Chapter 230 LEGION-3

The realm lord snapped his fingers and said. "There, I have done it. There's no going back now."

The eye agreed even though it had misgivings. "Yes. There's no going back now."

"Is that all?" The realm lord asked.


"Bye then." He said and vanished.

The eye looked at the realm tree. In its sight, it could see beyond the facade of a tree. It isn't a facade really, more like another layer. The fact that it is only what weaker entities can see doesn't make it fake. But having a higher perspective that enables you to pierce through the first layer of reality makes it a facade.

The eye can see the giant bubble that is the realm of high heaven. This giant bubble houses numerous bubbles that the eye knows to be planes. At the center of the giant bubble is a large bubble known as the ancient battlefield. It is where the tower of heaven is and where the realm lord's true body is mostly hidden. This arrangement and configuration are very similar to that of a dungeon but on a much grander scale.

The eye can't see through the bubbles into the plane or the ancient battlefield because of the protection of the realm lord but it can envision how it is from the experience of destroying other worlds.

"There's no going back now." The eye says again before it also vanishes.

The realm lord is playing a dangerous game. A game that can see the realm of high heaven destroyed. But why will world gods indulge him and even join in it?

They invested time and resources into the endeavor. Could the realm lord have forced them? Highly unlikely. Do they like their home realm that much or are there benefits to be had?

Either way, we will know when the era of conquest comes. Or we may not know. It is, after all, a matter of perspective.

Legion-3's POV

Soverick isn't the first of Legion to be born, but he is the first of Legion to have the first individual thought. They had all been soul fragments of Legion-1 until that moment when they developed individual identities and a sense of self.

The order in which they acquired their identity determines their order in Legion. But it is only that, order not seniority. There is no seniority or superiority. Even Legion-1 isn't superior to anyone of them. Only the idea of Legion is superior.

Legion-1 may die and be reincarnated later on. He will still be Legion-1. But Legion-1 can't die anymore since he is an Origin god. Any clone of Legion may die but Legion will never die.

So Soverick is the first to be reincarnated, but he isn't the first to be born. That privilege goes to another legion that we will see later on. Every clone spent a different amount of time gestating or in the womb.

Legion-3 isn't the first to be reincarnated or to be born, but he is the second to be reincarnated and the third to be born. He was born way earlier than Soverick but he hadn't achieved much. Legion-3 stayed huddled in the same spot he had been born, ever since he was born. For over 50 years he couldn't move away from that spot.

It isn't that he didn't want to move but circumstances prevented him from moving. It's all he could do not to die immediately after reincarnation.

It isn't that he hasn't achieved anything either. He was the one that discovered the link between the system and the realm lord. Since he hasn't moved from a single spot, that information must have come to him.

Legion-3 has been struggling since he reincarnated. He was struggling in the womb of the demon sire as he was gestating as a demon fledgling. He had a peculiar problem unique to him.

Other clones of legions had a problem with too many laws attracted to them due to the use of Origin essence in the womb, but they were all beneficial problems. Legion-3 has to deal with a much bigger problem. What comes to mind when you think of demons? Chaos comes to mind.

So while other legions attracted laws like that of fire, water, time, space, etc. He attracted the law of chaos and only that. The law of chaos isn't a good thing. It certainly isn't a pleasant thing to have trying to bore into your soul either. It could kill you, literally.

Unlike other beings who create divine abilities through the contamination of certain body parts with the law fragments from their origin space, he had to deal with the contamination of his soul by chaos energy. Demons have marks of sin in their souls and it is their source of power. His mark of sin was constructed using chaos energy and it wanted to burn his soul to nothing.

Chaos energy corrupts, corrodes, and tries to turn all of creation into primordial chaos. The famous Void energy between realms isn't as corrosive as chaos energy. If his soul wasn't eternal and immortal then he would have been corrupted and burnt up.

Origin gods create origin essence by refining void energy. The best that legion-3 could do is repel the chaos. It is a task that needed all of his concentration and the full power of his soul. Still, it is a losing battle. Chaos always wins. That's why the universe will die eventually, consumed by chaos and returned to nothingness.

So he couldn't move in the womb. The same continued when he was born. The demon sire, a demonic tree that bears fruits with demon fledglings in them, bore him and wilted. The other demon fledglings that were born with him avoided him like a plague. They may be naive and clueless, but their Instincts told them that something was very wrong with him.

They were right. The alignment of demons is trying to kill him. It actually wants to break him down into primordial chaos but it will lead to the same thing. And Legion-3 doesn't want it.

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