Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 43 - [Bonus ] Fang Chi Was Rejected By His Match

Just like they decided, Ye Liu took the fabric to Granny Fang, though he didn't like Fang Chi a lot, He liked Granny Fang and loved her embroidery skills, he has seen the delicate and lively embroidery on Fang Chi's clothes and really liked it. Ye Liu wanted to learn embroidery from Granny Fang but the two of them had enough troubles as it is, so he never tried to disturb her. Not that he had any time to disturb her either, he was forced to work in the Yu family until his waist break and his legs went jelly - but now, he finally has the opportunity to wear clothes with Granny Fang's embroidery!

Just the very thought was enough to make Ye Liu walk with a spring in his steps.

He was so happy that he didn't even pay attention to the mockery of the villagers as he passed. Yu Dong had already warned him, that once he went outside, the villagers would badmouth her behind his back either subtly or loudly. Since Qiu Bai failed to get them to work for him for free, he wouldn't let go of the matter so easily, he would definitely try to vilify her in front of the villagers.

This was also the reason why Ye Liu came instead of Shen Li and Chen Mi, the two of them were too faint-hearted and soft-spoken, they can be bullied easily but not him, he has thick skin and can ignore all the bullying even with his ears opened and eyes as sharp as that of an eagle.

Ye Liu didn't pay attention to anyone who tried to call him from behind instead he walked swiftly like he was in a hurry to go somewhere because the fabric was tightly packed in the basket that he was carrying on his back no one was able to guess where he was rushing off, they all thought that maybe Yu Dong family finally finished off all their grains and meat that Yu Dong hunted and now Ye Liu had no choice but to go and pick wild vegetables.

Some of them sympathised with him but most of them were relishing in Ye Liu and his family's misery. It wasn't as if they had a feud with Yu Dong or either of her three husbands but human nature was just like that, they might not want to help someone in need but when they saw someone in a situation worse than them, they couldn't help but be happy over it.

Ye Liu didn't know that he became an embodiment of a ' pathetic mer with unfortunate luck ', instead he walked all the way to the foot of the mountain where Granny Fang lived together with her grandchild Fang Chi. He cleaned up his appearance as he tucked the locks of his hair behind his ears and wiped his face with his hands before knocking on Granny Fang's door, one day he will learn embroidery from Granny Fang that means she will become his teacher, he should give his best first impression.

The door opened after Ye Liu knocked but instead of Granny Fang, it was Fang Chi. The smiling mer was talking and chattering with his wife when she hunted the boar, but today all traces of smile were gone from Fang Chi's face and his eyes were swollen as if he was crying.

Seeing him like this Ye Liu was stunned, not knowing what to say. Though he didn't like Fang Chi because he saw him ' seducing ' ( he didn't ) his wife right in front of him, Ye Liu didn't dislike him to the point where he wanted him to cry.

" are- are you okay?" asked Ye Liu but after asking, he couldn't help but inwardly slap himself. What was he doing! What kind of insensitive question was this? The guy was crying, crying until his eyes turned red and swollen, so he wasn't okay! Wasn't it obvious enough?

Fang Chi didn't say anything and simply nodded silently, unlike Ye Liu who was like a basic tsundere type of guy... Fang Chi was like the typical cold Ceo type of man, even though he was crying, it was hard for Ye Liu to sympathise with him. The guy looked more dangerous rather than pitiful with his red eyes and pursed lips, unlike Qiu Bai who could move the entire population of the women in the village with just a few tears of his.

It wasn't Fang Chi's fault, he looked more like his mother than his daddy, and thus his beauty was that of a cold beauty than a softer one, coupled with the fact that he worked in the farming fields instead of his grandmother so he was sturdier than the mers of the village.

" come in, is there anything you want ?" asked Fang Chi though he tried his best to speak normally, his voice was nasally and hoarse. Fang Chi's face turned red upon hearing his voice, he didn't know whether to shut his mouth or continue asking Ye Liu about his reason to come to their house.

Thankfully, Granny Fang who was weeding the vegetable patch heard Ye Liu's voice and came to see who came to their house, seeing that it was Yu Dong's husband she smiled gently. She still hasn't forgotten the extra meat Yu Dong gave to her family's Fang Chi when the latter hardly helped her, thus when she talked to Ye Liu her voice was extremely warm " Ye Liu, you -why are you standing outside come in, is there something that I can help you with?"

Seeing that his grandmother has come Fang Chi escaped to the backyard but as he was rushing outside, Ye Liu caught his tears that were flowing down Fang Chi's tears and felt a little awkward, here he wanted to impress Granny Fang but he saw her grandson cry, will this affect his good points in Granny Fang's heart?

" oh that boy" sighed Granny Fang fretfully, just like Ye Liu, she too caught Fang Chi's crying face and couldn't help but be upset as well.

" Is everything alright? I -Granny Fang maybe I can help Fang Chi ?" Ye Liu didn't think that it was alright if he remained quiet now that he saw Fang Chi crying like that, he at least need to speak some words of concern. Even if they were empty! What? That guy was a vixen seducing his wife ( he wasn't )

" You? Well, you can if you make your wife marry Chi" joked Granny Fang as she looked at Ye Liu who froze at her words, discerning that she went too far, she smiled politely " don't worry, I was joking. But no you can't help Chi, the poor boy was rejected by his match once again because he was too tall and strong compared to the girl who came to ask for his hand. He is a little upset because of that"

Ye Liu didn't know what to say, this was something that he knew too well. He too was rejected by a lot of matches because he was too strong compared to them, so even though he had a little feud with Fang Chi he still spoke kindly " it's alright, one day he will get his perfect match, Granny Fang"

"You are too sweet," said Granny Fang but then she noticed the basket on Ye Liu's back and asked, " Is there something you want to tell me?"

" ah yeah" putting the basket down on the floor, Ye Liu pulled the fabrics from the basket and handed them to Granny Liu " My wife brought these from the town, she wants to make clothes for me and my brothers including little bun and little Mai, and here -" putting the money on top of the fabrics, Ye Liu added, " Wife said that we can't take advantage of Granny Fang's kindness"

Granny Fang blinked at the money that was placed on the top of the fabrics and couldn't help but thank Yu Dong because she was too old now the villagers didn't come to her when they wanted to make clothes instead they went to the young mers, to think the skill that she learned as past time was helping her earn a decent sum. She nodded and accepted the money as she smiled at Ye Liu " please tell me the measurements "

Ye Liu heard her answer and sighed in relief, he was afraid that Granny Liu would take this as him boasting.. Thankfully, Granny Fang was broad hearted! He happily told his and the measurements of others before leaving.

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