I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 203 Impacts, Alchemy, And Forging!

I looked at the details of that building and couldn’t help but understand why that paragon asked for this building specifically.

Such a warmonger race would celebrate with such a boost in fighting using rage aura. I looked at this building before lightly chuckling.

It was indeed a good point to have such a rage aura in fight, but it wasn’t that much important in my eyes.

To me, the mercenary building held a lot more importance than this one. Congrats on this building Wryly, I doubted I’d use its potions in the same way you planned to use them.

After getting out the next few buildings rose the aura of healing, regeneration, and one that decreased the aura of fear. Also I found other buildings that could raise the stats with fifty up to one hundred percent using coins and other stuff.

In my eyes, these things were secondary. I had first to acquire a good army before thinking about such aura. Healing and raising stats might be suitable in fierce fights, but such power explosions wouldn’t help in the long run.

Humans had this weakness, called adaptation. When they get used to something, this might cause negative effects instead of positive boost.

Take strength stat for example. If my forces got potions to raise their strength stat with half or even double it, they would taste how powerful they became.

Other races might see in this a motivation to get stronger and reach such milestones. But to humans, most would just rely on these potions and might even neglect advancing themselves.

Not to mention they might neglect other stats or aspects they were lacking at the moment, including the vital experience in fighting big wars for example.

Why would they care about such a thing and they would feel themselves invincible at this stage of the apocalypse?

Nah, such a thing would act as a double edged sword in the hands of humans. This might help at this stage, but what about ten quests from now? Twenty? Or fifty?

Their strength addition wouldn’t matter that much if they didn’t work harder on themselves during this time. I gave my back entirely to these buildings, deciding to even seal them from the reach of the common folks I had.

That left only three buildings in front of me. One had a big circular coin made out of pure golden material and hung on the top of its biggest hall like a tower.

The second was a building that had many axes covering it. The last one had many bottles all over it.

I entered the first one to be welcomed with this message when I controlled its emblem:

[You gained control over the Albany city impact building]

[Here you can use coins, stat points, gears, or anything of value to buy different impacts statues and gain access to these important communities]

[The admission statues you’ll buy have to be processed first with the impacts higher ups. If they agree, then you are welcomed to join these impacts. If they refused, then you can wait for one month to try again]

[You can’t buy a statue of an impact without gaining access to that impact. Statues are the common currency of any impact, and here you can use your own currencies to exchange for them]

Damn cool! I finally found something worthy to be used in this special area!

[If you want to open an interface in your profile, you need to pay one million coins per month for that]

[Do you want to pay?]

“Of course I do!” without any hesitation I accepted before hurriedly opening the interface.

It was similar to the mercenary building interface. I found a long list that was very much detailed.

Unlike the names of mercenaries and their info, here I found things like: Impact speciality, Impact reputation, Impact current member count, Impact latest biggest achievement, Impact size, Impact quests, and much more of such interesting things.

But it shared the same layout of the mercenary building. There were names of impacts in red, silver, and green. The names in green were so few, much scarcer than what I found back at the mercenary building.

I was surprised to see the Bringold impact I belonged to had its name written in red. Damn! I was lucky then to join it before.

I didn’t hurry to join any impact for now. So far the Bringold impact was doing fine with my current needs.

If they fail to satisfy me in the future, then well… I’d spare more bones for other impacts.

The most important reason for me to not select one impact and join it for now was the good relations I had with that green nymph lady.

If I joined other impacts, it would be questionable if I’d have the same relation with one of the higher ups there. It was a risky move for now. Besides I didn’t have many bones at the moment to spare over two impacts.

I had many deals running recently with the Bringold impact. Be it the hostile races I asked for to be bought for me, the weapons that looked like that grand machine gun I had in my chariot, the soulers quest, and also the fallen gods deal.

I wouldn’t risk dividing up my current limited wealth over two impacts.

As I reached the next building, I already decided to keep that impact building for later use.

I entered the building with many bottles over its surface. Once I controlled its emblem, I got this message:

[You gained control over the Albany city alchemy associations building]

[Here you can use coins, stat points, gears, or anything of value to buy access tokens for any alchemy association in the universe]

[You can also buy out as many association bottles to use as currency there. But you can’t buy a bottle of any association before getting accepted first]

[Each token of any alchemy association must be reviewed first by that association higher ups. If they refused, then you’ll have to wait for one more month before reapplying again]

[You can pay one million coins to have an interface opened in your profile]

[Do you want to pay that?]

“Pay,” I finally found a way to get as many potions as I wanted.

I got potions before from the inventories of all the big names I killed. Yet considering the large number of forces under my banner, this amount paled much in comparison.

In fact these potions didn’t play any role at all in my fights. And I hardly believed they’d play any role to me in the future.

My path was different from others. But I wouldn’t dare to say such things about my forces.

Even my team members would be in dire need of such a supply of potions.

I also wanted to learn how to make potions for my future plans. After all, the way to develop the antique powder weapon arsenal humans had right now into deadly stuff that could do wonders in the apocalypse required knowledge about alchemy.

Yet such knowledge was known to be so hard to gain access to. I was planning to ask the green nymph lady for help in this matter. But now I had such a building and these long lists of names of alchemy associations under my fingertips.

The lists I opened were filled with many names. Yet compared with the other two lists I surfed through before, this one looked quite shorter.

It also had parts to give details about them. Things like the kind of potions they develop, the type of pills they develop, the current estimate of their reserve pills, the current estimate of their reserve potions, their size, the branches they had in apocalyptic worlds, and even the range of their prices told in three ways: Cheap, fine prices, and expensive.

As for their names, they were also displayed in three colours. I searched for the silver ones and instantly auto filled their documents and sent these for their approval.

I didn’t even think about green ones. Without the need to check, I knew these were the rubbish of all the associations out there in the big universe.

If I had a choice, then I’d definitely aim towards the red names. But they blocked any access to them for me. So the silver names were just fine for now.

I needed information, help, and also tips and advice about how to make different potions. After all I needed these to teach many of my forces this craft, hopefully some would grow to be masters or grandmasters in such a difficult field.

As I filled these forms, I walked to the last building here. It was the one with axes all over its surface.

“One for impacts, one for alchemy, then this one must be for forging, right?”

It was a simple thing to guess. The messages that came after taking over this building’s emblem proved my guess to be right.

The messages told me the same content of the previous ones. I paid one million coins and started to explore the list of names in concentration.

If I needed alchemy to evolve the current human arsenal, then I’d need much more forging to make this dream come true.

The admission symbol of these forging guilds was a forging hammer with inscription of each guild’s symbol over its sides. As for their currencies, they were in the form of fist sized ores, representing the most valuable thing to these blacksmiths.

The names this time had zero green guild in the list. Only less than twenty guilds were in silver with hundreds in red colour.

I auto filled the forms to apply for all the silver guilds, hoping one of them would accept my request or more.

As I needed manuals to teach my boys how to make potions and learn alchemy, I also needed similar manuals to teach them forging.

I’d be only satisfied with that step for now. According to the records I read before about forging and alchemy, they shared one simple phrase that was similar to both rare fields.

“Knowledge can get you only to be a seasoned disciple in each field, but to be a master or higher you truly need guidance from someone higher than this grade,” I muttered this phrase while taking a deep breath.

It was a long road, such a long path that would leave anyone else dejected and depressed.

But not me! I’d prefer to try my luck with everything I got, hopefully I’d be able to achieve all my goals and even get some luck and excel as well.

[Have you controlled all the city yet?] As I finished dealing with this central zone, I sent this message to Karoline.

[Almost, give or take an hour]

“An hour…” I muttered before sending to her, [After finishing everything, go outside. First fill all the tunnels we dug with dirt. Then lead everyone to start digging a deep and wide trench around the city]

[Trench?!!] she asked in surprise, [Will we need the same machines again?]

I thought and saw this as a good suggestion. Yet most of these machines were destroyed when that bastard came and crushed over my forces with his.

[I’ll buy another batch and leave them at the central region] I sent to her before adding, [I might be busy when you come. So just take the machines and make them start working ASAP]

[Got it!]

This girl was really lovely. She didn’t even ask about what I was getting busy at.

I sent over another request to the lady green nymph to get another batch of these tools. She was delighted to get five more bones from me, and I ended up having another one hundred thousand digging machines.

I took them out, just outside the central region. They were eye catchy even from far thanks to their big bodies.

“It’s all ready,” I rubbed imaginary dirt off my hands, “now it’s time for me to check over this disaster.”

Of course I didn’t forget what I heard when that god contacted me before. The system told me clearly that my channel was sealed.

I first thought that my channel gods were prohibited from talking to me out of fear. The jumper’s god even confirmed this before and that jumper wasn’t the kind to lie or something.

Putting the info I got from that god that the human war shrine was already gone, things became strangely linked together and made quite sense.

So I got played out! Perfectly played out! Just thinking about this made my blood boil.

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