Heather the Necromancer

Book 5: Chapter 46: Three Beautiful pets

Book 5: Chapter 46: Three Beautiful pets

After three days of traveling, Heather was bored out of her wits. The embarrassment of trying on her wedding dress was just now fading. The moment had been terribly disturbing, but Gwen seemed to relish it. Frank looked even more uncomfortable than she felt, and Gwen did her best to antagonize him and slip in little jabs about children. They couldn't wait to get away and rushed back to tell their story and set some things right.

Heather apologized to Quinny the moment she got back and even brought her a peace offering of cookies. Quinny accepted the gift and the apology readily as if nothing had happened. Since then, it had been running day and night to cover as much ground as possible. They passed several small towns, an obvious player stronghold, and what looked like a wizard's tower. The only real excitement came when they found a collapsed bridge over a deep gorge that extended for miles.

Quinny suggested Heather bridge it with her wall of bones spell, but Blackbast was concerned somebody might see her use it. Heather was more interested in what collapsed the bridge in the first place and why it hadn't been repaired. She even went so far as to have Webster crawl along the edge so she could safely look through his eyes. Unfortunately, the gorge was so deep that she couldn't see anything in detail, and looking through his eyes into a terrible fall was giving her vertigo.

There was a brief discussion about using the figurine to fly down and look, but only Breanne could accompany her. Blackbast thought it was a bad idea especially considering that the others would not be able to help if something happened on the canyon floor. Heather realized she was right and let the matter go, choosing not to delay her friends to satisfy her curiosity.

When the choice came down to crossing in minutes or going around, Heather chose to risk the wall of bone and cross directly. It turned out to be a blessing as Frank, who had been unusually silent since the city offered to carry her on his shoulder.

She was pleased when he picked her up and deposited her on the metal plate that acted as a shoulder pad. She settled in with Webster in her lap, and as he ran off, they had their first in-depth conversation since she admitted considering him her boyfriend.

He apologized for being so quiet and told her that he was worried. He had no idea how to handle a girlfriend and didn't want their friendship to end. He then explained how he had friends who had once been close, but they started dating, and before long, they couldn't stand one another. He was never sure what happened, but that story repeated several times, and now he was terrified he would lose Heather.

She understood his point of view. After all, she had friends who did the same thing, but she suspected this was different. In the real world, people put on acts, never allowing the other person to see the real them. That was fine for a friendship where it was all fun and games, but once a deeper relationship started, it became impossible to conceal the person inside. Once they got a glimpse of who their partner really was, the illusion was shattered, and the accusations would begin. This wasn't the case with Frank because he wasn't putting on an act. He was exactly who he was, and there was no act to see through. She was the one who had the most to hide, but he then insisted that she was always open and honest. She spoke her mind and did what she thought was best, even if it was a little reckless.

Heather used that as an example of how they didn't have to worry about falling apart. Their relationship wasn't built on illusions or acts put on to pretend they were other people. He laughed when she said that reminding her that he was a ghoul pretending to be a knight, and she was a human pretending to be both a devil and a slave girl.

She joined him in the giggle, and for the next few hours, they talked about the future, but eventually, he sighed and brought up her desire to leave. She knew that was bothering him and couldn't think of a good way to explain it. Yes, she still wanted to get out, but at the same time, she was growing fond of being here. In the end, she wondered if perhaps it wasn't getting out that was most important to her. What really mattered now was knowing the truth. Who was she, and what were she and Hathlisora trying to do?

She admitted to Frank that she still wanted to go home but was beginning to think he might be right and there was no way to get out. Frank reminded her of the poem that suggested that Hathlisora had opened the door once before, but she reminded him that they had no way to know what door and to where.

It was a touching moment where she lamented that all she did was cause him trouble and break things since coming here. Webster decided to chirp and remind her that she had broken the sun causing her to glare at the spider with narrow eyes.

Thats hardly helpful, she scolded and then told Frank what the spider had said.

You can't blame yourself for the things that happened, Frank replied. And even if you did break the sun, I am sure you had a good reason for it.

Do I ever have a good reason for the things I do? she asked and looked out across the green rolling landscape.

We all make bad choices, but yours have been getting better and better. Look at what happened at the bridge. You wanted to investigate but saw the wisdom in not splitting up when nobody could come to help you.

I suppose, she sighed and pet Webster. Well, move up next to Legeis. We need to talk to him and Blackbast about the goblin problem. Frank nodded and moved ahead until he was running beside Legeis. From her perch on his shoulder, she was nearly level with the sultry cat woman who laid on one side, head propped up on an arm and tail swishing gently.

So, what is this about? Blackbast asked.

We need to talk about the potential problem with Umtha and Legeis, Heather said as she turned a little to see them more clearly. I told you what those other rulers said about the goblin attacks.

It sounds funny to me, Legeis replied and looked up with his goggled face. I never heard of any goblin war outside the world, and I cant imagine them organizing well enough to be a threat to the players.

I have heard of these goblin battles, Blackbast said. But then I was always close to the desert where you say they goblins went to found a city?

That's what those people said, anyway, Heather replied. But that has to be the same city Hathlisora was using as a base, and the one Kevin destroyed and covered up with the whole wizard and sand demon story.

Which raises some interesting questions, Blackbast replied.

Yeah, like why were all the goblins trying to get there in the first place, Legeis said.

And why were they coming from the north? Blackbast added. Funny, but the woman in your crown said the egg was a plan of the goblins. Now, these leaders tell us that the goblin armies started in the north and marched south and east.

And were going north and west, Frank said as he put it together.

Ah, yes, Blackbast purred. Perhaps we are headed right for these goblin encampments.

That might explain why Umtha is so keen to be involved, Legeis said. She knows exactly what is going on and where we are going but won't tell us.

And that raises another suspicion, Heather said in a near whisper. Remember what Lydia said about the goblin woman. The previous hunt master helped her escape and then vanished himself. Could that goblin woman have been Umtha?

Blackbast pinned her ears back as she scowled and looked directly at the goblin woman riding on the front seat of the palanquin. It has to be her, she agreed while tapping at Legeiss armor.

I don't mean to throw a wrench in that plan, but I have spoken to her for hours, and I would swear she is an NPC, Legeis interjected.

But she's building a base. Only a player can do that, Frank insisted. She has to be a player, and for some reason, want's us to think she is an NPC.

Hmm, Blackbast said as she turned back to stare at Heather. There is a way to find out.

Youre going to collar her? Heather asked.

That is another way, but I doubt she will accept the collar, and I will not risk the punishment for trying to force one on her, Blackbast said but then smiled. But, there are certain rules regarding a wedding.

What do you mean? Heather asked as a sense of dread crawled up her spine.

Oh, just the little rules of witnesses, Blackbast said. When Gwen has you married, two or more players have to sign a document and then witness the ceremony. Once you are married, you will see the married status effect in your panel. You will be able to pull open a sub-menu that shows who witnessed the event.

So, how does that help? Frank asked.

Only players can witness the event. She can sign the document, but unless she is a player, her name won't appear as a witness on your character sheet, Blackbast replied.

So if her name shows up, she is undeniably a player, Frank said as he understood.

You're a sneaky cat, Heather said with a smile, then wondered what would happen if they confronted Umtha with proof.

Speaking of being sneaky, Frank cut in. I had a thought about going into populated areas. Since Blackbast gave me the figurine, we could start telling people I am a carrion knight.

Thats the class that can change into a ghoul when in the dark? Heather asked as she tried to remember the conversation.

Yeah, Frank said, then explained he could then use it to explain both his forms and people would think he was a hero player. He was concerned that somebody would question what he was inside the armor sooner or later. If they could say he was a carrion knight in ghoul form, then he had some measure of protection. If people demanded he prove it, he could use the figurine and say the command word quietly and change forms.

It sounded like a good idea, and Frank was right. Sooner or later, somebody was going to question what class he was. So it may as well be something easily demonstrated and could explain his ghoul form if accidentally seen.

Well, that helps cover you, but I am still worried about Legeis and Umtha, she said as they headed down the road. You heard what those people said about the goblins. They might be unwelcome the further north we go.

I think they might treat actual goblin players a little better, Legeis suggested.

I worry they might not, Heather said and looked to Blackbast. I know Umtha can hide in the magic room, but we need Legeis to move the palanquin. We are going to have to be extra careful to keep his cover story that hes a gnome.

That won't be an issue, Legeis replied. My entire face is covered, and my ears are tied back.

But if somebody decides to press you, what are we going to do? Heather asked and let out a sigh. We can't keep going around every player settlement, and sooner or later, we are going to have to pass through a city. If a fight broke out, I don't' know what we would do.

We have to avoid the cities, Frank replied, but Blackbast held up a hand.

There is another option, she offered and looked around the group slowly. One that would allow us to explain away even a monster player.

There is? Heather asked in surprise.

Blackbast nodded with a slight smile and reached into a pouch. She produced a slave collar like the one around Heathers neck and began to swing it gently.

I have two more of these that I could put around Quinny and Breanne. Then I use my slave master's panel to disguise them. I doubt I will have to make much of a change to Breanne, but I am certain I could hide Quinny's zombie appearance.

How does this help me? Legeis asked in concern.

One thing about certain classes is they draw a significant amount of attention. Classes like mine often have some slave girls following behind. It is customary to have a bodyguard or two to ensure nobody tries to handle my pets without my permission.

So he could be your bodyguard? Heather asked, not sure where this was going.

Pay attention and let me explain, Blackbast said sternly. I will collar all three of you, and then we will tell the truth. I am a slave master class, and you three are my pets. Frank and Legeis are mercenaries acting as my bodyguards. It is not uncommon for a player to hire an ogre or something similarly muscular to act as a bodyguard.

And since your telling the truth, it won't show as a lie if tested, Frank said.

So players will tolerate a goblin if he's a bodyguard? Heather asked.

Of course, Blackbast replied with a swish of her tail. Even more, if anyone addresses you, I will inform them that you are my bodyguard, and if they have any business, they can direct it at me. Thus nobody should get close enough to detect he is a goblin in the first place. If they do, I will simply state that he is an excellent bodyguard because of his armor. Since he is in my employ, they will afford him greater consideration.

I guess that makes sense, but whats the part your not telling me? Heather asked.

The part you wont like, Blackbast replied with an intense stare. You and the other two will have to dress and act the part as my slave girls.

Oh, Heather moaned and shook her head. I dont know if I can do that, and Breanne is never going to go along with it.

I only offer you the choice, Blackbast replied. My class encourages a lot of players to be extra friendly, and with you three acting the part, they will throw roses at our feet.

Our bare feet, I assume, Heather laughed.

It would certainly help complete the disguise, the cat woman agreed.

I dont like the idea, Frank said. Having them look at my friends with lust instead of suspicion doesnt seem much better.

Again, it was only a suggestion, Blackbast said. We would be treated like royalty in nearly every town and city we entered. People will be hoping we are staying for a while to offer our services to the community.

And what if somebody wants to partake of those services? Heather asked.

Would it hurt you to play the role? Blackbast teased.

I happen to be engaged, Heather snapped.

I was only teasing you, Blackbast replied, but her smile made Heather wonder. If anyone approaches seeking our services, I will tell them you girls are not available. Technically I do not offer my services outside the temple except by special request. Since we are traveling, I am under no obligation to provide anything.

Since we're talking about this for my sake, I feel like I should put my two cents in, Legeis interrupted. Frank is my friend, and I don't think I can go along with this. I am not about to ask him to parade his girlfriend around half-naked, so people are too busy staring at her to notice me.

Wait, Heather said with a sigh. I appreciate your support of my boyfriend, and I hope you consider me a friend too, but maybe this is alright.

I am not asking you to do this, Legeis insisted.

Nobody is asking me to do this, but I did ask you to come on this journey and put you in this situation. If wearing a skimpy outfit for a little bit is going to make it safer for all of us, then maybe it isn't such a bad idea, Heather argued.

But what if people approach you? Legeis argued.

That is why I have bodyguards, Blackbast purred and then went on to explain that as the master, people would naturally approach her and not the others. She could then do all the talking and use her seduction skills to sway hostile opinions if necessary.

I still feel like I am abusing our friendship, Legeis insisted.

Well, I am the one making the decision, but that only accounts for me, Heather said. Its Quinny and Breanne we have to convince.

Then perhaps it is time we asked them, Blackbast suggested.

Heather asked Frank to fall back to the palanquin, where she politely asked the two to come out and join the conversation. To show she was sorry about the last time, she graciously asked Quinny if she wanted to ride on Frank's other shoulder to make it easier. She readily accepted, and a minute later, they were upfront with Breanne flying along in her spectral form.

Heather then explained the concern about Legeis and Umtha and the possible threat of people discovering he was a goblin. She then explained Blackbasts idea from the disguises to having to dress and act the role.

Yeah, let's do it! Quinny shouted enthusiastically, but Breanne was silent. She eventually folded her arms and turned her face away, announcing that she wasn't interested.

I can pass for an elf, she insisted. I dont need to be a slave girl.

That's true, Heather agreed, but Blackbast was quick to cut in.

How will we explain why you are traveling with me? Blackbast asked. As a slave girl, the cover story is complete, but as just another woman, it will seem out of place.

Perhaps I paid you to escort me for a while, Breanne suggested.

And thus our story becomes more complicated, Blackbast argued. What if somebody asks questions about where we met and where we are going that you were able to pay me?

I would rather practice a story than wear one of those collars, Breanne quipped.

Oh, common, grandma, Quinny sighed. All were asking you to do is show a little more skin. It isnt like you havent let other people see that before.

That was done in private and with carefully chosen partners, Breanne shot back. What you're asking me to do is prance around on public display, leading men to believe I live a life of debauchery.

See, you can tell her age by the words she uses, Quinny laughed. Who else would say debauchery?

It's just an act to make people believe we are her slaves and Frank and Legeis are bodyguards, Heather said.

I heard you the first time, Breanne replied. Honestly, I am shocked that you are willing to go along with this.

Heather nodded and explained her point of view. She was the reason they were all here in the first place, and she felt responsible. If this was the price to pay to make the trip safer for her friends, then so be it. However, she wasn't about to force it on Breanne and fully understood how she felt. They could invent a cover story, so she didn't have to wear a collar.

But then it wont be the truth, Frank said. What if somebody tests us with a detect lie spell?

Half of our story is a lie already, Breanne pointed out. You two are not in her employ as bodyguards.

I will draw up a contract and begin paying them, Blackbast said as her tail swished. Thus, I will be able to confidently tell others my name, my class, that you are my slave girls, and I am paying the boys to be my bodyguards. Anyone who uses magic to detect the truth will find nothing to raise the alarm.

Breanne growled and turned away as her shoulders sunk.

You promise I wont have to do anything but look the part? she asked.

No one will lay so much as a finger on you, Blackbast replied with a confident tone in her voice. So long as we act the role and do not waiver, none will suspect we are anything but what we appear to be. I can do all the talking, and we will find many doors open to us.

And the collars wont be locked, Quinny added. We only wear them when we need to, and we can take them off to use our powers.

Fine, Breanne relented. I just hope nobody I know sees me.

Nobody you know will recognize you, Blackbast assured and handed a collar to Heather to pass to Quinny.

Aww. I want her to put it on me, Quinny teased, drawing a smile from Blackbast.

Dont make this any harder, Breanne grumbled and floated close enough to take a collar herself.

I suggest we stop so I can make the changes, and you two can return to the palanquin, Blackbast said

You want us to wear them now? Breanne balked.

Only so I can make the needed cosmetic changes, Blackbast replied. Once those are locked in, you will change every time you put the collar on.

But that wont include clothing, Breanne pointed out.

No, It will not, Blackbast admitted.

Heather suddenly understood what Breanne was getting at. The collars could be put on or taken off in a heartbeat, but changing clothes would take several minutes. That meant it would be safer if they simply wore the clothes and collars at all times. She was about to grumble about it but then remembered that Frank had already seen her in a bikini. She doubted the clothing Blackbast had in mind would reveal more than that.

Breanne argued for a moment more until Blackbast agreed it would be pointless not to wear the collar and clothes at all times. She huffed and turned away but reached around her neck and clicked the collar in place. Quinny had hers on before Breanne was done arguing, so all that was left was to begin the changes.

With a word of command, she summoned her slave master's panel and began to look through the options. She selected Breanne to change first, turning her hair a silver-white and shading her lips with soft blue. Next, her skin was made a hint paler, and she added something called a moon mark. Heather was fascinated by this as it added a dark blue tattoo-like pattern around Breanne's eyes. It resembled a star with long slender arms and made her look mysterious.

Quinny went next and started to giggle as her skin tingled with changes. She was made a little taller, and the scars on her face were smoothed away. Her eyes were adjusted to contain a proper pupil and set to a vivid purple. The shoulder-length hair was smoothed and lengthened to fall like a silk curtain down her back. She was given lips of soft lilac and a slightly darker shade over the eyes. She smiled and looked down as her chest grew slightly and held the new baggage up with her hands.

Oh, my, Breanne said when she saw the final product. She looks alive and beautiful.

Aww, I love you too, Quinny teased.

Heather agreed the change was dramatic. Quinny looked more like a magical being and not like an undead monster. Still, her skin was a milky white, so Heather asked why Blackbast hadn't darkened it. Blackbast said her race limited the color choices to shades of gray and white. She could add scars, bruises, and even minor wounds but nothing like Breanne's moon marks.

Could I ask you something? Frank asked when Blackbast was done speaking.

Of course, Blackbast replied with a smile.

Could you change something on Heather?

On me? Heather stammered. What do you want to change on me?

Frank cleared his throat and turned his head so she could see the yellow of his eyes through the slit in his helm.

I just thought you would look more devilish with eye slits instead of pupils, he said.

Eye slits? Like a snake? she asked in alarm.

I am very sure she has that option, Blackbast said and began to tap. Heather felt a sensation like she had just blinked, then looked around to find a mirror.

Just show them to him, Blackbast urged.

Heather leaned over so he could get a better look and was relieved when he said it was perfect. He then looked closer and asked if she could darken her hair.

I am not a made-to-order girlfriend, Heather protested.

Oh, dont be upset with the boy, Blackbast laughed. How often can you be the woman of a mans dreams so easily?

Why do I have to be the woman of his dreams? I accepted his ghoul form the way it was. The least he can do is accept my devil form the way it is, she protested.

It is a tiny change, Blackbast argued and pushed a button. Heather felt her scalp tingle and then held a fist full of hair out for him to see.

Dark enough? she asked.

You look amazing, Frank said. Like a fiery devil queen.

Oh, Heather said as she started to blush. I guess I can live with that, but no more changes.

Once the physical transformation was made, it came time for the part everyone but Quinny dreaded. Blackbast put her panel away with a magical spell then began another. First, she called a bundle of gold chains and black silks to her feet. These she swept up and handed to Breanne. Next, she summoned a similar bundled but of blue and with silver chains for Quinny. Heather's bundle was red and gold, and she took it with a sigh.

Heather went first, setting Webster down before retreating to the magic room inside the palanquin to change. When she came out, she was barefooted but had several gold chains around each ankle. Her waist was belted by a cord of golden disks that held a silken cloth that hunt to her knees. Thankfully there was a proper wrap underneath, but it was cut extremely high. Her top was little more than a bra pinched in the middle by a golden cat's head. Her wrists bore golden bracelets, and golden snakes wrapped her upper arms.

It isnt so bad, she tried to say as Breanne sighed to see it and went next. She returned with a similar outfit but of black silk. In addition, she had earrings studded with red gems that screamed opulent wealth. Quinny went last and returned in her blue and silver. She looked almost the same, but her outfit included two wrist cuffs from which dangled a stout metal ring. In addition, she wore a large silver pendant that hung just over her chest and bore a single massive sapphire.

There, now you look the part, Blackbast said with a pleased tone.

I feel ridiculous, Breanne admitted and pulled at the scrap of material between her legs. Dont you have something with pants?

You are wearing more than the average master allows her slaves to wear, Blackbast replied. I am sorry you disprove, but this is only an act to help ensure our safety. I promise if anyone so much as speaks to you inappropriately, I will deal with them.

I prefer to handle my own problems, Breanne remarked and held up her arms. Why are we covered in jewelry?

It is also necessary to complete the disguise, Blackbast said and then continued to inform them that it was a customary rule of the slave master classes. They flaunted their wealth and power by covering their pets in gold and jewels. People would expect anyone with three beautiful pets to be powerful, and not wearing jewelry would cause suspicion.

So were marks of status in your circles? Breanne asked.

Very much so, Blackbast said. How much wealth I can waste on you reflects on me. It says I am very powerful and not someone to anger.

So now that we look the part, what comes next? Heather asked.

I still need some armor, Frank said.

You are wearing armor, Heather replied and tapped on his arm. Doesnt this count?

This works for the ghoul half of my disguise, but a carrion knight wears armor in his human form and transforms into a ghoul. If I pretend to be a carrion knight, I can't be a ghoul in the daylight. If we want this to work, we need armor that fits the human half, he said.

That makes sense, Heather agreed but then wondered what happened to the armor when he transformed. Blackbast said it would stay on the figurine, which prompted a new question, one Frank had brought up before. What happens to things like the collar or crown when somebody uses a figurine. Blackbast quickly pointed out that domination devices stayed with the person they were bound to. Frank then asked if they were sure the crown was a domination device, but nobody could say for sure. There was a very real chance it could transfer with the figurine and be possessed by another.

I could test it, Heather offered as she looked at Frank.

Let's do that later, Frank replied. If we can wait here a little, I can go to Gwen's city and buy some armor.

Why pay for it. Just ask your future mother-in-law for some, Heather suggested.

I agree with this plan, Blackbast said with a flick of her tail. You should go and ask Gwen to provide some armor. Then we should practice our ruse.

Practice it how? Heather asked.

Blackbast stretched her long narrow frame and rolled as only a cat could before finally answering.

By taking my little pets for a little walk.

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