I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 154 Hocken

[Well I really don’t know who many families there are remaining from such race, but I can tell you the list is at least exceeding one thousand there]

That was it! What glorious loot I got this time! Indeed if she knew about my secret ability to turn all of them into souls, she might get greedier and ask for a far extravagant price.

[Thanks] I sent to her before adding, [I’ll test those fallen gods first in a big battle up ahead. If they are really terrifying as you say, then I’ll come to order more]

Of course there was another problem that I had to solve. Just having these five souls in my stock made me drool over summoning an entire army of them.

But I lacked souls! This was a big problem that I didn’t know how to solve. If it was just a few tens of thousands or even a couple of hundred thousands then it wouldn’t be a problem at all.

I gained tens of thousand souls by each passing hour. Having one hundred thousand souls was something easy for me.

However I was talking about summoning an army, not a couple of tens of those folks. If I used the low price for them, then I wouldn’t face a problem for now, but a disaster later on.

Despite how tempting it was to spend souls over the fallen fallen gods, I couldn’t bring myself to overlook the threat they posed later on.

“I’ll summon them all clean then,” I decided. And when I looked at my current soul balance, I knew I could only summon four of them at the moment.

“Let’s see one first,” I decided to give it a go towards the dead fallen god. Such a dude must be a hell of a fighter no matter how strong the fallen gods truly were.

[Do you want to spend one thousand souls for this summon or fifty thousand souls?]

“Fifty thousand of course,” I firmly answered. The next moment I got the message notifying me of the souls deducted before a flash of light appeared next.

It started as a spark of black fire, then it got itself extended fast to become a mighty pillar that even reached the highest clouds.

Damn! Just from the air emitted from it I could feel chills back at my spine! That lady didn’t fool me here, this race seemed to be quite brutal.

The phenomenon continued for five minutes straight before the pillar vanished and a silhouette appeared on the ground.

The first thing I saw was a dude that wasn’t standing on the ground. He seemed to float over earth by a few inches, rising up and down in a strange rhythm.

The second most noticeable thing about him was that he didn’t have any eyes. Instead he got a strange bandage that seemed to be made out of strange black ore.

That bandage was like melted metal covering the upper half of his face just midway of his nasal bridge. It extended both ways, forming two arching up horns that gave him a more brutal appearance.

He had no wings, two arms holding two big swords compared to his size. The problem here was his size. It wasn’t even as big as mine, almost half a man I was.

That was surprising more than anything else. He was dressed in the same strange black metal that covered his eyes, forming a strong crescent shield over his chest, waist, lower half of his arms and legs.

He had a cape that reminded me of those superheroes the past age of humans were filled with their stories.

“Hi there,” I waved my hand as I spoke, not knowing if he could see me or not, “are you the death fallen god?”

“I’m Hocken, at your service.”

His voice was so coarse that it reminded me of that jumper dude.

“Hi Hocken,” I said in return, “so you are a fallen god?”

“Don’t I look like one?” His tone and attitude didn’t appeal to me.

“This is my first time seeing one of your kin,” I said but the next instant that dude roared as if he was about to die! “Damn! Are you alright?” I asked while feeling more anxious here.

What? Was I fooled by that lady or what?

“Amazing! Truly amazing!!” he raised both fists high in the air, “I have no curse! No curse at all! Hahaha! That’s unbelievable! Do you see gods? Dirty giant folks who thought high and mighty of yourself once before. Do you see this? Do you see me having my full power back? Hahahaha!”

I looked at him in a strange way. If this dude was just at my height, I’d take him seriously. But come on… He was like a smaller version of what he should be!

“Are you sure nothing is wrong?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Everything is terrific!” he laughed again in his own way that looked like roars of a dying monster to me, “I got my power back! My full power is back! How cool is that? Hahaha!”

Without warning he raised both hands in the air, clasped all his fingers and left only the middle one raised towards the sky. “This is for you, bastards!”

“What did I get myself into!” I shook my head in an attempt to deny what I just saw. Such a short and weak looking dude was challenging the mighty gods in such a way? Dude, did you have loose screws in your head or what?!!

“Calm down first,” I said while trying to get to know what I really bought for such an astronomical price. It wasn’t only limited to the bones I paid, but also the hefty fifty thousand souls.

Only that price alone was enough to make me vomit blood if I got nothing but such a weak dude! I could have summoned ten drags instead. They wouldn’t be so noisy and would look much stronger indeed.

“What you got here is normal. After all this is my unique ability.”

“Can you remove the curses of gods?!!!” this time his voice came softer like he was using something to change his voice before.

“I can’t do that,” I shrugged, “but I have something that turned you into this. I can’t tell you in detail, and now you have to show me your worth.”

“First I have something to ask your majesty about,” he bowed deep in a ninety degree manner, “can your majesty free my brothers and sisters as well? We will all be in your debt for our entire life, serve you truly and wholly like you are our king.”

“I’m your king,” I said as if there was no need for him to say that, “and if you want me to help your race, I can promise to do my best. But first I need to see what I can get from here. After all… and don’t mind be for being blunt, you don’t give me a sh*t shred of confidence about your ability and strength.”


“Call me lord instead,” I corrected him, “I’m your lord from this moment on.”

“Lord… My powers are immense and beyond what you can imagine.”

“Stop boasting and spouting nonsense and just show me what you can do,” I didn’t like the way he talked about himself. Dude, if you had eyes and could see, I’d prefer to buy a mirror to make you see how the f*ck do you look like!

“It’s just…”


“I lack any source of energy at the moment,” he said while shaking his head as if it was a bitter thing for him, “without energy I can’t show my real might.”

“Do stat points work for you?” I was getting bored with this dude. I wasted much upon him and already got nothing back. If it was a few stat points he needed, then sure I could give away some.

I already invested too deep in him. If that was truly what held him back, then sure I was ready to invest a little more and see the end result.

“It can,” he nodded, “but it will be consumed fast with each fight I’m in.”

“I have a way to get tons of these, so don’t worry about that,” I acted like a real tycoon here. And I was truly considering things like stat points. “How much do you need?”

“Well… If I want to open just the first tier of my power then I need one million stat points. If I…”

“Just tell me how much the highest tier will cost,” I interrupted this chattering dude.

“This…” he hesitated, “at least one hundred million to use… And I have to remind the lord that this amount will only be enough to fuel me for the entire day.”

One day for one hundred million stat points? f*ck! Dude, I was a tycoon indeed but I wasn’t crazy!

Even my grand chariot didn’t consume such an extravagant amount in one day! Hell, my girl had one hundred million and took countless hits from those deadly star weapons and still had almost half of that left!

“I’ll give you ten million then,” as a start, I could give away such an amount for now. “If you showed me good results, then you’ll have what you asked for.”

“Ok,” he seemed a bit disappointed, “this will only open tier two of my power.”

“Let’s see what tier two can do then,” I took out such a huge amount of stat points, mostly pearls and crystals. Yet they formed a small hill on one side.

“T… Thanks lord,” he spoke again in his soft voice like he was really excited from these stat points.

I stood to the side watching in curiosity how he’d consume them. Would he eat these stat points? Chew them inside? Or would he simply take them into his inventory or whatsoever he stored things within?

But what happened was something different. A thick layer of black smoke rose up from him towards the hill of stat points. It was the size of my arm, and the moment it touched the hill, almost half of it vanished with a black spark.

Then he waved again and the entire hill vanished! Damn! This was some weird way to consume my stat points.


Yet the next moment I forgot totally about that. That dude emitted an ear deafening rumble before drastic changes started to appear on his body.

First his small size started to change. Instead of growing he started to shrink. Before I could curse, a strange black shadow started to be formed behind him.

It was a giant! Reaching up for even more than fifteen metres in height and five in width. A gigantic form of the real shape of that dude appeared in front of me.

Even he held the two swords and kept the same strange black metal covering his eyes and body parts. Yet the air it emitted was vastly different.

Layers of purple black gas started to circulate around that gigantic body. The body itself kept emitting pulses of violent winds two times in a row, violent enough to force me back for ten metres at least.

Then a pillar of black light rose up from that shadow head when I saw the real fallen god in the size of my closed fist entering inside it.

Like a behemoth who was long left in deep slumber, once that dude entered the gigantic shadow, the shadow opened its eyes. Two large rounded circles appeared before they were ignited like a machine coming back to life.


Two rays of purple black light emanate from his two eyes like two rays of laser. The place it fell towards, a mighty explosion occurred where a fast expanding ball of black and purple fire was eating away anything in its path.

Damn! Damn cool! What the f*ck just happened?!!! This dude turned into something else just by using the stat points I gave him.

“Lord,” this time his voice came majestic, reminding me of that Nero death god’s voice when I met him, “I’m ready to show off my worth to you.”

“Damn! Just wait,” I hurriedly stopped that behemoth from going towards the city.

“Doesn’t lord want to hit that?” He pointed his sword towards the city.

“You guessed it right, but let’s add two more in the mix,” I was almost on the verge of dancing out of my delight.

Just seeing his true shape made me drool over having more. Bones? f*ck these, I wasn’t in need for any low grade white or even silver bones anyway.

Stat points? f*ck them as well! I’d trade tons of these from the impact without holding anything back.

[Lady… Lady green nymph… Esteemed lady green nymph… How much stat points can your impact trade with me?]

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