I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 200 A Conflict Of Interest

As I was ready, I replaced my two weapons with the heavy glaive. It was time to use that deadly power of my heavy glaive, hopefully it could crash all that dude’s defences.

I controlled my chariot, moving it with its strongest speed. I also activated all the weapons from it, got all my warriors out to operate all the weapons in the chariot.

I knew I had just one chance, one attack… If failed, then that dude would take more precautions and raise his guard again.

He was now in his most vulnerable moment. When feeling victory was in grasp, one’s guard would be lowered.

Not to mention that dude brought his god to kill me. He would never have thought I’d survive even this, not to mention I actually killed his god.

Damn! I was so cool!



Just in a blink of an eye, my chariot took me outside from the green decaying mass of that god’s energy. Just as I went out, I crashed heavily against that dragon archlord’s body and his flying mount.

The look over his face was priceless! Yet I didn’t even give him the chance to say anything, as I used all my chariot’s powerful attacks and weapons and landed everything over him!

I even let my fallen gods use all of their attacks at this moment. Yet that bastard proved to be a master of his trade.

Just the first hit came and before most of the attacks would land, a strong golden shield appeared.

It was pitch gold in colour, even shielding his entire body from me. All the attacks landed, created rumbling explosive sounds and wildly dancing sparks of fire with different colours.

I knew killing this dude wouldn’t be easier than killing that god. Yet all I wanted was to not give him any time to catch his breaths.

Just as most of my attacks landed over his shield, I jumped off my chariot. I was midair on a high altitude, holding my glaive with both arms while raising it over my head. I could even feel the coldness of his blade on my back.

I had to crush that shield now! I had to deprive that bastard from everything he got, and make sure he wasn’t preparing another unsightly surprise.


Just as I landed with all my weight behind my glaive, a loud banging sound came that shook my entire body. All my chariot’s and warrior’s attacks landed with me and together, that shield started to crack.

“I’ll kill you!” from the middle of that cracking golden shield, I heard the angry voice of that bastard.

“Not if I killed you first,” I instantly switched my glaive with my two daggers. I aimed at the largest and deepest crack before throwing one dagger at it.


The dagger crashed through that shield’s weakest point. It vanished and with it I heard a loud roar from the inside before everything turned into silence.

With such silence, I knew he fell for my illusion grenades. I inserted my dagger into one of his shield’s cracks, stabilising myself before pushing up again.


As I was above his head, that shield finally cracked open. I didn’t want to risk anything at this moment. Victory was near, but I had to put everything I got to claim it.

So I took back my dagger and took out my strongest weapon in my arsenal; that dragon glaive!

It was ironic! The one to kill that dragon archlord was a weapon I got from another dragon archlord!



The moment I got it out, I felt like I was holding a mountain in my hands. I just let it fall freely without taking me down with it. Yet that bastard didn’t have the same fate as me.

As his shield crashed open, I saw him standing still while the look over his face was a mix of anger and terror. He was afraid, and he should be. After all he knew once he got into that illusion he was done for.


As my glaive hit his body alongside the remaining attacks coming from my chariot, many explosive sounds erupted while many shields and protective gears erupted with full force.

They could sustain him against everything, except my glaive. When I saw the flashing colourful lights from his defences, I felt relieved to depend on my glaive to end his life.

Or else I would fail in even harming him until he got out from that illusion.

As all of his defences got exhausted, my glaive, who stopped briefly under all the might of his defensive gears and items, started to push his body down.

In a flash of light, that bastard fell all the way down to the ground, smashing violently with it and creating a mushroom like cloud.

And from the depth of that cloud, I heard the last wailing scream of that dude before everything ushered under deafening silence.

This fight seemed too long but in fact everything happened in a span of seconds. But as we were all fighting high in the air, everyone inside or around the city managed to see what happened.

It was clear to everyone now who won this clash. Just as I summoned one of my drags to save me from this deadly fall, a ground shaking shout came from one direction.


And it was followed with more shouts from every direction surrounding this city.


Guys! Please don’t follow those crazy berserkers and shout their war cries at them! But hearing that earth shattering shouts made my blood boil and my excitement escalated off the roof.

It was my moment of victory, and I deserved to enjoy it to the fullest.

“Crush them all!”

I raised my fist high in the air while getting carried back to my chariot on the back of my dragon. I was sure this scene would be epic! This fight was the most shocking and blood boiling battle I ever had so far!

The enemies were now at their lowest point. The gate that gave them reinforcements was now closed in their faces. And their leader was slain in such an awe inspiring way.

Once I reached my chariot I didn’t sit idle. Even if the enemy was in such a low state, I knew it was still threatening.

Their number was huge and they still had lots of elites and lots of ways to turn this battle around.

Besides there were lots of souls here waiting for me to claim!

I acted as a flying death god messenger inside the city. Anywhere I flew at, death followed. The enemy tried their best to regroup, follow the orders of the elites and higher ranked dragons who remained alive.

But once I spotted such a scene, I’d instantly move fast and wipe that group off the surface of the world.

Gradually things became under my control until I finally saw the remaining forces run away, being routed and chased down by my forces.


This shout came from one direction before it spread like a plague everywhere. I stood over my chariot, overlooking this epic scene that I’d never forget.

“It was a really nice battle,” I muttered to myself before I got a message from none other than Wryly.

[Bro, that was a great fight! Damn! I’ll follow your steps from now on]

[Thanks dude] I knew he was sincere about his words, but I still couldn’t forgive what his paragon did before.

[By the way, can I come to grab that gate now?]

[Sorry pal, this gate and city are mine]

[What? Didn’t you promise to give it to me?]

[That was before what happened! As you can see, this fight was won because of my actions alone]

He paused and didn’t shower me with his angry words like that Fang of the Selvators. I knew he was speaking with his paragon at this moment to know what he should say to me.

At this moment, he and his paragon knew how effective I was as a player in this stage of the apocalypse. Risking to turn me into a neutral or even their enemy would be a reckless decision.

But on the other hand, they wanted this city. Who wouldn’t desire such a grand jewel under his wing?

So they were in a tight spot, and I did this intentionally. I wouldn’t give them this city or the gate. After all, controlling the gate meant controlling the city.

[You have no value for this gate bro] it seemed his paragon decided to keep me as an ally.

[If I gave it to you bro, then this city will be under your control and not mine. So I can’t do that, sorry]

[But you don’t need such a city at all! Aren’t you going east?]

[I heard from Fang that Berserkers weren’t that much interested in gaining any territory or having a foothold here. You only love wars and strong fighting. I can give you that but can’t give you the city]

[Fang said that?] Wryly seemed surprised to hear that. I left him chatting with his paragon while I responded to my team messages.

They were so happy and asked about our next move. Once the enemies were gone, the city was literally defenceless.

But I had to take over all the smaller castles with emblems inside to fully take control over the defences here. Also I had another mission for them.

[Karoline will stay back here, leading her forces to take control over the castles left defenceless in the city. As for the rest, expand outside, move to the west and keep killing the retreating dragon forces]

I sent this message to everyone, all but the jumper. I added another message to him, with one more task that he could only do.

[Find her and bring her here no matter what]

[Leave this to me]

As things reached such a stalemate situation with the berserkers, I knew that paragon would do everything in his power to stop me from meeting with the human girl.

He was very interested in her at first. And now I just took away such a big trophy, and in return he would keep that girl as his own trophy and to punish me.

I declared my intention to meet up with her before Wryly and he must have told his paragon about this. So instead of letting that bastard move the girl by force to a secure far away place from me, why not take the initiative and grab that girl from their clutches?

We were allies indeed, but that was just on things that we both shared interest in. When our interests clashed just like this situation here, then I’d not hesitate to do what was best for me and my people.

Besides… That girl was a human girl after all! She was forced to run away after the crushing defeat at the hands of that dragon. Yet that berserker paragon just used this chance to seize control over her.

I was sure she had no choice but to follow the berserker’s forces. If she was given a choice, she would never accept to act like a normal wife for that dude.

She was a fighter. And I needed her to keep playing such a role. After all, with each passing stage in the apocalypse, all the races would grow stronger far more than what humans could do.

Out of all my forces, the jumper was the most capable one to do such a task. Leading a grand army in such a search mission wasn’t an easy feat at all.

Besides, he had to land fiercely and act decisively once spotted them. I explained the current situation in brief and he got the general picture about the stressing situation.

He had to be swift in his actions, kill everyone of the berserkers without giving them the chance to report back to their paragon. Also I asked him to take clothes from dragons he would kill along his path, and disguise his troops to look like dragons.

Of course that wouldn’t fool the enemy for long. Humans had the smallest body building among other races. But at least this would help to leave the berserkers lost for a few minutes, enough for the jumper and his elite task force to wipe them out before exposing their identities.

It was a risky move, but a must to do. I would never let such a trophy slip off my hands and fall into another race’s hands.

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