at the same time in less than two origin cycles was big. Becoming a world god in less than 100 cycles is big. That's what Origin gods know. As we have established, their perspective might be flawed.

World gods know more and see better. They know that breaking the rules of the universe or creating records can provide you with a special encounter. But for the realm lord to say he has something bigger planned than what they know is honestly appalling to think about.

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