How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 108

Chapter 108. The end of the war (4) + The price of war is bitter (1) The Three Kingdoms Alliance carried out a final operation to drive out the Ernesia Kingdom army invading from within each country.

It was judged that there would be some possibility with the remaining troops if it was to regain a fortress within the country in familiar land.

However, none of the countries of the Triple Alliance succeeded in recapturing the fort.

There was no way to drive out the Ernesia Kingdom army, which had already solidified its defenses and installed large crossbows.

In addition, the morale of the Three Kingdoms Alliance fell to the point where it fell.

At first, the miasma was raised somehow to recapture the fortress.

The large arrows pouring down from the fortress and the mage's brutally continuing magic gradually lost their fighting spirit.

In the end, despite several attempts, they never managed to recapture the fort.

Eventually, the commanders had no choice but to submit a suggestion that recapture would be impossible.

They also did not want to die meaninglessly, so there is no choice but to clearly classify the impossible.

If he still ordered a reckless charge, then he might have to desert.

That's how morale fell to the bottom.

By the time the field commanders' suggestions reached the upper level.

The king of Ernesia Kingdom also sent letters to the heads of the three kingdoms in his own handwriting.

Rather than bewitched meaningless blood any longer, it was about demanding immediate surrender.

Now, more politely, I will assist you in the process of ending this war.

A calm yet unilateral invitation to surrender.

Soon after, the Kings of the Tripartite League convened another secret meeting.

No one knew what was going on except the people involved.

and after a few days

The kings of the Triple Alliance communicated their intention to surrender to Ernesia at about the same time.

“Their willingness to surrender was certainly received.”

Theonel decided to accept their surrender.


The acceptance of the instrument of surrender finally put an end to the war.

The war is finally over!

“finished!! These bastards aaaaaaaaaaaa!

Now I can go back to my real home!!”

As soon as I heard the news, I ran in front of the soldiers and shouted.

Now that I think about saying goodbye to this disgusting and smelly fortress, I feel joy as if my blood is boiling even when I am still.

Of all the daily life on the battlefield for the past few months, this moment is by far the most energetic moment for me.

This is equivalent to the joy I felt when I was just discharged from the military in my first life!

Finally, goodbye to this disgusting army.

Let's enjoy this happy moment with everyone!

When the soldiers heard that they were finally going back to their hometowns, everyone shouted with joy, paying no attention to my eccentricities.

“Prepare to evacuate right now.”

“Are we going back right away?”

Kania noona, who didn't know the details of her future schedule yet, asked.

“Since the surrender documents were also accepted, at least my sister and I have no reason to stay here for long.”

Not everyone is going back right away.

We cannot discard the possibility that the surrender itself is false.

Life is an endless repetition of repetitions.

Of course, we will prepare a little.

Perhaps some lords will remain here for a while.

Even if they accepted surrender, they couldn't immediately return the fortress they had occupied.

The process ahead will be quite careful and lengthy.

Well, my father and my oldest brother will take care of it, and I have no intention of getting involved.

All I have to do is here!

My sister and I are royalty anyway, so there's no reason to keep them tied up on the battlefield for a long time.

So now I go back to the estate, wipe my feet and go to sleep.

Okay, now before we leave, let me say one last thing.

“Put Diana up on the fort.

Is that enough?”

“Yeah, it’s okay. What are you trying to do?”

It's not a big deal, I just want to say goodbye to this annoying battlefield.

Dia did as she ordered and sent me upstairs to the fort.

I shouted with all my might over it.

“Goodbye. You disgusting battlefield! You damned Three Kingdoms allies!!”

It was dirty because we fought each other, and let's not meet again.

Well, I guess that's roughly the same feeling there.

Thus ended my brief life on the battlefield.

As expected, some of the troops, including my older brother and I, were given permission to return.

As soon as the withdrawal order was issued, we, who had packed our things in advance, hurriedly returned to Fahilia.

As expected, the time to come back feels farther away than when I competed.

“I managed to come this far....

Inside the carriage going back, Kania-sister muttered while looking out of the carriage.

“Because I was crazy at the time when I was marching.”

The expressions of the soldiers on the way home were very different from the first time.

At that time, everyone had a stiff face inside because of the tension about the unknown battlefield, but now they look tired, but they have a relieved face.

“I must have been quite tired, so I have to go back as slowly as possible.”

I glanced at the state of the marching soldiers and muttered, but no one answered.

At some point, my sister is sleeping.

“…I see. Now you can feel at ease.”

On my way back, let's take a nap.

Because the boring war is over now.

The cost of war is a bitter law (1) When we returned to Fahilia, we were greeted by a snowstorm as usual.

Look, it's a blizzard of joy.

The first thing you guys do when you go back is snow removal.

....Damn, the weather here is really the same.

It wasn't just the snowstorm that greeted us.

Upon entering the gate, our alchemist, Darman, jumped out and greeted me.

“Arel-nim, thank you for your hard work.”

“Damon, you also did a lot of work while we were gone.”

During my absence, most of my entourage accompanied me to the battlefield, so I left the management of the territory to Damon.

I used the communication port to have reports come up on my side for major matters, but I left him to deal with the other small things.

And he did an excellent job as an agent.

Even though I praised him, he sighed slightly as if he had finally relieved himself rather than being delighted.

“Whew…. Now I can concentrate on my research again with peace of mind.”

“Looks like you’ve been pretty busy.”

“no. Rather than that, acting as the lord is not to my liking.”

He smiled bitterly and sighed.

Apparently, as a researcher, it must have been a difficult day for him to perform his duties as my agent.

“Did nothing happen?”

“Fortunately, nothing major happened.”

Still, given that nothing special happened, it was the correct answer to leave some of the agency work to him.

After receiving a report from Damon about the estate while I was away, I told my aides to finish the takeover first.

I'm sorry, but it's the law that you can rest after finding your place again from work.

And after I gave the proper instructions, I returned to my room and threw myself on the bed I had been longing for.

hmm? this comfort! You are special!

Since then, progress has been roughly heard through news.

Surprisingly, the surrender was sincere, and post-war procedures continued without any problems.

However, it seemed to take quite a bit of time.

It would be natural to go through the process and continue negotiations not with one country, but with three countries at the same time.

Of course, from the point of view of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, they will want to proceed with negotiations on the condition of suffering as little damage as possible, so the story has no choice but to be cautious.

And we, the kingdom of Ernesia, will never ask for an easy price.

The common compensation paid to the three countries is that our side occupies some of the territories that would have been occupied by war.

However, even from their point of view, important areas are seen as a compromise by returning them in exchange for a certain amount of money.

and indemnity.

This is by no means an easy amount, so they will have to live with their belts tightened for the next few years.

Finally, there are procedures for dealing with prisoners of war.

During war, prisoners are inevitably made.

Sometimes they kill all the people they catch, but usually they take captured soldiers or knights as prisoners.

The knights receive a ransom and return it to their home country.

What if you don't pay the ransom? It's like slavery.

However, it is rare for a knight to have the status of a knight, as the home country tries to pay the ransom somehow.

What if you don't pay the ransom? That's if it's just thrown away.

In the case of other soldiers, they pay only the amount they need and return it, and the rest become our slaves.

Most of the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance were slaves, so their position itself did not change too much.

Therefore, most of the prisoners quietly waited to be dealt with.

Even after hearing about the treatment, there were few reactions that were so greatly shaken.

“Hmm, the negotiation itself seems to be ending without a problem.”

As I lay on the bed, I read through each report on post-war processing.

“Ah Dia. Please adjust the temperature a little.

It's too dry.”

“All right.”

And my exclusive secretary who used to sort out the paperwork for me... No, I'll correct it.

Dia, my exclusive wizard, simply re-adjusted the temperature in the room with magic.

Whoa? Be comfortable.

How much comfort is this?

Even on the battlefield, I packed all kinds of magic tools and set up a comfortable barracks, but my house is the best.

I really felt it this time.

These days, I am living a life of rolling around much more intensely than before I went to the battlefield.

Of course, it wasn't that I became so indolent the moment I came back.

Check some of the key tasks that have been pushed back.

I was busy with things like contacting my mom.

And after you've done all your work.

I just stretched out

Apparently, it was released properly after the tension was relieved due to the recoil, which had a lot to pay attention to in the meantime.

Now I am confident that I will be slower than a sloth.

No creature in this world will be more relaxed than me.

“right? Can I rest?”

“yes. Since Arel-nim was very active, wouldn’t it be natural to take a break now?”

Dia also imbued me with a reasonable amount of rationality.

....Of course, except for Dia, who always accepts and supports my foolishness, the other women are starting to preach that they should lead a proper life.

are you okay. After all, when the time comes, I'll just pretend to work and roll around again.

It always has been and always will be.

Woo woo woo! keep talking

that's my wish

“By the way, is this all there is to a report on the outcome of the negotiations?”

“Yes, it seems so now. Is there something missing?”

Dia tilted her head and tried to find out if she thought she might have forgotten something, but I shook my hand saying no.

“No, this is all.”

Post-war processing seemed to be going smoothly.

There won't be much of a problem with this.

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