I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 153 A Shocking Deal!!!

[Never heard of them] I wasn’t joking. The word might be familiar thanks to gods, but fallen gods? [Are they like fallen angels?] I asked, [Are they like real gods?]

I held my hopes high up before seeing her next message.

[Of course they aren’t!]

Sure, what did I truly expect here? Real gods fighting on my side, moving around on my words? That was simply hilarious!

[But they are considered gods in comparison with other races] this message made me hold back my breaths.

Sexy lady nymph, please don’t toy with me like that!

[You mean compared to the five big races in the apocalypse?]

[I mean compared to any other race exists inside our endless universe]

Damn! Didn’t that mean they were gods? Or what?

[They are strong, very strong indeed. Yet they can’t be treated lightly. The price for keeping them alive is way higher and harder to meet compared with soulers]

[What is that price?] I didn’t beat around the bush, I wanted them. If I could satisfy their needs, I’d gain much stronger force on my side.

[For each one of them, you’ll need to feed souls like soulers. But the sheer number of souls needed is simply way too much. For a single day, you’ll need to pay around five thousand souls to keep them alive, ten to make them be in their top forms]

[I can do that] I wasn’t bluffing. If things continued to escalate in such a way, then having ten or twenty of them on my side wouldn’t matter.

[That’s not all] she seemed to read my excitement and confidence, so she added, [They also need to consume a high source of power. According to the current stage of the apocalypse you are in, only stat points and gears in pale gold rank or higher could do the trick]

Stat points? Not again! [How many stat points does each one of them need?] I asked while feeling the next answer wouldn’t be satisfying.

[just like souls, five thousand to keep them alive per day, and ten to keep them in the perfect shape]

I paused, yet she kept speaking:

[They also need a black energy source as well. In fact you can consider them similar to creatures dwelling in fallen realms. I know you lack such materials right now so I can add enough amount in the deal to make you keep what you purchase alive for one month]

Girl… Are you trying to bind me eternally for your impact? Come on! If I got such a deep pit by my side, wouldn’t I be forced to depend on your impact all the time?

[What’s the price of a single dude then?] I asked, [and add in that the price of stat points needed to keep one alive]

[Well… stat points aren’t that precious after all] she seemed to be preparing to put on a good show with me, [the question is, how many bones are you willing to trade this time? One? Dozen? Or more?]

[Dozen] I said, [What can I get back for such an amount?]

This time she didn’t directly answer. It seemed she wasn’t the only one holding the call here. After ten minutes of silence, she finally returned back saying:

[I can give you five fallen gods in return to your bones]

[Only five?!!] I was shocked when I read her answer. Come on girl, these were my red graded bones that made you drool over them before.

[It’s you who is underestimating these warriors] she sent before adding, [Forget about anything else you are familiar with. When talking about fallen gods, you have to be happy to gain such number with your bones]

I paused while considering what she said. [Alright, let me first see this batch] I sent to her, [How can I send my bones over to you?]

[Damn boy! Do you have more bones?]

[That depends on what I get] I didn’t directly answer her while waiting for the deal to proceed.

[Alright… Then as a token of appreciation from our impact, and based on our great deal from before, we’ll add more stat points and dark materials enough to sustain these five for two months]

[Thanks] I wasn’t honestly appreciating this move. After all, I just paid twelve of my white bones here.

Along the course of my travel, I gathered lots of killed top elites and leaders of the three big races in each city I conquered. Despite the fact that I got mostly bronze and blue grade bones, my stockpile of white bones was simply in the hundreds!

So paying more wasn’t a problem in itself. The problem was in the fallen gods themselves. I had my expectations off the roof when I heard what she said about them.

But come on… Getting only five wasn’t even close to enough! What would five even do against the upcoming mighty enemies?

[Bringold impact sent you a deal exchange]

[Do you want to check it?]

“Open the exchange window,” I checked the conditions of the deal before clicking on the agreement button.

[Twelve white graded bones are deducted from your inventory]

[The deal is under progress]

[The Bringold impact confirms the integrity of your goods]

[They are sending their goods to you]

[One hundred million stat points are added to your inventory]

[Ten million dark realm orbs are added to your inventory]

[Five fallen gods souls are bound to your soul class]

To my class?!! The last message came as a surprise to me.

[The goods sent by Bringold impact right?]

[Please confirm during the following one hour, or else the deal will be reneged and you’ll be recharged back]

What the hell…!! I opened my inventory and saw the large number of stat points added to me from that impact. These guys… they said they’ll add enough for two months and yet they sent such a large batch over.

But I didn’t see anything related to the fallen gods.

[Where can I find the fallen gods you sent?] I searched through my entire inventory for the entire five minutes with nothing there. So I had to ask the lady about it.

[They are found inside your inventory like any other warrior] she seemed surprised by my message, [Didn’t you get them?]

[I got a notification saying…] I paused before I realised they weren’t sent into my inventory but into my class.

Wait… why were they sent to my class and not inventory? I opened my class over and searched about it yet didn’t find anything mentioning fallen gods whatsoever.

“System, where are the fallen gods I just received?” As I was lost like this, I asked the one who notified me earlier about that.

[You can check out your soul list inside your class to determine the integrity of these souls]

Soul list… Did that system just say soul list?!!! Damn! That was f*cking insane!

I instantly opened my soul list and like the system said, there were five more souls added to my list.

[Soul of death fallen god: a soul of an ancient race who fell far behind the course of time and became forgotten. The death fallen god hailed from a long and epic lineage of special bloodline. You need one thousand souls to summon a normal cursed death fallen god. You need fifty thousand souls to summon a perfectly healthy and well death fallen god]

[Soul of wrath fallen god: a soul of an ancient race who fell far behind the course of time and became forgotten. The wrath fallen god hailed from a long and epic lineage of special bloodline. You need one thousand souls to summon a normal cursed wrath fallen god. You need fifty thousand souls to summon a perfectly healthy and well wrath fallen god]

[Soul of war fallen god: a soul of an ancient race who fell far behind the course of time and became forgotten. The war fallen god hailed from a long and epic lineage of special bloodline. You need one thousand souls to summon a normal cursed war fallen god. You need fifty thousand souls to summon a perfectly healthy and well war fallen god]

[Soul of darkness fallen god: a soul of an ancient race who fell far behind the course of time and became forgotten. The darkness fallen god hailed from a long and epic lineage of special bloodline. You need one thousand souls to summon a normal cursed darkness fallen god. You need fifty thousand souls to summon a perfectly healthy and well darkness fallen god]

[Soul of lightning fallen god: a soul of an ancient race who fell far behind the course of time and became forgotten. The lightning fallen god hailed from a long and epic lineage of special bloodline. You need one thousand souls to summon a normal cursed lightning fallen god. You need fifty thousand souls to summon a perfectly healthy and well lightning fallen god]

Damn! Was that true?!! Was what I was seeing really true?!!!

I held my head out of excitement, looking around to make sure I wasn’t saying anything heard by that lady.

Come on! I just paid for a summoned warrior who got a lot to suck from my inventory. In return for that, I got their souls bound to my soul class.

What did that mean? Just look again at their description and you’d get it! I was now able to summon an unlimited number of those fallen gods, far beyond what I should have gotten.

And that wasn’t all! The normal way to summon one of them was really much cheaper than the usual summoning price I got from my soul class.

I had to pay five thousand souls per one summoned soul, but now I could pay only one thousand to get one of those fallen gods.

But that wasn’t the thing who got me all hyped up! The other high and extravagant looking price of fifty thousand souls per summon was a game changer for me.

What was the difference? It was like the one existed between heaven and hell! If I summoned regular fallen gods then I’d end up with a bottomless pit.

I’d have to pay for their survival each day, and I’d be tied up with the impact for the rest of my life.

But if I paid that astronomical price of souls then I’d be freed from all this. I wouldn’t need to worry about anything else as the fallen gods summoned would be all pure and intact.

Not to mention I got their souls, and would be able to summon an endless number of them with the course of time.

Adding to all that, if they were that good like that lady said, then I could also try merging them with other souls.

Just look at the dragolves race I got when I tried mixing two souls together. What would it be like if I merged drags, Gollems, or even the mighty Curasee with fallen gods?

Damn! I couldn’t even imagine that!!! It was way beyond what I even had in my wildest dreams.

But everything depended entirely on the calibre and true power of those fallen gods. Would they be strong enough to make me see this trade as a lottery hit? Would they be stronger than drags and soulers? Would they be deadly like Curasee?

Would they be enough to turn this bloody battle around? These were the main questions I had to simply solve by summoning one of them as a trial.

But whom should I start with?

[Did you find them yet?] as I was absorbed in my shocking surprise, the lady nymph sent me this message.

[I got them] I said, [The system just delayed their deliver]

[Phew! I just felt tense about losing them or something] she seemed to get so worried.

[I found they have names like death fallen god and wrathful fallen god. Does each fallen god have his own unique name like that? Or they carried similar names to these five?]

I wanted to know that answer so I could determine how I should deal with the impact from now on. If each fallen god was a unique entity, then I’d have to do such a trade over and over again.

But if they all hailed from the same bloodlines I got, then there was no point in buying more. The five I got were like gooses who would deliver me golden eggs once I paid the souls needed for that.

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