Chapter 355 Priestess Of The Cult Of Life.

It may be a sacrilegious, blasphemous, and generally unpopular opinion but it is not unfounded. It is also one that permeates the society of giants. It is like cracks in a rock that is the rigid society of giants. It just so happens that plants are very good at using such cracks to break rocks apart with their roots.

Her blasphemous opinion is why she doesn't appreciate the sum of money that they gave her for killing her parents. She has gone to the temple to ask for her parent back instead of the money but the gods refused to talk to her. That's why she left the city, to shout and curse the gods where they won't be watching.

She noticed something out of the corner of her eye as she is returning from her cursing session.

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

She thought she had seen a tree in a desert. Trees and plants are rare. She has only seen them on farms belonging to the goddess of agriculture. Even then, it's the rich that can afford fruits. She was intrigued. So she turned to look but she didn't see anything.

"I must have been daydreaming."

She was about to turn away when she saw the tree appear and then disappear from her vision. Now she has to find out if the tree is really there. She moved forward and began to search. This continued for a while. She searched for hours. Whenever she is about to give up, a tree will flash in her vision and it will be much closer to her than before.

She didn't give up and continued to search. She was rewarded with success when she finally found the tree.

"This is magnificent." She said in awe.

The tree is beautiful. Something about it pulled her to it. She arrived before the tree and simply stood mesmerized by the tree. Maybe it is the way the leaves of the tree wave in the wind or the graceful contours of its bark or its emerald crystal leaves. The tree might as well be a treasure. Something about the tree compelled her to admire it and she felt at peace for the first time in a while. The tree is 15 meters tall and she is 8 meters tall so the tree towered over her.

Suddenly the leaves caught fire. A green flame spread out through the branches but didn't burn the tree. The emerald leaves of the tree had turned into flames. A presence descended from the tree onto SYNCLAIR. This time she knelt down and bowed in worship.

"Are you a god?" She asked with trepidation.

"I am your Salvation." A voice boomed in her head.

The voice sounded like the voice of her dead father. It was full of authority. The voice also felt like the voice of her dead mother. It was full of love and care.

She asked fearfully. "What do you want from me?"

A god is a big deal in the Zargoth plane. The attention of one is life-changing.

"You need Salvation and so I have come. I will be your father and mother. You will be my child. The child of the Tree father." The voice answered.

SYNCLAIR began to sob. She felt at home beneath the tree. A soothing feeling filled her body and mind. She felt happiness and joy.

"I am so unworthy. I don't deserve this grace. What can I ever do to repay you?"

"Spread the word of my love to others. Tell them that a time will come when I will call for them and open my kingdom of paradise to them. In my paradise will be peace and plenty. There shall be no war or strife. It will be heaven on earth."

SYNCLAIR wept more and agreed. Her life changed from that moment. She transformed from being SYNCLAIR the rebellious orphan to SYNCLAIR the priestess of the god of Life. She became one of the many first members of the Cult of the Tree Father. They spread the word of peace and love secretly among the giants. Many chose to believe this tree father and as time passed the number of believers increased.

Most didn't care about the promise of paradise at first, but their belief changed after staying around the tree and basking in its presence. Something about the tree is calming. It makes them happy to be around the tree. Their faith in the tree father increased the longer they spent being around the tree until they have become completely devoted.

The thing that turned unbelievers into zealots might be the pollen of the tree that makes them feel good when it enters their bodies. Those that breathe in the pollen get attached to the tree and become protective of it. This particular plant spirit is one of the few that can produce this special type of pollen. That's why it was sent here to start the cult of the tree father.

The plant spirits are not only unique physically, but they also have unique abilities. They were sent to different parts of the plane to do different things based on their talents and abilities. Some met with failure while others met with great success. One of them came upon an ant mound at the far side of the plane opposite to the position of the tree father. The plant had to walk the entire length of the plane to get there.

The plant spirit passed through the sentry and defenses of the ant colony and entered deep into the ant mound. It passed underneath a royal guard standing guard outside of the central room where the queen stays.

The plant spirit entered the room and examined the queen. The queen looked very different from adult ants. She looks like a giant white worm, like an undeveloped grub but way bigger. She is segmented and has tiny legs attached to each segment. She also has very sharp mouth parts that are iconic of her race. She is the queen of a colony of Goliath ants

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