Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 45: Meet the Princess

Book 5: Chapter 45: Meet the Princess

Frank walked through the streets wearing a yellow dress and wondered how this could get any worse. Heather walked beside him in the guise of a man, clutching Webster and petting him nervously. He was reminded of what happened when Quinny accidentally took Heather's form and how she freaked out. In fact, Heather never used her bird figurine since the incident, and now he wondered if maybe she was afraid to.

He tried not to worry but suspected that every minute he was in this body was tormenting her. He wasn't very comfortable with the situation either and tried his best not to notice anything about the body he was in. If it wasn't for the players on the street, he would change to a ghoul immediately and allow Heather to reclaim her body. As it stood, the strange procession was drawing stares from every player they passed. It would be too great a risk to change under such scrutiny, so he bid his time, hoping to make the switch once they were inside the castle.

One thing he noted as they walked was that Heather wasn't wearing Blackbast's collar. He couldn't remember if she had it on before and wondered if it was hidden in the transformation. The other possibility was that he was wearing it, the collar moving with the body, but a quick feel around his throat proved that wasn't true. He wondered if the crown or the collar would transfer with the figurine or if they would remain with the original wearer. Blackbast called them domination devices, and it made sense that they would remain but who could say. At the very least, he was glad it wasn't around his neck, but that presented another problem. Now that he thought about it, Heather was in her original human form, and some people knew what she looked like. In the city, she was known as Princess Hannah, but they had been calling her devil disguise Princess Hannah. What would happen when somebody met both forms? It was a useless point to debate now. All he could do was follow the man who arrested them as the guards escorted from behind.

You do know who we are? Heather finally asked as the strange man led them through the gates to the inner city.

You are unknown to me, the man who collected them said, then turned to Frank and bowed his head slightly. But you are princess Hannah.

It was another revelation that made Frank wonder how the figurines actually worked. The data contained in Gwens list of friends must carry over with the physical form. That meant it wasn't tied to the actual player but rather the body itself. That made him wonder if a player could assume control of another player's kingdom by simply stealing their body. Could he walk into Heather's tower and take command? No, it couldn't be that simple. After all, he lacked access to Heather's panel. A quick look at his arm revealed the tattoo was indeed missing. He knew it was probably on the arm of the man beside him, ensuring that only the true owner could use it. But what about Gwen's interface? She uses a separate crystal that was once stolen. The thieves had minimal access to it, but If he could steal her form as well as the crystal, could he take over the whole kingdom?

Logically the answer had to be no, but since meeting Heather, he had come to realize the rules were not as ridged as he once believed. Heather currently had five player classes and believed that attaining more was feasible. Still, these bonus classes came with curses that limited their power. The crown gave her access to a devil race but came with a potential loss of control. The collar gave her the bonded slave class but inhibited the full power of the devil race.

I need my body back, Heather whispered as they passed down a relatively empty street.

I'm sorry, Frank whispered back. I would change right now, but people will see.

No, Heather insisted. Wait until we get to Gwen, She sighed and looked at him with frustration apparent on her face. He decided to try and distract her by pointing out the things he had noticed, sharing his suspicions about the figurine. He asked what she had done with the collar, and she explained it was left with Blackbast. She wanted some time to think, and the collar would very quickly make her crave to return to her master's side.

Getting back to the figurine, Heather said. I wonder if a domination device would move with it.

I don't think it would, Frank said and gestured to his arm. Your tattoo stayed with you.

Yes, it did, she replied with a glance at her arm. But that is very different. Part of me really wants to try this when we have a moment.

I wonder why Gwen wants to see us? Frank said and looked around to see faces watching them. It must be important.

Just remember to call to her mother, Heather reminded. She made me promise, remember?

She made you promise to say mother so long as it was informal, he corrected.

Whatever just make sure we don't screw up, she whispered, then turned her attention back to their escort.

So who are you? she asked of the man leading the way.

I am Captain Delgot, the man replied with a hint of pride. I am one of her majesties chief captains of the city watch.

And why has the Queen summoned us? Heather pressed.

That is a matter best discussed with Queen Gwen herself, she replied, then cast her a sideways glance. What was all that talk about stealing the Queen's interface to take control of the kingdom? Are you plotting against Queen Gwen?

He was listening to us, Frank said. He must have good hearing.

Well, listen to this, Heather replied. We weren't plotting, just theorizing. I wouldn't dream of harming Gwen. I happen to be a good friend of hers.

If that were so, I would know you, he replied and then glanced at Frank. But since you are in the company of the princess, I will assume there is some truth to what you say.

I am so unhappy about this, Heather grumbled. Shouldnt he know how I am?

I don't know, Frank replied. The data must be tied to the body so that shapeshifters can't be detected by a cheap meta play.

Wait. You can be a shapeshifter? Heather asked in surprise.

After that house in the swamp, you are surprised there are shapeshifters? Frank retorted.

That was a monster, Heather replied. I had no idea there was a player class that could do it.

There are at least half a dozen races that can change shape or at least mimic other people. One of them is practically fluid and can change to any shape or form of roughly the same volume, he replied.

So it could switch between male and female at will? Heather asked.

It could switch between a tree or an orc at will. It isnt limited to races and can appear to be objects though it takes some levels to be good at it, he said.

How interesting, Heather said as Frank stepped closer and took her hand.

Im sorry, he said again.

Its fine, Heather said and looked at his hand. I admit this is driving me crazy, but lets just keep our cool until we can trade back.

Im just worried because of how upset you were when Quinny did this, he replied.

That was different, Heather said and glanced at him. Quinny made it sound like she wanted to have fun with my body and play games. I felt so out of control, like she was going to run off with it and never come back. I know that's stupid, but I couldn't think straight, and I panicked.

And how are you now? Frank asked.

Still panicked, but I trust you not to do anything inappropriate. You know full well this is driving me crazy, but I can keep control of myself for a little while.

I am finding this as unsettling as you. I never wanted to use your bird figurine, but I was alright being in a man's body. But this is different. I never wanted to play a female character. I dont feel right being like this, he explained.

What is all this body talk? the leader of their procession asked.

Will you stop listening to us, Heather demanded.

It is my duty to listen, the man replied. I must always be alert to threats to the queen.

You said she asked for us specifically? Heather asked.

That is correct, the man replied.

Then you can assume the Queen knows what she is doing and stop wondering if we are a threat, Heather argued.

Hes just an NPC doing his job, Frank said when he noted the anger in Heathers voice.

Then why is he being so nosey? Heather asked.

He must be high level. Gwen probably invested a lot of points to increase his functionality and personality, Frank suggested and then looked at the statue in his hand. I wonder what would happen if you ordered one of your NPCs to use the figurine.

Now that's an interesting thought, Heather pondered and then looked at the spider clutched to her chest. What if I had Webster use it?

If it worked, he would become a human, Frank said.

Webster chirped, and Heather held him out so she could look him in the eyes.

No, we cannot date, and now I am disturbed, she said. He chirped again, and Heather shook her head. Don't you tell me you're a pervy spider now? You have been sleeping in the same bed as me for weeks.

What did he say? Frank asked as Heather slung him under one arm.

Hes developing a sense of humor, she replied as they arrived at the castle gate. Thankfully, I don't think he could say the activation word. She slung him under one arm and followed the man through the entrance into the castle proper. A few minutes later, they were brought to a side hall finely decorated with elaborate furnishings. Gwen was standing by a tall window, looking out over the city with a concerned look. There were a dozen other people dressed in fine outfits or fancy armor with her. It was impossible to know who might be a player or an NPC, so Heather whispered to keep up the ruse.

I have brought the two you requested, their escort announced with a low bow.

Very good, Captain Delgot. Leave them with me. You are dismissed, Gwen said without looking away from the window. The man rose from his bow and gave Heather a final look of warning before retreating from the room. The others turned to gaze on the new arrivals and began whispering over glasses of wine.

So I pretend to be you? Frank whispered as they approached Gwen.

For now, Heather whispered back. I dont know who any of these people are. We need to get her someplace private so we can explain.

Frank nodded and dipped into a low bow as they arrived beside Gwen. She glanced their way, then resumed looking out the window as if annoyed by their presence.

We are here as you requested, Frank said.

So you have finally returned, Gwen said and folded her hands behind her back. I wondered if you were coming back at all.

Frank looked to Heather, unsure how to respond. They had no idea who the other people in the room were or what they knew. Did they know who princess Hannah was? Would it cause trouble if he called himself Hannah?

Speechless? Gwen asked and finally turned to face them. She looked over the human man, noting that he held Webster under one arm. There was a twitch of recognition in her eyes, and she nodded ever so slightly. I suppose you are wondering why you're here. I will tell you, but first, I need to know who your friend is.

Frank was amazed that even Gwen couldnt tell but quickly worked on a solution. He stepped over to Heather and lopped his arm around hers before clearing his throat.

Oh, Im sorry. I forgot you have never seen him out of his armor. This is my fiance, Lord Frank, he said.

Lord Frank? Gwen replied in confusion and shot them both a heated glare. I see. Of course. How silly of me. I always did think it rash that you two ran off before I could meet you properly.

Forgive me for not meeting you like this sooner, Heather said in a masculine voice and tip of her head. I wonder if we might talk to you privately?

Perhaps we can arrange that a little later, Gwen said and turned to Frank with a pleading expression. I am glad you two are back in the city. Will you be here long?

Just a brief visit, Frank said to keep it short. We needed some supplies before we press on.

A pity, Gwen replied and leaned closer to Frank as if finally seeing through the disguise. I am so looking forward to your wedding. I have designed you the most lovely dress and have already made some of the preparations.

Heather choked and glanced at Frank, who was ridged as a board. Gwen seemed to take that as her cue and turned to address the room, suggesting it was time to get on with business.

Everyone, this is my daughter, Princess Hannah, and this fine gentleman is Lord Frank, one day to be prince Frank, I hope. She paused and shook her head before turning to sweep the room with an arm to indicate the group of strangers. These fine people are the rulers of various kingdoms scattered about the south region.

What does the south region mean? Heather asked.

The spawn points are divided into regions based on compass points. So youre either in the north, south, east, or west region, Gwen replied. Most of the player land is in the north and west regions. The south and east are more sparsely populated and spread out.

So these are all leaders from the south, Heather said as she looked over the assembled group. Why are they here? Before Gwen could reply, a reptile-like man with black scales and wearing outlandishly rich clothing cut in.

We are here because of the rumors that a necromancer is loose in the south. King Kevin has sent emissaries to our lands all but threatening to wipe us out if we are found to be harboring her.

So, why are you all here in Gwens city? Frank asked.

Because this is where she was last seen, a tall woman with feathers for hair said. A lot of strange things have been going on here of late. Not the least of which is this appointment of a new princess and her sudden marriage. The woman said the last part while throwing Frank a withering gaze.

Frank wondered if that look was meant to suggest they suspected him, or rather Heather, of being the necromancer. But, before he could say anything, Heather spoke up and cut them off.

Hannah is a flower singer and recluse, she said.

So we have been told. But I cant imagine how a flower singer managed to recover Gwens kingdom heart, the feathered woman balked.

What is that supposed to mean? Heather said defensively. The flower singer isn't a useless class. Hannah is amazing with it and uses her healing to support her friends.

And I had a lot of friends with me when we got the stone back, Frank was quick to add.

Yes, that is another reason why we are here, an elven man with near-black skin said. He stepped to the front of the pack to glare at them with snow-white eyes before continuing. We are told one of her friends is a goblin, and my spies say that goblins have recently set up a new village inside Gwen's domain.

So? Heather asked.

So, it would surprise you to know that we all received a magical message this morning. It seems that a party of paladins on official business of Kevin were ambushed in a town to the northwest. They attacked in such numbers that even the paladins were unable to stem the tide. He paused to let Heather take in the information, then took a sip of wine before going on. He believes one of us is behind the attacks. He seems to think somebody is uniting the goblins again.

The goblins were united before? Heather stammered.

You are unfamiliar with the goblin rampage that took place years ago? the feathered woman asked.

I haven't been here that long, Heather said. What happened?

It was right at the end of the war with the necromancers, the reptilian man said. Out of nowhere, goblins started to attack all across the north. They were rushing to the south in great packs but took every opportunity to pillage anything in their way. They were particularly aggressive with the mountain strongholds of the dragon knights.

Normally, their villages grow to about thirty members, but somehow they grew significantly larger, the dark elf said. Reports say some of their warbands were three thousand strong and included engineered weaponry.

Cannons, from what I heard, A human woman with golden hair chimed in.

How did this war end? Frank asked as a sudden suspicion crawled up his spine.

It ended with the catastrophe in the desert, the dark elf replied. For some reason, the goblins were streaming into the sands by the thousands. Rumor says they were building a capital city, but it was destroyed in a battle between a mage and a sand demon.

The goblins lost so many of their number the threat was over, the reptilian man replied. They seemed to rest, and their villages went back to normal, but the desert has been a sheet of glass ever since.

And once again, it comes back to the glass, Heather said as she looked away.

What was that? the feathered woman asked.

Nothing, Heather said and glanced at Frank. So, you're all here to see if Queen Gwen knows anything about this necromancer?

It seemed prudent to investigate, the golden-haired woman said. There are plenty of people who claim to have seen her. A few even claim to have fought her and lost.

One, in particular, says that she defended a goblin village not very far from here, the dark elf added.

I see, Heather sighed. So you think this necromancer the recent goblin activity might be linked.

Wouldn't you? the woman asked. It all fits too neatly, and Gwen's goblin population seems to be soaring. It has drawn a lot of unwanted attention from King Kevin.

I think I can explain some of that, Frank said to Heathers surprise.

You can? the woman laughed. Can you explain how this particular village has gone from a handful of goblins to nearly five hundred? Can you explain why they have abandoned crude huts in favor of building hardened stone fortifications into the mountain itself?

Goblin elites are spawning as well, the dark elf added. They have at least three geomancers, a bunch of shamans, and several dozen blood shields.

Not to mention that this region was implicated in some of the problems before, the golden-haired woman interjected. That Hathlisora woman was suspected of having a hidden lair in the mountains.

And she was rumored to be involved with the necromancers, the goblins, and the city in the desert, the dark elf said.

She had no lair in my kingdom, Gwen announced defiantly. You are all ruler classes. You know full well nobody could hide such a lair inside your domain.

Maybe it wasn't hidden, the reptilian man said. Maybe you knew it was there all along. You and Kevin were never friends, as I recall.

Are any of us friends of Kevin? Gwen asked the suspicious group.

Maybe not, but I want to hear what Princess Hannah has to say about the goblins, the golden-haired woman replied. Just how can you explain this strange behavior.

Thats easy, Frank replied. The village is owned by a goblin monster player.

A player? the woman gasped. How can you be so sure?

There are two of them, Frank said with two fingers in the air. One is a ruler class, the other an engineering class. They came in together to build a goblin kingdom, and I met them when we were very low level.

Hannah is really good at making friends, Heather said with a tug on his arm. She doesnt mind talking to monster players and calling them friends.

You consort with monster players? the reptilian man asked with a disgusted expression.

They are just players, Heather said. Heather and I happen to have a friend who is a ghoul. We invited him to set up a lair in the swamp so others could adventure there.

My spies told me there was a graveyard and tower In the swamp, the dark elf said with a nod. Is this ghoul one of the friends who helped recover Gwen's heart?

As a matter of fact, he is, Heather replied. As we're the two goblins, a zombie and an elf.

Your party was made up almost entirely monster players? the golden-haired woman asked. When Frank and Heather nodded, she turned on Gwen with a sarcastic tone. You wasted one of your very limited titles by bestowing it on her. You know as well as I that Kevin hates it when hero players fraternize with monster players. If he ever learns of this, it will draw even more of his attention!

Hannah and her friends rescued my kingdom out of the kindness of their hearts, Gwen retorted with a glare that only a queen could manage. She proved herself worthy of the title, and I don't care what anybody else thinks.

But to cross the line like that? the reptilian man balked. You put us all at risk.

I dont recall any of you offering me assistance? Gwen shot back. You left me to rot and gave me no choice.

I suppose we did, the dark elf said with a smirk. So this explains the goblins and the graveyards, but it doesnt answer the question about the necromancer. It only makes sense that we suspect you, he said with a nod toward Frank. Do you think you could manage a demonstration of your power?

Frank choked and looked at Gwen, who had a grave expression on her face. It was clear she had no idea how to handle the situation, so he improvised.

Fine, but Frank and I need to speak with Gwen about a private matter first. Then we will meet you in the garden, and I will sing for all the flowers you wish.

Very well, but there is one more thing, the dark elf said with a smile. Show us your arms.

What? Why? Frank asked.

To make sure you're not a chosen, he replied in a firm tone. I don't see any jewelry to be your panel, and the familiar isn't a magical creature, so you must have a tattoo. Now, show us your arms so we can be sure.

Frank wanted to sigh in relief and held up his arms so they could inspect them. The man even pulled up the sleeves to search above the elbow before being satisfied. He couldn't believe how lucky they were. If they hadn't accidentally switched bodies, Heather would be caught for sure.

Well then, I look forward to seeing you in the garden, he said and stepped back.

If we are done threatening my daughter, I would like to meet her in private, Gwen said and took Frank by the hand. We will meet you in the garden in twenty minutes. With that, she pulled Frank away, and Heather followed, exiting the room and heading down a hall.

Say nothing until I tell you, Gwen commanded. They passed through a crystal archway and down a long narrow hall guarded by a hundred soldiers in heavy armor. The door at the end was magical and required a key, command word, and a secret button to open. Inside was an octagon-shaped room made of black marble with a glowing green band of light that hovered a half meter off the floor. She ordered them inside the ring, then stepped in with them before speaking a command word. Suddenly they were encased in a bubble of green light, and Gwen finally sighed in relief.

This is a magically secure chamber that will prevent anyone from observing or listening to us. Now you can speak, she said.

Change back! Heather snapped while setting Webster down. Frank wasted no time speaking the command word and became a ghoul right before Gwen's eyes. He handed the statue of Heather over, and she said the command word becoming Heather with a cry of relief.

Oh, thank goodness, I was losing my mind in there, she cried while wrapping her arms around herself. I cant believe how long I went.

What is going on here Gwen demanded with an angry glare.

We kind of had an accident, Frank said and scratched at his head with a long claw.

An accident how? Gwen demanded.

We used a figurine of transformation, Frank said and took the little statue from Heathers hand. He held it up for Gwen to inspect then explained how it had been given to him as a gift so he could marry Heather as a human.

I see, Gwen replied and looked between them. So you used it to switch bodies with each other. I had no idea you were into that sort of thing. You seemed so restrained.

What are you suggesting? I am not into that sort of thing! Heather shouted in horror.

You don't have to explain it to me, Gwen said with a wave of her hand. Your fetishes are your own thing.

Frank sighed and explained how it was an accident, and they were interrupted before they could change back. In order to fix it, he would have to change into the ghoul but was afraid of doing that where others would see. Gwen agreed that he made the right choice and then complimented him on solving their problem. Now that they had the figurine, the wedding could easily go ahead.

I can't believe how lucky we were, Frank said. The tattoo didn't transfer with the body. We just proved to all those people that she wasn't chosen. Now all she had to do is go sing up some flowers, and their suspicions will be over.

Suspicion is all that lot knows, Gwen retorted. But quick thinking on explaining the goblins, which reminds me. I need to know if you have anything to do with these goblin raids.

Me? Heather said in surprise. I uh, maybe?

It isn't, maybe, Gwen growled. It's yes or no.

Heather rolled her eyes and then explained what had happened. She went over the whole sad story of Lydia and how she was a prisoner in her own kingdom. She explained the battle and the attempted escape that ended with the fight in the graveyard. She admitted that they only managed it because Umtha brought her goblins through the magical door and turned the tide of battle.

So not only are you involved, but it is, in fact, the very goblins my neighbors are upset about? Gwen sighed and turned away. Do you do anything without causing chaos in your wake?

This wasn't my fault, Heather said in defense. I didnt cause any of this to happen or ask Umtha to bring her goblins. Most of what happens to me is caused by everybody else trying to force me to play by their rules.

Maybe, but your skill at breaking the rules is starting to be noticed, Gwen replied. Up till now, you were just another foolish player who picked necromancer by mistake. Kevin leaves trivial matters like that to his sub-commanders and aids. I doubt any of them have even bothered to mention you to him, but the goblin battle has most certainly got his attention. That he took time to have letters magically delivered to all the kingdoms in the south proves it.

So, what does that mean? Frank asked in concern.

It means we have to be careful. Despite your clever ruse, you and the necromancer showed up too close together. Our planned display in the garden will help, but it won't abate all suspicion, Gwen replied. I advise you to keep a low profile and not come back for a few weeks. When you do come back, you need to commit yourself to playing the role of princess Hannah long enough to throw off the wolves. Focus on the wedding and go out of your way to being seen using your flower singer skills.

I can do that, Heather said and looked at Frank. You got that statue so you could marry me?

It was Blackbasts idea, he replied. She had the figurine so she could take a mans body for the customers that preferred it. I told her how worried I was to marry you as a ghoul, so she gave it to me.

Heather was silent a long moment, then cringed and shook her head. That's nice, and all, but exactly how many people has she slept with in that body?

I dont know, a lot probably, he admitted.

Great, Heather groaned. What if one of her past clients recognizes you?

We tell them they are making a mistake? Frank suggested.

I doubt you will have much trouble getting them to believe that. There are lots of people who look similar, especially in a human body, Gwen agreed, then smiled at Heather. So when is the wedding? Are you close to being done with your mission?

Hardly, Heather sighed. I have no idea where we are going. To be honest, we seem to be heading further north and west. From what those people said, I got the feeling we are heading into the heart of Kevin's allies.

You most certainly are, Gwen agreed. But now that you have the figurine, you can hide Frank and move in the open.

Except I have Legeis and Umtha, Heather pointed out. I had no idea goblins caused so much trouble in the past. What if people freak out when they see them?

Gwen tapped her lips with a finger as she pondered the response. I suppose you will have to find a way. Can you travel without them?

I am doing this for Umtha, Heather reminded. And I cant very well tell Legeis I don't want his help anymore. Besides, his armor can run night and day. We are using that to our advantage to cover ground.

It really does work well, Frank replied. Blackbast uses a magical disk spell to carry the palanquin and then rides on his back while he runs. At night I take over so he can park his armor in the magical room and sleep.

And you have no idea how much further you need to go? Gwen asked.

None, Heather replied. It could be a hundred times further than we have already come.

This is going to be tricky to manage, Gwen grumbled. I need you to come home as soon as you can so I dont have to start answering questions about where you are. We need to draw as little attention as possible. She looked at Heathers arm and frowned at the exposed tattoo.

Don't worry about that, Heather said. Just get me outside, and I will conceal it before anyone notices.

Well then, Gwen began and turned to Frank. It's time you took that human form, and we went to face the wolves.

They agreed and headed out, going straight to the garden of Princess Hannah. Heather was careful to wait on the steps as the others gathered below. She started her display by assuming her plant armor, cleverly concealing the tattoo. Then she used her walk on plants spell to dance across the lawn while singing and leaving a trail of flowers in her wake.

The other leaders agreed she had to be a flower singer, but the feathered woman wasn't convinced. She had a first-hand account of somebody meeting Hannah at a tower and witnessing her command skeletons. Heather wondered who that was but quickly explained that the story was true. She was a recluse and was playing alongside the ghoul player at the time. She built a tower and picked the undead as her servants to fit in.

Are you all satisfied? Gwen asked in a tone that said she was tired of this game.

They agreed that things seemed to be in order and that Hannah was obviously not the necromancer. They were content about the goblins, but there were still some heated opinions about Hannah being friendly with monster players. Gwen held her ground, stating that Hannah had done what nobody else would do and her title as a princess would stand.

There were promises to disavow her if these decisions riled Kevin and threats that her kingdom would stand alone in any war. She took all their complaints with dignity and grace while never letting an ounce of fear show. Finally, they departed, and the confrontation was over, but Heather didn't feel any more relieved.

I hope I havent brought you any trouble, she said.

You are no trouble, Gwen replied with a smile. But there is one thing you could do for me.

Sure, whatever you want? Heather asked, not liking the sound of Gwen's voice or the smile that started to spread across her face.

Good, Gwen replied and turned to lead them into the castle. Its time to try on your wedding dress.

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