Chapter 231 A Purpose Of The System.

He was born quite healthy for a demon fledgling. He was bigger and meaner looking than them. His claws were like obsidian and his skin was just as tough. But he couldn't move. His body grew gaunt and thin after years of starvation and deprivation. When he refused to die, his body began subsisting on the very Chaos energy that was killing him.

His body experienced irreversible changes as it became more in tune with chaos. Demons can adapt and evolve as long as they have enough energy to do it. His demon body decided to side with chaos energy and evolve.

His body became capable of withstanding chaos. Imagine that. Now he has both the chaos energy and his body as his enemies. Even if he somehow deals with the mark of sin in his soul, his body will be there waiting for a second round. His situation was becoming more and more hopeless.

He had refused to give up because he was waiting for legion-9 the tree of life clone to awaken. He had hoped that the life essence it will provide will be able to solve his dilemma but the change to his body will make that very difficult.

Still, he didn't give up. He had an aim for his reincarnation. The chaos energy was a problem. It is hard to consider it a beneficial problem when it is trying to kill you. But it did bring one benefit. It brought a certain person to him.

This happened two years after reincarnation. Soverick was born decades after that. There he was, lying on the ashy and hot ground as a newly born demon when that entity materialized next to him. He didn't even notice the presence, his mind was focused on staying alive. So the entity had to reach out to his mind with a mental transmission before he knew that someone was beside him.

"You must be legion. I am the realm lord." The entity spoke to him.

He recognized the mental transmissions of the realm lord. The realm lord had addressed him in the past and he couldn't forget the aura of such an iconic entity. Even if he were essentially blind, deaf, and immobile while his mind is fighting against chaos energy, he would still recognize the realm lord. So the introduction wasn't needed.

He respected and feared the realm lord. The realm lord deserves the uttermost respect. Still, he couldn't exactly chat right now. He is busy with something, so he kept his reply short and straight to the point.

"What does the realm lord want with me?"

The realm lord said. "I understand that you are currently preoccupied with something right now. That's why I came. You have a system that keeps track of your power but it doesn't have the permission to keep track of Origin gods."

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking about your original body and his system. But it won't update anymore. Those are the rules. So I need your permission." The realm lord said.

That wasn't what legion-3 three was feeling. He was feeling some shock, a little fear, and a lot of anger because the realm lord was too familiar with the situation of Legion. He had thought the information about his reincarnation was secret but apparently not. He was very angry but there was nothing he could do about it.

He is currently occupied with something else. Even if he were not, the full power of Legion couldn't face the realm lord, at least not yet. Instead, he latched onto a piece of important information from what the realm lord just said.

"The system is related to you?" Legion-3 asked. "Is it yours?"

"I'll answer for the sake of improving the relationship between us. Yes and yes."

The realm lord didn't think much about answering. He didn't want people to know about his system but he couldn't take Legion for a fool.

He couldn't come here and ask for him to give the system permission for deep-level scanning and monitoring without it being linked to him. It is true that he doesn't want the world gods to know about it but his fear for them will end soon. Plus the benefits of acquiring information about chaos energy will be beneficial to his current record-breaking project.

"What is the system for?" Legion-3 asked.

"It's for collecting data for a project of mine. If you give me permission, I'll let you in on it when my project is done." The realm lord answered.

He wasn't lying. His system is capable of so much more than that, but legion-3 was only asking about the one that everyone uses to see their stats.

'So that's how he knows about legion.' Legion-3 thought before mentally sighing.

The capabilities of the realm lord were beyond him. So he let it go for now. He had an inkling about what the project could be about. He knows it has something to do with struggles between world gods and anything of that level as to be grand and highly valuable but that doesn't mean he will admit to it so easily.

So Legion-3 said, "That can't be the only reward, is it? There has to be more than a promise to add me to your project when it is done."

He had to get more out of this deal.

The realm lord considered. "How about this? If you give me the permission I need, I'll unlock other system services for you. I'll unlock the inventory function. You know that demons can't use spatial artifacts. I'll also give you access to other people's systems for their information. You will be able to see their stats as long as you're stronger than them."

"What are the repercussions of giving my permission?" Legion-3 asked.

He wanted to know the repercussions of giving his permission. Can his thoughts be accessed or will his soul be damaged? He needs more information to make a better decision. He will decline if it is too risky.

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