How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 107

Chapter 107. The end of the war (3)

Wow.... My dad is very angry.

Although bitter, I agreed to the policy.

There's no way that what happens once won't happen twice.

They agreed on the policy of leaving a clear precedent.

“Of course, five years until the end is the best case scenario. Of course it will take longer than that.”

There are any number of variables.

There are any number of ways they can survive.

Foreign countries will not turn away at the same time, so it can be long.

However, even considering that, there is no way to reverse the current situation.

After all, this is my father.

And it is the big picture that leads to the oldest brother.

I won't have to worry about anything anymore.

I don't even want to get involved.

“... War is, after all, a scary thing.”

“I agree.”

When I taught them how cruel state-level retaliation was, they both reacted with genuine disgust.

Yes, those in power simply calculate the number of people dying from the start.

that is a country

Of course, I am not against it.

After all, the most important thing is the safety of yourself and those around you.

You can hurt others if need be.

can be brutal

I have no intention of denying that either.

Because the country will too.

And this has only increased it on a national basis.

“...I said, but you don't have to worry too much about either of them.”

I said to reassure them both.

“However, in the present family, it is only in the case of the Three Kingdoms going into a sit-in.”

It is a scenario that assumes that the current war situation will be prolonged for a long time.

“You mean not really?”

“If they had brains, they would certainly anticipate such a future and try to avoid it.”

In the first place, there is no way that state affairs will function properly if there is no intelligence like that.

Even within the Three Kingdoms, there must be someone wise enough to foresee the future.

Of course, they won't even get to that point.

Whether they surrender or use other means, they will try to prevent that terrible future.

“I will tell you this very clearly. The war will be over within a year.”

I'm pretty sure of that.

What if my expectations are wrong?

It will come to the conclusion that they are idiots beyond imagination.

If that happens, only their people will feel sorry for them.

“You'll know after seeing it....

All that's left anyway is to watch. What choice will those at the top of the Three Kingdoms make?

Let's just wait for the news to come.

But foolish people make foolish choices again and again.

“Surrender is unacceptable!”

The Emperor of the Empire showed his resolute will while displaying his anger.

Why is he so blatantly outraged?

This is because the current subjects have indirectly expressed their intention to acknowledge the end of the war directly to the emperor.

“In the history of the Empire, there has never been a single passage of shame like surrender recorded!”

“Your Majesty...

” “I don't want to hear it!”

Of course, I understand the pride issue.

But is that important now?

The servants watched the emperor's eyes and had similar thoughts.

Currently, at the edge of the territory of the proud empire, although it is still slow, the Ernesia Kingdom army is slowly taking over the land.

Still, is it time to insist on talking about the history of his proud ancestors?

“...Your Majesty, the current war situation is getting worse and worse.”

Eventually, the most courageous of the servants decided to speak directly to the emperor.

“. Marquis of Kwant... Are you also insisting on surrender?”

“Yes that's right.”

Long story short, it doesn't make any sense.

he conceded plainly.

“Aren’t you ashamed?”

“However, if the war continues like this, wouldn’t it be more embarrassing in front of the people who die of starvation and sacrificed by the sword of the enemy than the proud history of our ancestors?”

It's not an emperor who doesn't know what that means.

“I want to say that I will lose this war.”

“Already lost.”

What can I say more than this?

The Marquis of Quant continued without hesitation.

“The alliance's soldiers were unable to penetrate the borders of Ernesia Kingdom and instead collapsed. If this is not defeat, what would you call it?”

Not only the emperor, but no one else can refute.

“What remains is to declare an end to the war as soon as possible so that the people will not suffer any more.”

The aftermath of the already deteriorating war situation is happening here and there within the empire.

Due to the tight conscription, I was worried about the labor force next year.

Also, merchants who smelled the smell of defeat in advance are already busy taking care of themselves.

Not only the economy, but also the people's public sentiment is gradually voicing their voices that begin to tremble with fear.

No matter how much the powerful control, there are always things that can never be hidden.

Already, the people are worried in a low voice, holding their breath, that this war will end in a crushing defeat.

“It must be finished!”

he insisted strongly.

Some of the other nobles said in small voices, “But if you surrender, there will be bigger problems...”

but he didn't listen.

“your majesty!”

cried out over and over again.

Even if it meant going against the emperor's heart right now, he thought that this war should be ended at least at this stage.

However, the Emperor did not show his blatant anger like his first reaction.

I just closed my eyes and was still.... I was just still, locked in my thoughts.

“...I will not surrender.”

However, after a brief thought, the answer the emperor gave did not change.

“your majesty!”

“I understand what you mean. Will the war continue? Hey, how can you not know that the empire is being devastated?”

If so, shouldn't it be over?

He tried to petition again, but the emperor stopped him.

It wasn't that he simply didn't want to hear it, but that the decision would not change if he kept talking.


“You must have voiced me out of concern for the people. I understand, so I won’t punish you.”

And the emperor clearly drew a line.

“But surrender is absolutely impossible.”

No matter what someone says, threatens or does, the meaning never changes.

However, the meaning was not simply stubbornness based on one's own pride.

“Do you think surrendering will make things better?”

Absolutely not.

The emperor said so.

To surrender would eventually be to bend to the will of Ernesia Kingdom.

Will they respectfully treat themselves raising the white flag?

That's right, I can't seem to invade further than that.

But ending the war is not that easy.

“The declaration of war is none other than Jim.”

From the viewpoint of the Kingdom of Ernesia, there was no doubt that they were grinding their teeth at the emperor of the empire.

Of course, I don't think that even the previous negotiations will go over easily.

“So you can't just surrender. There can be no more defeat. Only this will not change.”

Once again, the emperor had firmly nailed down his subjects so that they would never speak of surrender again.

For the sake of the future of the empire, all that remains is to fight thoroughly until victory.

Regardless of whether you surrender or lose the war, the outcome is the same.

And that opinion is shared by the heads of the other two countries of the Triple Alliance.

During the communication between the heads of the Three Kingdoms, the emperor made it clear that he would never surrender.

“His Majesty the Emperor thinks so too.”

“I agree. I understand it's a tough fight, but even if you surrender, Ernesia won't let you go easily.”

The Grand Duke of Adran and the King of the Kingdom of Demaniel were of the same opinion.

Even within the other two countries, not a few opinions came out saying that the defeat should be over soon before further damage is inflicted.

However, they had also strongly stated that they would not choose surrender for the same reason.

There was also the intention that they would not agree if they broke the alliance and surrendered.

“If we don’t win, there is no future.”

Of course, only destruction can be avoided.

However, how much compensation should be paid in the process of negotiating the end of the war?

And after that, will there be a proper future for their country?

Even if you can't do it, you already know that you won't be able to do anything for the next 10 years.

That's why they decided to fight until the end.

“But there is no point in just holding on.”

The king of the kingdom of Damaniel insisted that defense alone would not solve the problem.

Even at this moment, the Ernesia Kingdom army continued to gradually tighten their breath.

“....I agree. We must persevere, and in the end we will perish.”

Adran also bitterly admitted that fact.

The longer you have to drag it out, the more likely it is that the odds will gradually decrease.

“Or… I don’t know if there is a talented person like Ernesia’s youngest prince.”

The other two fell silent at the half-self-deprecating joke.

Hoping for a genius like him to come out in one's own country is no different from simply hoping for a miracle.

“I don’t think I can. If so, shouldn’t we try to compete in a short period of time?”

The Emperor sighed and decided to somehow find a way out rather than relying on miracles.

“I will do everything in my power to strike the Ernesia Kingdom army.”

All they could do was to squeeze out the rest of their strength and defeat the enemy somehow.

? ? ?

oh they're screwed now

“Foolish… really foolish…

I sighed alone as I watched the crowds of soldiers over there.

Those soldiers from the enemy country are now flocking in.

This is the answer that the Three Kingdoms Alliance came up with until the end.

They chose to cling to winning until the end.

Just in case, they didn't change.

Normal humans change once they get hit properly, but I guess they weren't normal idiots.

I understand your feelings.

Since it was a fight they fought, you can imagine that just because they let go of their swords, they wouldn't end it easily.

If it surrenders, it will not make any progress for the next 10 years due to losses from post-war processing.

At least for the future, it was clear that it would be made that way.

“…But that’s 10 years at best.”

I am not cruel either.

If he chose to surrender, he had the heart to mediate in the middle to some extent.

Anyway, I'm going to take advantage of the side.

However, I had no intention of neglecting the people of other countries starving to death while taking care of my own.

I was thinking of orchestrating it so that it ended with just a painful lesson.

‘You don't even notice that.'

The momentum of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Damaniel advancing towards the fortress is desperate.

It was a complete change of position.

Our kingdom of Ernesia was desperate to stand up to their aggression not too long ago.

‘It's self-employed.'

There is no more pity.

“...Did you think that after mobilizing so many soldiers, you would lose and then turn it over? Are you stupid? Fools are fools.”

Are these fools right? Let's confirm that yes.

Only sighs flow.

what. I still have the strength to squeeze it out, so I understand the feeling of looking forward to at least one last shot.

But war is not a sport.

No matter how lucky you are, there can never be a last-minute reverse electrode.

War is the only thing left behind is the cruel reality and all sorts of brutal deaths.

It was broken with more than twice the number of troops now, but now the number has decreased by half.

Do you still think you will win?

Do they really think that our kingdom of Ernesia got lucky and turned the tables in this fight?

It can't be.

It was a possible result because they prepared for today, one by one.

If you don't know that, then I have nothing more to say.

I decided it wasn't worth seeing anymore and turned my back.

What remains now will be their disastrous defeat.

I won't be able to get my hands on it anymore.

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