I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 201 War Embodiment Building

[Alright bro, my paragon accepts to give you this city but he has a request in return for this]

Wryly sent me this message just minutes after I sent my orders to everyone. My team was now rearranging their forces, claiming the loot, and preparing to leave.

The entire battlefield was now filled with chaotic movements from all of my forces. I was preparing my warriors to go out and collect the elites and top leaders of the dragon army and bring their bodies to me.

[What request?] I asked, overlooking the useless words and attitude his paragon used to accept his loss over this city.

Of course he didn’t have any choice but to give me this city. If he tried to do anything else, well… He saw how I dealt with such a grand army of dragons here.

[He wants the acquisition of a building in the city, it’s called the war embodiment building]

War embodiment building? What the heck was that?

[What’s that building then?] I didn’t hurry to accept before sending this back to Wryly.

[I frankly don’t know, but according to his words it’s a useful thing to our race]

Wryly was trying to act smart here. Alright bro, I took the entire city from you so it would be fair to give such a small building to you.

[But I have one condition for that] But even if I intended to accept his request, I had to make sure I didn’t overlook something big and useful to my forces.

[Tell bro]

[I want access to that building for my race as well. In other words, we both will have access to that building while you have total ownership of it]

[Wait bro…] Wryly seemed to be surprised by my request and went to ask for instructions from his paragon. It seemed Wryly got reprimanded heavily by his paragon, so that dude started to be more cautious when dealing with me.

“Alright boys, go and bring me all the dead strong dragons to me,” as he went to ask his paragon, I sent my boys into the entire battlefield inside and outside the city to bring my loot back.

I anticipated this loot so much. I now was in desperate need for more bones. I still had a deal with that nymph girl to bring me lots of soulers to strengthen my forces.

Just in the span of ten minutes, the area around my chariot was filled with small hills of dead dragon bodies. I estimated the final loot would be around a few thousand elites and leaders of this army.

Just as I started gathering up my loot from their inventory and gathering up their bones, Wryly finally replied with the paragon’s response.

[My paragon agrees to that but he also asks for our race to access other buildings around the city]

[If the ownership will still be mine then it’s ok] I didn’t have any issue at refusing such a deal, [Send a contract signed by your paragon and stating all these conditions. I’ll sign it now]

As I kept gathering up my loot and my boys kept bringing more bodies to me, I received the contract from Wryly.

It was signed by his paragon. After carefully reading it through for three times, I signed it.

I trusted Wryly but not his paragon. Wryly was a good man, kind hearted and didn’t have the scheming nature of other races. But I couldn’t say the same thing about his paragon.

But what that paragon requested was new to me. I knew each city was built in such a massive and grand way to make it a jewel in such a ruined world.

Yet since when have such cities had special buildings? Was that true? I started to grow a desire to take a stroll over my city and start exploring its buildings.

Who knew, I might stumble upon nice things here.

First I stayed for a few hours collecting the trophies and ate and drank to quench my thirst and hunger. I was a little tired, especially after the last stressful battle.

But it wasn’t time to sleep just yet. I gained a lot from this loot. The number of bones alone was already in the thousands right now, reaching almost ten thousands.

As for coins, I got two billion from these dragons. The last and biggest gain I got was from the dead body of that archlord.

His inventory was literally brimming with many treasures! Gears of black grade were there! That was mind blowing!

Yet I couldn’t even handle one of these weapons. Just taking one out would leave me experiencing what that big glaive of the chariot did to me before.

In addition to that, I found many useful machine gun-like big weapons. Up till now, that lady from the Bringold impact didn’t reply to me with any good news regarding these weapons.

But now I got around a few hundreds of such smaller weapons like what I had over my chariot. As for that big and grand weapon, I also got ten of them.

The ammunition for them was there, but not enough to sustain big successive battles. I didn’t feel any regret about that, as I already had my way to buy the grenades from the market and use them as ammunition.

In addition to that, I also found lots of small statues that all looked strange and new to my eyes.

Scrolls, lower grade gears in hundreds of thousands, and also many potions as well. This dude was just like a treasure volt walking on two legs, lol!

At this time, my forces were already out. They worked fast to claim their loot in the first hour before they led their forces out and started chasing their enemies.

The loot they gained during the last two epic fights gave them the fuel and desire to greed for more. Such greed was favourable indeed, and I simply wanted to ignite such desire even more.

As for Karoline, my girl entered the city through the tunnels in the second hour. During this time, she kept attacking and claiming the castles with emblems, slowly taking over the city.

But this city was really massive! Just as I finished, I sent a message to her to check upon her progress.

[I still didn’t cover even one tenth of the city] yet her answer was strange. She was leading an army of tens of thousands and yet she couldn’t take control over even one tenth of the city?

[Why?] I couldn’t help but ask.

[This city… Each building here is considered a castle of its own with an emblem in it!]

I was shocked to hear that! Now I was more eager to take a stroll over the city.

[Keep working hard then] I took my boys and led them on foot this time. If what she said was true, then it was better to walk and check every single building.

The first building I saw was a three story building that looked normal from the outside. It looked like a normal residential building on a wide street.

But just as I reached the building door, I noticed the presence of a group of monsters standing inside, waiting for me.

“Attack!” I didn’t hesitate to launch my boys. Yet the first thing I saw was the first ever failed attack of my soulers!

They just passed through the bodies of these monsters without giving them any harm. I blinked twice, and even rubbed my eyes. Damn! That was really happening!

I looked closer to the monsters and seriously examined them. They were like werewolves, big hairy bodies, big sharp claws and teeth. Their hair was ice white, and they had a long thick tail made out of white fur, reminding me of foxes.

Their eyes were wide with red vertical iris, reminding me of those dragons. I watched closely while more soulers tried their luck and failed.

“Oh… So you are like that dude then!” I noticed what was wrong here. Just when the soulers passed through them, their bodies turned hazy as if they weren’t real.

So the soulers passed through air and couldn’t hit these monsters at all. That explained while they failed, but made me recall the two giants that the dragon archlord summoned before.

After killing that dragon archlord, the two giants disappeared and were nowhere to be seen.

As for that dragon god energy, it was slowly decaying even till now. I estimated it would take almost a day or two to vanish.

If his energy would take such time to disappear, then what about the god himself? I sighed when recalling the past stressful moments, realising I just escaped certain death with pure luck.

I looked up at the monsters up front of me and couldn’t help but think about Karoline. She didn’t have my soulers, so how did she manage to kill these monsters then?

“Go!” I thought about something and gave the order to my Bulltors and shield warriors. The shield warriors go upfront and slam their unique attack at these monsters.

But they failed to even touch them! However when my Bulltors reached them, things started to change.

Their bodies that kept changing between illusion and reality didn’t show that phenomenon again. My Bulltors clashed with them and this time the monsters didn’t just stand idle and started to fight back.

A group of almost a hundred fought against my Bulltors fiercely. Just as the battle heated up, I snapped my fingers and without making a sound, my soulers jumped in the fray.

This time the monsters didn’t have time to switch to the illusionary phase. Their bodies fell over the ground heavily, causing a series of loud thuds all over the place.

“They are annoying,” I now realise why Karoline took such a long time fighting through the city and claiming the emblems. “Go, clean the rest of the buildings in this way,” I waved my arm and instantly all my warriors moved except for the cowardly illusionists, five of each warrior, and a group of a hundred soulers acting as my personal bodyguards.

The illusionists were really a headache to me. Even in such battles, their losses were mild and didn’t exceed a hundred! I was already at limits in dealing with these cowards and useless dudes.

They didn’t fight properly or show up at times of need. They usually ran away in times of distress, and would always find a way to survive with their cowardice no matter what!

Remarkable and disgusting! I had to find a way to put them into good use, or else find a good battle to throw them at and get rid of those useless bastards.

As I sent my boys out, I looked again at the pile of dead bodies of these monsters. Something told me these monsters were special. And that made me think back about the two giants I fought before.

Were they summoned by something in this city? Don’t tell me it was that building the Berserkers’ paragon asked for?

Anyway I secured an access to use that building by my contract. I just hoped it wouldn’t be the one to summon those giants. After all, I didn’t like to share such a tremendous weapon with anyone else.

But when I touched the bodies of these dead monsters, a strange message popped up in front of my eyes.

[You can’t take any loot or any bone from this monster]

[This monster is a half real half holographic projection summoned from the heart of the city and this castle’s emblem]

[Taking over the emblem will allow you to control the monsters in exchange for energy]

[This is a privilege given only to the owner of the city and the building]

[The owner of the city can give privilege to owners of the buildings to control the monsters related to each building]

[Controlled monsters will be able to fight by your side and answer your call]

[Each monster requires energy equal to one hundred Yewan, or one thousand stat points to live for one day]

“What the f*ck is that?!!!” I looked at the long row of messages in front of me, trying to get what was going on here.

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