Chapter 354 What Is The Father Of Trees?

This tree from the unusual seed had so much vitality that it affected its barren environment. Other plants began to grow around it until a small grassy plain formed around the tree. The tree wasn't affected by the barren environment. Its growth seemed limitless. It continued to grow even surpassing 100 meters all the while no one knew that it was growing. It became a green and lively spot in the brown and dead desert.

Plants are very rare in the Zargoth plane. Trees are more so. The lack of ambient mana and the cause for this lack of ambient mana means that plants can't grow as they are stripped of their vitality. The sand storms that are very common in the Zargoth plane make it near impossible for even hardy plants that need only a small amount of water to survive in the plane. It doesn't help that there's no rain all year round. Just all year scorching heat from the sun. The inhabitants of this plane have made the environment caustic to plants.

You would expect very tall trees in a barren desert to be noticed pretty quickly. Tall trees that grow to the height of 100 meters in less than three days should have drawn a lot of attention. Yet, no one noticed this tree. Not even the nosy gods and their controlling leader.

The only entity that noticed this tree is very confused about it. This entity doesn't care for the height of the tree or the time it took to reach such a height. It is more concerned about the divinity of the tree, but it can't understand what it is sensing from the tree.

So this entity decided to do the barest necessary minimum. It made an extra seat for it among the gods. This entity thought that whatever the tree is, it is some sort of god and a seat amongst the gods can't be a wrong idea.

That's the only thing this entity did. Has the will of the divine plane, it is its job to announce this being to the pantheon of the Zargoth plane. But announcing to the pantheon must mean that this tree is a god. If there is one thing that the will of the divine plane knows, it is that this tree isn't a god.

The tree might have powerful divine power with a signature that is previously unseen but that doesn't mean it is a new god or a god at all. No god can live within the mortal realm anyway. So this tree is not a god. It is why the divine plane did not do more.

The tree grew in peace with nothing changing until it reached a height of 1 km. You would think someone would have spotted such a tall tree in the desert. The grass plain around the tree has become a forest and has also expanded into the size of a city of giants of order. It even has a barrier that separates the forest from the world just like normal giant cities. Still, no one noticed. The tree stopped growing at that point and concentrated its effort on making fruits.

These fruits grew to be very large. They are round and more than 10 meters in diameter. When they were finally ripe, they were plucked by a vine of the tree and brought close to the ground. The fruits were then crushed by the vine and their contents were made to fall on some of the small trees in the forest.

The juice of the fruits sunk into the trees and was absorbed quickly. These selected trees began to transform. They uprooted themselves and formed limbs made of leaves, branches, and tree bark. A head was formed on top of their neck. These trees became humanoid plants.

They are all different, with different forms and sizes. There are a hundred of them and they are all unique. Some grew to be over 100 meters while some were as small as 30 centimeters. Some have round heads on small defined necks while some have a tree crown for their head, a tree trunk formed their neck and torso.

Some have vines shaped into limbs while others used tree branches as arms and roots as legs. Some have four legs or four arms instead of two. There are some that have wings made of leaves and can fly.

These Ents, plant elementals, plant spirits, or leaflings bowed to the magnificent tree that birthed them. The leaves of the tree rustled in response. It instructed them of their purpose. So they rose up and went to perform their duties. They all left the forest but in different directions. They should have been noticed but the power of their creator shielded them.

One of them approached a city and chose to stay outside of it. It transformed back into a tree and buried its roots in the desert sand. Giants went by every day but no one noticed this tree. A particular young giant passed by the tree on a particularly favorable day.

SYNCLAIR was her name. She was walking absentmindedly as she is returning to the city. She is sad and has a lot on her mind. She has just gotten word of the death of her parents. Her two parents didn't die in an unfortunate accident or of old age. They died on the battlefield. It should be a glorious thing but SYNCLAIR doesn't think so because the war that they were fighting is a divine war. So her parents died because of the conflict between some gods. She doesn't understand why they can't fight and kill each other instead of causing the deaths of mortals with their squabbles.

She is just 26 years old, a child and yet she has lost her parents. But she has to take care of herself now. It may be because of her childishness that she believes that the gods took her parents. Childish or not, it is an opinion that can get her killed by the gods that her parents used to worship.

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