Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 42 - Her Husbands Don’t Need To Worry About Such Things

" Anyway forget about these matters," said Yu Dong, she wasn't really worried about the old Yu family. Intact with her strength it would be a bit embarrassing to be afraid of a weak chicken whose only strength was to become an official and that too when he could become one. She on the other hand was a master cultivator who could use many techniques, to sweep up mobs of zombies clean within seconds, will she be worried about such a little thing? Of course, she would never be scared of such a thing! She didn't want her husbands to be afraid either, as their wife it was her responsibility to take care of them so she changed the topic without showing any signs of continuing it.

This wasn't because she was overly confident but because she had faith in her capabilities as long as she worked hard, she can take her husbands out of this poor village and settle down somewhere else, and as long as they had money, they will be able to buy an official title as well, this was what she learned in the town. So who was scared of who? Only time will tell who was the more capable one here!

" Liu, didn't I bring some cloth for you three? Why don't I see you three making clothes for yourself? " asked Yu Dong, earlier she bought some expensive cloth materials for her husbands and little bun, she even bought some for Yu Mai. But it has been days and she was yet to see the three mers working on the cloths, what was wrong? Did she buy fewer cloth?

At her questions, the three mers flushed red, though they were mers they hardly learned anything like embroidery and sewing. Though they somehow learned it, their skills were too haphazard. Their skills were enough to be used on simply rough cloths but the materials that Yu Dong brought were just too beautiful and expensive that they were afraid of ruining them. How can they try their half baked skills on such beautiful clothes? They wanted to make the most out of the fabric but they hardly knew about embroidery and what if they made a mistake wouldn't it be more of a loss than again?

" We- we don't know much about sewing" in the end Shen Li decided to come clean, it wasn't that he wanted to lie but it was just too embarrassing to accept the fact that he did not know how to make clothes. But he, Ye Liu and Chen Mi were not in the wrong either because neither of them was enchantingly pretty, so their family never bothered to waste their resources on them.

Their family would rather give the remaining money to their sisters instead of wasting it on them, which was why Shen Li and the other two hardly knew of the skills that would make them good husbands.

Their family believed that with their ugly faces, they could hardly become someone's concubine much less anyone's legal husbands, so why bother? In the end, it was their father in law who taught them but before they could get a perfect hang of it, their father in law died and they could only learn half of what Yu Dong's daddy taught them.

" is that so?" asked Yu Dong though she was generally asking, she couldn't help but be a little surprised, weren't the mers of this world really skilled in the so-called feminine arts of the earth? Nonetheless, she wasn't upset with them, it wasn't a rather big thing if they didn't know how to sew and make clothes, they can always ask someone to make the clothes for them " it's alright, do you guys know anyone who can make clothes? Just bring the fabric to them and pay them according to their work, that works too"

Though Yu Dong said that it was alright, the three mers were mortified, their wife was working hard in the fields from morning to noon - and here they couldn't even sew decent clothes for her.

" we will definitely learn it," said Ye Liu sounding determined " it's not a big deal, as long as if we learn it attentively, we will be able to sew good clothes as well without any mistakes"

" yes, yes " agreed Chen Mi, he was really ashamed. Now that their wife was showing her capable side, they were looking really lacking compared to her. She could hunt, farm and cook delicious meals and they could only do everything mediocrely, wasn't it an embarrassment to them as her husbands?

Yu Dong however shook her head and said " it's fine if you want to learn but wait until Little bun grows up a little, we are still lacking in manpower and I can't manage everything at home and outside. I will become busier soon and it will be troublesome if you all start learning embroidery at once if you want one of you can go and learn while the other two have to take care of the household affairs and little bun."

Yu Dong didn't want to dump the household matters on their heads but she really need to get serious. It was the end of July and soon winter would arrive, she has to earn enough money to renovate their house and build a shed in the backyard apart from that she also need to save enough money in case of an emergency. For that, she has to start working hard to strike her first pot of gold.

"Wife is right," said Shen Li, he was too engrossed in his shame that he completely forgot about the things that they need to do at home. Yu Dong was responsible for earning money while they were responsible to take care of the households affair, if they start casually goofing around who will take care of laundry and cleaning? " we can always learn embroidery once little bun is two years old after that we will be free enough to get some free time for ourselves, right?"

Yu Dong nodded she was certain that within two years she will become so rich that her husbands would no longer need to learn such a skill, by then they will be able to throw money and buy whatever they wanted whether it was clothes or jewellery. Yu Dong's husbands don't need to worry about such measly things! Not do they need to work hard to learn it either!

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