Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 41 - [Bonus ] We Have Faith In You

Everyone except Yu Dong and Xiao Bo was shocked, Yu Mai has already gone to the backyard after arriving at their home to check on the three goats. However, even if he stayed behind he wouldn't have understood what Yu Doing was talking about just like he didn't understand what Qiu Bai and Yu Doing were talking about earlier. The only thing he understood was that - his uncle in law was a bad mer and he needed to stay away from him.

because he was upset after seeing his uncle in law scolding his sister and his ugly face, Yu Mai rushed to the cute goats to heal his damaged eyes.

" ah! Ah! Ah!" Xiao Bo the cute baby mer too didn't understand what his parents were talking about, he started flailing his lotus root-like chubby arms and motioned Yu Dong to take him in her arms. These days Yu Dong, took more care of him whenever she was at home, she would cuddle Little bun and sometimes sing lullabies and children songs to him while feeding him milk.

This was why Little bun was a lot closer to Yu Dong than before.

Yu Dong saw her son struggling in the currently frozen in shock Chen Mi's arms and heroically rescued her son from his father's stiff embrace. She brought Little bun in her embrace, and let her spiritual energy wrap him up properly. The little bun was a sickly child when he was born up because of the lack of nourishment, Yu Dong worked really hard to make him chubby and healthy by feeding him properly. She would also use her spiritual energy to heal the damages in his body since Yu Dong consistently fed her spiritual energy to little bun, the sickly baby soon grew up in a healthy and chubby baby.



" what did you say ?"

The three mers were really shocked to their cores, they were just weak mers who knew nothing past sewing and embroidery. To figure out whether the land was barren or not, was equivalent to asking them to go and fight in a bloody war, they couldn't even figure out how much water and fertilizer a land needed much less to identify whether it was fertile or not.

Yu Dong rubbed Little bun's chubby face and simply repeated what she said earlier " the old Yu family gave us barren fields, I'm afraid there will be a long and difficult road ahead for us"

Ye Liu and Chen Mi were so shocked that they couldn't comprehend what to say, the land - that ten mu of lands that they have was actually nothing but barren wastes? No wonder the old Yu family gave them so much land so generously! These pieces of Lands were basically useless to them! How good their plan was, taking advantage of the fact that their

wife's was muddleheaded they recycled those barren pieces of lands and even whitewashed their image.

To the villagers the old Yi family was really good, they gave Yu Dong a lot of fields and it was Yu Dong who was in the wrong who didn't know how to cherish those lands.

Shen Li was even more stunned than Ye Liu and Chen Mi because he knew that the soul in his wife's body was changed so he wasn't worried about her giving up halfway like the original Yu Dong, But what if the soul didn't change? What if it was Yu Dong, who changed her ways and decided to walk down the right path somehow? He was sure that if his wife, the previous Yu Dong found out that the lands were barren, wouldn't she give up halfway? He knew Yu Dong well, she wasn't someone who would fight against the odd instead she would just go ahead and give up.

By giving these barren fields wasn't Qiu Bai trying to kill them? Weren't his actions similar to pushing Yu Dong and their family to their deaths? How can someone be so cruel!

" that old bastard!" Ye Liu was the first who woke up from his daze after Yu Doing dumped such a heavy bomb on their heads. He clenched his fists and angrily stomped his feet, he couldn't help but feel distressed, for four years he worked in that family like a bull and this was how he was repaid? This was so unfair " I will - I will go and teach Old Qiu a lesson, just you wait here"

" alright stop there" Yu Dong stopped Ye Liu who was looking close to exploding, she motioned Shen Li to make Ye Liu sit down by her eyes, then asked Chen Mi to bring some water for Ye Liu to drink and calm down. Ye Liu who was feeling thirsty after walking for so long took the cup from Chen Mi and drank all the water in one go, only when he finished drinking did Yu Dong speak up again " feeling better ?"

Ye Liu blushed a little and nodded " I'm alright, I was just a little too agitated"

As he said that he couldn't help but slap himself mentally, why did he have to react so impulsively? Was he getting a little too comfortable with Yu Dong that he started throwing tantrums in front of her like this?

" well now that you have calmed down, I think you will be able to hear what I have to say properly," said Yu Dong who looked at Ye Liu with patience not looking at all angry " even if you go and fight it out with old man Qiu, it will be you who will suffer. "

" But why ?" Ye Liu, who couldn't understand what Yu Dong was saying jumped to his feet and asked " why will I be at fault? They were the ones who did us wrong"

" that's - that's because I didn't take good care of those fields, " said Yu Doing sounding a little embarrassed, she didn't want to look at the disappointment in her husbands eyes so she looked at little bun who was blinking his large dewy eyes at her innocently. Though she wasn't in the wrong here who asked her to reincarnate in a scumbag's body, Yu Dong sighed and continued " if you fight with Old man Qiu he would just create trouble saying it was us who didn't take care of the fields and they became barren, he will never agree to these accusations "

For a while no one spoke, Yu Dong thought that her husbands were too dissatisfied with her and she hurriedly explained " but don't worry, I brought a really good fertilizer from the town, I'm sure it will be fine "

Since she took their responsibility she needed to make sure that they won't feel uncomfortable with anything, she needed to work hard - what if they start thinking that she was actually making excuses? And lying because she didn't want to be blamed?

" it's alright, " said Chen Mi when he saw that Yu Dong was acting a little flustered " it doesn't matter everyone makes mistakes, as long as you are willing to change it's not too late for you "

" Mi is right, " said Ye Liu who sounded a bit begrudging " as long as we work hard, we might be able to change the conditions of the fields, just as you said a land needs good fertilizer and water, I'm sure it will fine"

"Yes, we have complete faith in you," said Shen Li his cheeks flushing red, he never consoled someone so he was feeling a bit shy " you will definitely succeed wife"

Yu Dong who was mortified heaved a sigh of relief, a warm current flowing in her heart, but at the same time, her old grudges with the previous owner once again refreshed, she really wanted to teach the original owner a good lesson - after all, how could she hit these angels?

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